I am Computer Science and Web Development enthusiast, looking to launch a career on my passion of building web applications and services. Familiar with development and deployment of many web technologies.
HTML, CSS ( Sass, Tailwind ), Javascript ( ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, Webpack, JEST ), git, Linux/UNIX, C++.
- LIVE! --- Note Application (React + Typescript + NextJS + MongoDB + Sass)
- LIVE! --- Sample E-shop (React + NextJS + MongoDB)
- LIVE! --- Dynamic content Web Application (React + NextJS + MongoDB)
- Dark theme persisting on refresh using Local Storage
- i18n Internationalization
- Favicon
- The MERN template I created and use for my projects!
Followed the Odin Project Curriculum from July 2022 to December 2022
I have completed several of the Curriculum's projects which you can see! Please check my public repositories.
- LIVE! --- Small site with online test
- Use React with hooks useState and useEffect
- Use NASA Picture of the Day API
- LIVE! --- Memory Card Game
- Use React with hooks useState and useEffect
- LIVE! --- Weather API
- Use an API to fetch data.
- LIVE! --- Rock Paper Scissors Game
- LIVE! --- Tic Tac Toe Game
- LIVE! --- Calculator
- LIVE! --- Sign-up Form
- Create a form and add simple user-friendly validation
- LIVE! --- Admin Dashboard
- Create a page as close to given sample as possible
- Grid and Flex CSS
- TailwindCSS
- Programming Principles and Practice using C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup
- Structure and Implementation of Computer Programs, by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman
- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, by Randal Bryant and David O'Hallaron
- DOM Enlightement, by Code Lindley
- next in queue -> The Algorithm Design Manual, by Steven Skiena
- Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach, by Jim Kurose
- Eloquent Javascript, by Marijn Haverbeke
- You do not know JS yet, by Kyle Simpson
- 📫 How to reach me
- [email protected]
- +0030 6988 655 484