The app is used to automate the machine learning pipeline by using the MiniBatch Kmeans algorithm on the iris dataset used to predict three species of flowers setosa(0),versicolor(1),virginica (2)
The app uses Swagger API to provide a front end that services users input, csv file format input and live streaming API, to produce the live predictions
|src -- contains the main app to be run
app -- main application file
|template --default templates
|index.html --welcome page
|Dockerfile -- spin up a docker
|Finalized_model --pickle file
|testinput_file.csv --sample inputs fed to the app during dev
start zookeeper
start kafka
modify the host for kafka and zookeeper since the Dockertool box was used
pip install -r requirements.txt
run producer on a topic
access on the browser
Live stream is based on generator and will not be rendered on swagger however can be accessed as
For Example: on the browser directly