An Entitiy Component System for MonoGame,
(systems are called services oops)
The ECS Library is nearly finished, there are more optimizations that can be done. Like adding a Archetypes organizer for components which is faster when calculating NOT and ONLY queries and maybe the ALL
class Transform : Component {
public Vector2 position;
public Vector2 direction;
public Vector2 scale;
World world = new World;
Entity entity = world.CreateEntity()
entity.GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector2(10,10);
entity.GetComponent<Sprite>().texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Person");
Type[] include = new Type[] {
Type[] exclude = new Type[] {
Query q1 = Query.All(include);
Query q2 = Query.All(include).Not(exclude);
Query q3 = Query.Only(include);
class ExampleService : Service{
static Type[] includeComponents = new Type[]{typeof(Transform)};
public ExampleService(){
query = Query.All(includeComponents);
public override void Execute(Entity[] entities){
Parallel.foreach(entities, entity => {
Transform transform = entitiy.GetComponent<Transform>();
// game logic that manipulates included components
The engine can load entities from a yaml file. A file can contain mutliple entities and is made up of the components that store that entities data. In the future a tool may be made to make the construction of entities easier. E.G a web app that can create entities by selecting the components and filling in the values.
- Sprite:
texture: bush
X: 16
Y: 16
scale: 4
flipX: false
flipY: false
rotation: 0
X: 32
Y: 32
X: 0
Y: 0
speed: 0
isOnFire: false
percentChanceToSpread: 10
damagePerUpdate: 1
- Archtypes
Monogame services
- Colliders
- Actors
- Actor Parent-Child relationships
- UI components
- Entities loaded from files can't have actions, can probably get around this by listing the name of the action in a class?