The extension of N0rthWestW1nd for music functions.
- Things you can normally do in N0rthWestW1nd music, including:
- Playing soundtracks from YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud, Musescore, Google Drive, attachments and direct URLs.
- Looping/Repeating
- Saving and loading queues
- And other features...
- Radio, which can play soundtracks 24/7
- Permissions, allowing you to choose who can alter the queue
- Users with ADMINISTRATOR, MANAGE GUILD or MANAGE CHANNELS can always alter the queue
TradeW1nd shares the same database with N0rthWestW1nd. Stored data will not be visible to anyone other than TradeW1nd, N0rthWestW1nd and the author NorthWestWind.
- User IDs for identification
- Guild IDs for identification
- Server queues
- User queues
If you are highly concerned about the data stored, you may ask NorthWestWind#1885 to manually delete them.