Tasks is a todo app built with Flutter that uses Firebase as the backend for data storage and authentication.
To use ## Tasks, users must sign up and log in using their email address and password. Tasks app uses Firebase Authentication to manage user authentication.
To add a new task, click the "+" button in the top right corner of the home screen. Enter the task title and description, date, time if want in the input fields and click the "Save" button to save the task
To add a new list, click the "+ New list" button in the appbar, top of the screen, Enter the title and press "Save" button.
To mark a task as completed, tap on the check box curresponding to the task.
To mark a task as incomplete, tap on the check box curresponding to the completed task to uncheck it.
To delete a task, long press on the task then confirm to delete.
To delete a list, long press on the list title then confirm to delete.
Tasks app uses Firebase Cloud Firestore as its backend, which allows for automatic data backups
- Flutter 2.5.3 or newer
- Android Studio or Xcode
- Firebase account
- animation_list
- checkmark
- cloud_firestore
- expandable
- firebase_auth
- firebase_core
- mailer
- shared_preferences