Sequence of learning:
- Basic types and variables in rust
- Control flow
- Functions
- Iterators
- Pointers, Box, Options
- References, Ownership and Borrowing
Sl.No | Folder | Description |
0 | hello_world | Basic RUST program that prints "Hello World" |
1 | variables | Basic RUST variable types, mutability, shadowing |
2 | iterator | Control flow and iterators that are part of RUST |
3 | functions | Introduction to functions in RUST |
4 | strings | Introduction to RUST strings and string slices |
5 | pointers | Introduction to pointers in RUST |
6 | boxes | Introduction to Box smart pointers in RUST |
7 | ownership | Introduction to Ownership in RUST |
8 | borrowing | Introduction to Borrowing in RUST |
9 | sll | Singly linked list implementation in RUST |
ADVANCED RUST PROBLEMS are inside the advanced_rust folder
Sl.No | Folder | Description |
1 | problem1-vec2d | Solve the island problem using 2D vectors |
2 | problem2-box-bt | Create a binary tree using the Box smart pointer |
3 | problem3-enums_structs_and_hashmaps | Implement the critical functions of a library management system |
4 | problem4-multithreading | Generate prime numbers in a multi-threaded manner without sorting |
5 | problem5-lifetimes | Implement lifetimes for the problem to avoid cloning a string everytime |