Sets up creating DKAN instances in AWS using CloudFormation. Sets up an instance with ElasticLoadBalancer in front of an AutoScale Group of EC2 webservers that connect to an RDS instance.
This currently includes two roles:
- CloudFormation template for setting up new instances of a HA DKAN sitedkan_aws_network
- Creates VPC for instances created bydkan_aws_as_cf
This includes two example projects, the cities "Mos Eisley" and "Cloud City".
To spin up the stack-wide VPC:
ansible-playbook network.yml
To spin up instances for the two cities:
ansible-playbook instances.yml
To change the number of default webservers for "Cloud City", add webserver_capicity: 3
to inventory/host_vars/bespin-cloud-city
and rerun the instances.yml
brew cask update
brew cask install packer
git clone nucivic/ansible-dkan-aws
cd ansible-dkan-aws/roles/dkan_aws_ami
ansible-galaxy install -p roles -r requirements.yml --force
packer build dkan-aws.json
- build up VPC
- create default ami
- create ami update process
- create basic deploy script
- takes CF vars
- git repo
- rds creds
- d3 creds
- to be replaced by rpm packages
- takes CF vars
- create dev - test - prod workflow
- Push change through CF? How long does that take?
- variable state saved somewhere else?
- loop through dev,test,prod on ansible for each host?
with_items: "{{somelist}}"
- Push change through CF? How long does that take?
- dns
- memcache
- logging