If you want to download the build then go to the gamebanana, website, or gamejolt
You must have the most up-to-date version of Haxe, seriously, stop using 4.1.5, it misses some stuff.
Follow a Friday Night Funkin' source code compilation tutorial, after this you will need to install LuaJIT.
To install LuaJIT do this: haxelib git linc_luajit https://github.com/nebulazorua/linc_luajit
on a Command prompt/PowerShell
...Or if you don't want your mod to be able to run .lua scripts, delete the "LUA_ALLOWED" line on Project.xml
If you get an error about StatePointer when using Lua, run haxelib remove linc_luajit
into Command Prompt/PowerShell, then re-install linc_luajit.
If you want video support on your mod, simply do haxelib install hxCodec
on a Command prompt/PowerShell
otherwise, you can delete the "VIDEOS_ALLOWED" Line on Project.xml
- Sacs (Director / Artist / Animator)
- NickIdk (Co-Director / Coder)
- Everyone who worked on the mod.
- On Trauma you can toggle custom timebar, healthbar. Also you could toggle note bounce, icon bop, target fade, noteCombo, and arrows skin.
- You can change Controls and Preferences there.
- On Preferences you can toggle Downscroll, Middlescroll, Anti-Aliasing, Framerate, Low Quality, Note Splashes, Flashing Lights, etc.
Thanks for visiting the github and downloading. More version coming soon.