Novixx WebSharp is a library to create websites in C#! It is easy to use.
Either go to the releases tab, or install it from NuGet
Import the library (obviously) and then create a new instance of the Website
Here is an example program:
using Novixx.WebSharp;
namespace Qualle
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Website website = new Website("Qualle", @"
<p>Welcome to Qualle!</p>", @"
<p>Qualle is a project by <a href="""">Novixx Systems</a>.</p>
</html>", 8000);
Page index = new Page("/", "This will get replaced", new Func<string>(createLog), new Func<string>(createLog));
static string createLog()
if (new Random().Next(0, 2) == 0)
return "Hello";
return "Hello World";