Ultra-basic slideshow for iOS (ARC only). Support manual or automatic slideshow, with fade and slide transitions.
###Normal install
Simply copy into your project folder :
- KASlideShow.h
- KASlideShow.m
###Using cocoapods
add this line to your Podfile :
pod 'KASlideShow'
###Creation of a slideshow
slideShow.delegate = self
slideShow.delay = 1 // Delay between transitions
slideShow.transitionDuration = 0.5 // Transition duration
slideShow.transitionType = KASlideShowTransitionType.Fade // Choose a transition type (fade or slide)
slideShow.imagesContentMode = .ScaleAspectFill // Choose a content mode for images to display
slideShow.addImagesFromResources(["test_1.jpeg", "test_2.jpeg", "test_3.jpeg"]) // Add images from resources
slideShow.addGesture(KASlideShowGestureType.Tap) // Gesture to go previous/next directly on the image (Tap or Swipe)
###Other methods to add images
slideShow.addImage(<#T##image: UIImage!##UIImage!#>)
###Use of a slideshow
slideShow.next() // Go to the next image
slideShow.previous() // Got to the previous image
slideShow.start() // Start automatic slideshow
slideShow.stop() // Stop automatic slideshow
You can also implement this protocol to use the slideshow in a more memory efficient way.
func slideShow(slideShow: KASlideShow, imageForPosition position: KASlideShowPosition) -> UIImage {
Don't forget to set the delegate !
slideShow.delegate = self
func kaSlideShowWillShowNext(slideshow: KASlideShow) {
func kaSlideShowWillShowPrevious(slideshow: KASlideShow) {
func kaSlideShowDidShowNext(slideshow: KASlideShow) {
func kaSlideShowDidShowPrevious(slideshow: KASlideShow) {
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