The idea behind this application is to handle orders given by the customers to pizzeria online and managing realtime status between customers and admin (i.e. Pizzeria Owner) with the help of web sockets. Note that web page is responsive as well.
This is project built using Node.js and it uses the data stored in the database. All menu information, users, orders are stored in the MongoDB database.
This is how web site look like when customer visits web site.
User interface for admin (i.e. Pizzeria Owner)
- Install Node.js from official website. I recommend download LTS version.
- Install MongoDB Compass from official website.
- Create new database and import data to that database by using this JSON file.
- Clone this repository.
- Install all dependecies.
- Go to the terminal and enter yarn watch to run bundling of files.
- After that enter yarn dev to run development server.
- Finally, in any browser go to localhost (http://localhost:3000/).
- If you encounter any error during these steps see note section below.
- Before running this project make sure that you have installed yarn and all the dependencies of the project.
- Make sure that you have configured database properally with given JSON file.
- This project can be converted to any other Online Food Ordering System as well.
- Adding UPI Payments support
Happy Development ❤️