bacnet client written in go.
learn some golang
if you don't know it first :)
go mod tidy
For usage run:
go mod tidy
cd cli
go run main.go --help
change out the interface and device and so on
go run main.go whois --interface=wlp3s0
go run main.go whois --interface=wlp3s0
go run main.go read --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --objectID=1 --objectType=1 --property=87
go run main.go write --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --address= --network=4 --mstp=1 --objectID=1 --objectType=1 --property=85 --priority=16 --value=21
go run main.go write --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --objectID=1 --objectType=1 --property=85 --priority=16 --null=true
- router ip:
- bacnet router network number: 4
- bacnet mstp(rs485) mac address (between 0-255): 1
go run main.go read --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --address= --network=4 --mstp=1 --objectID=1 --objectType=1 --property=85
get device name
go run main.go read --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --address= --network=4 --mstp=1 --objectID=202 --objectType=8 --property=77
Max APDU Length is important on for read/write prop multiple
In the variable "Max APDU Length Accepted" the following are the values that can be returned:
mstp device: 480
ip device: 1476
get device MaxApdu length over MSTP will return 480
go run main.go read --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --address= --network=4 --mstp=1 --objectID=202 --objectType=8 --property=62
get device MaxApdu length and on the same device but over IP will return 1476
go run main.go read --interface=wlp3s0 --device=202 --address= --network=0 --mstp=0 --objectID=202 --objectType=8 --property=62
- Who Is
- Iam
- Read Property
- Read Multiple Property (beta)
- Read Range
- Write Property
- Write Property Multiple (beta)
- Who Has
- What Is Network Number (beta)
- Who Is Router To Network (beta)
- Change of Value Notification
- Event Notification
- Subscribe Change of Value
- Atomic Read File
- Atomic Write File
- Who Is
- Iam
- Read Property
- Read Multiple Property
- Read Range
- Write Property
- Write Property Multiple
- Who Has
- What Is Network Number
- Who Is Router To Network
- Atomic Read File
- Atomic Write File
- Johnson Controls (FEC)
- Easy-IO 30p, tested over IP and ms-tp
- Delta Controls
- Reliable Controls
- Honeywell Spyder
- Niagara N4 jace
- Schneider
- bacnet-stack
- bacnet-4j
- bacpypes
This library is heavily based on the BACnet-Stack library originally written by Steve Karg.
- Ported and all credit to alex from
- And ideas from
example whois
bytes := []byte{
0x81, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x08, // BVLC
0x01, 0x00, // NPDU
0x10, 0x08, // APDU
pc, err := net.ListenPacket("udp4", ":47809")
if err != nil {
defer pc.Close()
addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp4", "")
if err != nil {
_, err = pc.WriteTo(bytes, addr)
if err != nil {
d := make([]byte, 1)
a, b, c := pc.ReadFrom(d)