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Releases: Ninjabrain1/Ninjabrain-Bot


07 Apr 21:25
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New features

  • Add option to enable boat mode by default (in Settings -> Optional features -> High precision)
  • Add option to display negative coords in a different color (in Settings -> Advanced)


  • Fix that the settings window was not visible for some users
  • Fix certain hotkeys not working on Windows (e.g. the numpad)


  • Czech updated
  • Traditional Chinese updated


02 Feb 23:19
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⚠️Due to hotkey changes in this update some of your saved hotkeys might stop working after upgrading to this version. If this happens, you need to set them again in the settings.


  • Boat throws: Calibrator now supports boat throws, if boat throws are enabled in the settings the calibrator will automatically calibrate your boat standard deviation instead of the normal standard deviation. (Thanks to @ExeRSolver)
  • Boat throws: you can now enter the boat during its initial rotation, no need to wait for its rotation to settle. (Thanks to @ExeRSolver)


  • Fix that the MC version warning would show when the version could not be detected.
  • Fix that the blind calculator would not work if a fossil had been registered in a previous run in the session.
  • Fix that F3+C would sometimes not register because of boat hotkey being enabled, even if boat throws are disabled in settings.
  • Fix the color of the angle column in detailed view mode being inconsistent with the other columns.
  • Fix that inputting a fossil for divine would not register if the last fossil that was added in the session (if any) had the same x-value.
  • Fix tall resolution pixel correction being inaccurate. (Thanks @ExeRSolver)
  • Fix that the program does not work on some servers. It does still not work on all servers, but will work on more now. (Thanks to @Fabo0814)
  • Linux: Fix that the application would crash on startup or not render on certain linux systems. (Thanks to @GroobleDierne)
  • Linux: Fix that calibration not working properly. (Thanks to @GroobleDierne)


  • Czech added by bobik
  • Turkish added by @yorunoken
  • Ukrainian added by krank
  • Korean translation updated by @RedLime
  • Traditional and simplified Chinese translation updated by @Crsuh2er0
  • Russian translation updated by kW1st and others


26 Apr 18:46
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  • Added workaround for Java bug that would turn the window black when the window was dragged to another monitor.
  • Made the program compatible with Java 8 (Java 15 was required in 1.4.0)
  • Fixed bug that the language could not be set to English if the PC's default language was available as an option.
  • Fixed bug that the angle to the stronghold was sometimes off by 360 degrees (e.g. -350 instead of 10).
  • Fixed bug that window size would not update in basic view when "show direction to stronghold" was toggled in the settings, and corrected the color of the label that shows the direction to the stronghold in basic view.
  • Fixed bug that the calculator would automatically reset after 15 minutes, even if the setting was disabled.
  • Fixed bug that All Advancements mode would enable on new worlds under certain conditions.
  • Fixed bug that All Advancements mode would flash for a split second when entering an instance where the previous world had entered the end.


  • French by Antoine


24 Apr 20:07
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This is by far the biggest update Ninjabrain Bot has ever received, including lots of new features and improvements

New features

  • Auto-reset when resetting the world. With this setting enabled the calculator will reset when your active Minecraft world is reset, by reading your saves folder. This feature is only supported on Windows.
  • Multiple undo steps. You can now undo many times in a row, previously you could only do it to once. A "Redo" button has also been added for this reason.
  • Tall resolution macro support. Subpixel adjustments now work with tall resolution, instead of adding or subtracting 0.01 from the angle, the angle will be changed by 1 pixel for each adjustment. E.g. if your crosshair is off by 4 pixels, you can correct the angle by pressing the corresponding subpixel adjustment hotkey 4 times. Added by @ExeRSolver.
  • Boat throw support. ExeRSolver and Sharpieman20 have been working on a new method of making more precise ender eye measurements, almost guaranteeing to hit the stronghold with one eye, which is now implemented in Ninjabrain Bot. By entering and exiting a boat the player's angle is reset to a predictable value. This allows the bot to infer more angle decimals than what is given by the F3+C command, when ender eye measurements are made. This feature relies on the tall resoultion macro. More info:
  • Information messages. Added various info messages that can pop up under certain conditions.
    • Direction and distance advice for next measurement. This information message appears when triangulating, and will tell you how far sideways you need to go to get ~95% certainty after your next ender eye throw. Does not appear all the time if your standard deviation is high, since with a large std you're not guaranteed to get 95% certainty in two throws every time. Needs to be enabled in Optional features -> Information messages.
    • Neighboring offsets help. If the top two offsets are neighboring, it is possible to build your second portal in between them and the portal will be close enough to hit the stronghold no matter which offset is the real one. This message will appear when the bot detects that it is possible to build your portal between two neighboring offsets, and hence combine their %. Enabled by default, can be disabled in Optional features -> Information messages.
    • Portal linking. If the stronghold is too close to your blind portal, the bot will display a warning that your second portal might link to your first. Enabled by default, can be disabled in Optional features -> Information messages.
    • Mismeasure warning. If the bot detects that you likely mismeasured (your angle errors are large), a warning will be displayed indicating that the calculator result might not be trustworthy. Needs to be enabled in Optional features -> Information messages.
    • Wrong Minecraft version. If the bot detects that the Minecraft version of your active Minecraft window does not match what is chosen in the settings, a warning will be shown. This feature is available on Windows only.
  • Coordinate saving for All Advancements. Allows you to save coordinates of structures after the any% split. This mode can either be turned on automatically when you enter the end (by reading your saves file, Windows only), or through a hotkey. You can save:
    • Spawn/shulker, press F3+C at spawn (x and z less than 300) while standing on the ground.
    • Monument, press F3+C while underwater (y less than 63).
    • Outpost, look at the center of the outpost and press F3+C. The bot will approximate the location of the outpost based on where you are looking.
  • More themes. Themes are now in their own section in the settings, and there are a lot more of them.
  • Theme editor. In addition to the new default themes, you can now also create your own. You can also share the themes you have created using the export/import feature.


  • Added a splash screen when starting the bot.
  • Slightly improved fossil divine accuracy when combined with ender eyes.
  • Slightly improved the accuracy of blind travel calculations.
  • Slightly improved ender eye measurements, thanks to discovery by @ExeRSolver.
  • Improved performance, ~50% lower CPU usage, and ~99% lower GPU usage.
  • Improved the look of the settings menus by making them more consistent.
  • The distance to the stronghold now shows the distance to 4,4 instead of 8,8.
  • The "Show direction to stronghold" setting will now show the direction to 4,4 instead of 8,8.
  • Created "Optional features" section in the settings, which now contains the previously existing "Show direction to stronghold" settings, as well as settings for Information messages, All Advancements mode, and High precision settings (Tall resolution macro settings, and boat throw settings).

New supported languages


  • Fix bug in basic view mode that the overworld and nether distance to the stronghold would both be off by a factor of 8 when doing F3+C in the nether.
  • Fix bug that the window size would not update when many (5+) ender eye throws were cleared at once.
  • Fix text being cut off in blind travel mode when coords were too large.


01 Oct 12:14
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New features

  • Support for Minecraft 1.9-1.12. In these versions F3+C doesn't work, but now you can also input eye throws into the bot by typing your x, z, and angle in chat and copying it to your clipboard, e.g. -180 213 63.2 if the following are your coordinates (Important, use Block coords, not XYZ):

    A new setting has been added, Standard deviation 1.9-1.12 which is the standard deviation that will be used if you use this method of inputting ender eye throws. It defaults to 0.03, and it is not recommended to go any lower than this, as the angle only has 1 decimal point of precision when you input it this way, as opposed to 2 with F3+C. Any ender eye throws that are inputted this way will have a cyan dot next to it, to show that it uses the standard deviation for 1.9-1.12, as shown in the following image.
  • Language options (thanks to @LingMuQingYu). It is now possible to change the language of the bot to any of the supported languages, in case you dont want to use your default language.


  • Pressing F3+C in the nether when you have already inputted ender eye throws will now show the distance in the nether to the stronghold, as opposed to the distance in the overworld.
  • Hotkeys which dont use any modifiers (Shift/Ctrl/Mouse buttons/etc.) will now work even if modifiers are pressed down. Previously this would cause hotkeys to become unresponsive if you pressed them while holding down e.g. Shift or a mouse button.


28 Jun 15:16
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New features

  • Support for Minecraft 1.19 (toggleable in settings). In 1.19 the ender eyes seem to be a few pixels off about 50% of the time, without a known explanation yet. To get reliable results it is recommended to move a lot more to the side between eye throws.
  • Italian translation (thanks to @Dar9586)


21 May 02:56
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New features

  • Direction help. If you press F3+C while looking down the bot will tell you what direction the stronghold is from your current position (and in parentheses how many degrees you need to turn), which is useful if you have gone off angle while traveling. This will also update the distance to the stronghold, and can be done in both the overworld and the nether (in the nether you don't have to look down, however). This feature has to be enabled in the settings by checking "Show direction to stronghold".
  • Locked mode. By pressing a configurable hotkey you can toggle "locked mode", in which the calculator will not respond to reset/undo/subpixel adjustment hotkeys, so that you do not change the result by accident. If you press F3+C in locked mode it will not act as a new eye throw, but it will update the distance and angle to the stronghold (for the purposes of "Direction help").
  • Overlay auto hide options. There is now an option to auto hide the OBS overlay after it has not updated in a while, and another option to hide the overlay when in locked mode. Both of these options are useful if you dont want the overlay to show for an extended period of time, but you still want to keep the result for yourself (e.g. in all advancements).
  • Korean translation

Small changes

  • New larger text size option.
  • Improved look of text (less blurry).
  • Split settings menu into tabs.
  • Minor optimizations.


  • Calibration now works on Mac OS.
  • Calibration now doesn't change your FOV (previously it would ask you to fly in creative, which increases your FOV).
  • Subpixel adjusting an eye throw that uses alt. std. will no longer disable alt. std. for that throw.

Thanks to @Blu3Smoke for adding most of the features of locked mode and direction help, and @RedLime for translating to Korean.


28 Jan 03:09
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This version has been approved and is legal for runs submited on
New features

  • Added fossil divine.
    • Target the fossil start and press F3+I to get the divine coords.
    • The blind feature (press F3+C anywhere in the nether) also works with divine, accurately showing how good your current coords are if you have a fossil. You will also be told where to go to improve your coords.
    • Finally, the calculator will combine divine and eye throws to improve the accuracy of triangulation, which can be particularly useful for one-eye triangulation.
  • OBS Overlay. For a livestream it can enhance the viewer experience if the viewers see what the bot tells the streamer, but having it on screen all the time just wastes space. The overlay shows exactly what the window shows, but will automatically hide when the bot is not showing anything (e.g. after a reset). Enable it in the settings and add to OBS using an image source.
  • Chinese translation thanks to @liuzhengjin and @Crsuh2er0.


27 Dec 18:32
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1.1.1-pre1 Pre-release

Chinese localisation thanks to @liuzhengjin


16 Dec 03:00
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New features

  • Added standard deviation toggle. In addition to your normal standard deviation, you can now set an altervative standard deviation in the settings. By pressing a hotkey you can make your last angle use the alternative standard deviation instead of your normal one. This can be used if you want to combine measurements that have different precision, e.g. one angle that is subpixel adjusted and another one for distance checking.
  • Added blind travel support, press F3+C in the nether to evaluate your blind coords.
  • Added detailed view, which shows the top 5 predictions of the stronghold, instead of just one. This mode can be turned on in the settings.
  • Added crosshair correction, which can be used to correct crosshair misalignment. Usually the crosshair is aligned correctly but on certain resolutions combined with certain in-game settings it's not. On 1440p Fullscreen GUI scale 3 (31 FOV) you should set it to 0.026, and on 1440p Fullscreen GUI scale 0 (31 FOV) you should set it to 0.104. No other resolutions are currently known to cause crosshair misalignment.


  • Added the option to turn on "alternative clipboard reader", which may fix responsitivity issues for some users.