The goal of this project is to implement a (very) rudimentary database engine that is loosely based on a hybrid between MySQL and SQLite, which I call DavisBase. Your implementation should operate entirely from the command line and API calls (no GUI). Your database will only need to support actions on a single table at a time, no joins or nested queries. Like MySQL's InnoDB data engine (SDL), your program will use file-per-table approach to physical storage. Each database table will be physcially stored as a separate file. Each table file will be subdivided into logical sections of fixed equal size call pages. Therefore, each table file size will be exact increments of the global page_size attribute, i.e. all data files must share the same page_size attribute. You may make page_size be a configurable attribute, but you must support a page size of 512 Bytes. The test scenarios for grading will be based on a page_size of 512B. Once a database is initialized, your are not required to support a reformat change to its page_size (but you may implement such a feature if you choose). You may use any programming language you like, but all examples will be in Java.
Read Me:
Default page size: 512 Degree of B tree: 4
Leaf header: 1 00X00 Page type 1 00X01 No of cells 2 00X02 Start of cell pointer 4 00X04 Right pointer 2 * n 00X08 Record pointer
Interior page header: 1 00X00 Page type 4 00X01 Left pointer 4 00X05 Index 4 00X09 Right pointer 4 00X0D Right most pointer 4 00X11 Parent pointer
Supported Commands: All commands below are case insensitive
CREATE database database_name; Create new database.
CREATE table table_name(id int, name varchar);
Create new table under respective database.
USE database_name;
Switched to new database.
DESCRIBE table_name;
Display all the columns of table_name.
SHOW tables;
Display all tables under respective database.
SHOW databases;
Display all the databases present in the system.
SELECT * FROM table_name;
Display all records in the table.
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE rowid = ;
Display records whose rowid is .
DELETE * FROM table_name WHERE rowid = ;
Delete records whose rowid is .
DROP TABLE table_name;
Remove table data and its schema.
DROP Database database_name;
Remove database and its table.
Show the program version.
Show this help information.
Exit the program.