A minimal-weight utility similar to lodash.get
. For when every byte counts!
get(/* root, path [, default] */)
- An object or array to traverse
- A string of the path, or an array of property names to be traversed
- [optional] A value to be returned if the path does not exist or results in an undefined value
The value found at the path on the root object or array, if it exists. If the path is invalid or results in
an undefined value, then tiny-get
will return undefined
or the default value if passed.
import { get } from '@ngard/tiny-get';
const value = get(baseObj, 'really.deep.value', 'defaultValue');
const value = get(baseObj, 'really["deep"].value', 'defaultValue');
const value = get(baseObj, ['really', 'deep', 'value'], 'defaultValue');