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[bitv] Rewrite the canonizer
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This is a full rewrite of the Canonizer module in the bitvector solver.
The new Canonizer (now called Canon) performs the same work as the
old one, but does so slightly differently -- in particular, we now build
terms lazily, which allows us to ignore parts of the tree for

The main motivation is actually not performance, but the ability to
integrate bitwise operators (bvnot, bvand, bvor) into the canonizer in a
more natural way. This is essentially the same architecture as that of
`make_aux` from #669, but lifted to use a simple custom type (`view`) to
avoid building new terms during canonization and benefit from match
exhaustiveness checks.
  • Loading branch information
bclement-ocp committed Jul 11, 2023
1 parent 12fca0e commit ec3538b
Showing 1 changed file with 157 additions and 174 deletions.
331 changes: 157 additions & 174 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -192,137 +192,144 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let compare = compare_solver_simple_term

module Canonizer = struct

type term_aux =
| I_Cte of bool
| I_Other of X.r
| I_Ext of term * int * int
| I_Comp of term * term

and term = term_aux alpha_term

let rec compare_term_aux t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
| I_Cte true, I_Cte true
| I_Cte false, I_Cte false -> 0
| I_Cte true, I_Cte _ -> 1
| I_Cte _, I_Cte _ -> -1

| I_Other xterm1, I_Other xterm2 -> X.str_cmp xterm1 xterm2

| I_Ext (t, i, j), I_Ext (t', i', j') ->
if i <> i' then i - i'
else if j <> j' then j - j'
else compare_term t t'

| I_Comp (t1, t2), I_Comp (t1', t2') ->
let cmp = compare_term t1 t1' in
if cmp = 0 then compare_term t2 t2' else cmp

| I_Cte _, (I_Other _ | I_Ext _ | I_Comp _ ) -> 1
| I_Other _, (I_Ext _ | I_Comp _ ) -> 1
| I_Ext _, I_Comp _ -> 1

| I_Comp _, (I_Cte _ | I_Other _ | I_Ext _) -> -1
| I_Ext _, (I_Cte _ | I_Other _) -> -1
| I_Other _, I_Cte _ -> -1

and compare_term t1 t2 = compare_alpha_term compare_term_aux t1 t2

(** **)
let rec alpha t = match with
|I_Cte _ -> [t]
|I_Other _ -> [t]
|I_Comp (t1,t2) -> (alpha t1)@(alpha t2)
|I_Ext(t',i,j) ->
match t'.bv with
|I_Cte _ -> [{t' with sz = j-i+1}]
|I_Other _ -> [t]
|I_Ext(t'',k,_) ->
alpha {t with bv = I_Ext(t'',i+k,j+k)}

|I_Comp(_,v) when j < ->
alpha{t with bv =I_Ext(v,i,j)}

|I_Comp(u,v) when i >= ->
alpha{t with bv=I_Ext(u,,}

|I_Comp(u,v) ->
(alpha {sz = ; bv = I_Ext(u,0,})
@(alpha{sz = ; bv = I_Ext(v,i,})
module Canon = struct
type 'a view_descr =
| Vcte of string
| Vother of 'a
| Vextract of 'a * int * int
| Vconcat of 'a * 'a

and 'a view = { descr : 'a view_descr ; size : int }

let view t =
match E.term_view t with
| { f = Bitv s; ty = Tbitv size; _ } -> { descr = Vcte s; size }
| { f = Op Concat; xs = [ t1; t2 ]; ty = Tbitv size; _ } ->
{ descr = Vconcat (t1, t2); size }
| { f = Op Extract (i, j); xs = [ t' ]; ty = Tbitv size; _ } ->
assert (size = j - i + 1);
{ descr = Vextract (t', i, j); size }
| { ty = Tbitv size; _ } ->
{ descr = Vother t; size }
| _ -> assert false

let run ctx f = f ctx
let (let*) x f ctx =
let x, ctx = x ctx in
f x ctx
let ret x ctx = x, ctx
let (and*) x y =
let* x = x in
let* y = y in
ret (x, y)
let (let+) x f ctx =
let x, ctx = x ctx in
f x, ctx
let (and+) = (and*)

let other t sz ctx =
let r, ctx' = X.make t in
let ctx = List.rev_append ctx' ctx in
match X.extract r with
| Some bv -> bv, ctx
| None -> [ { bv = Other r; sz } ], ctx

let extract_st i j ({ bv; sz } as st) =
match bv with
| Cte _ -> [{ st with sz = j - i + 1 }]
| Other r -> [{ bv = Ext (r, sz, i, j) ; sz = j - i + 1 }]
| Ext (r, sz, k, _) ->
[{ bv = Ext (r, sz, i + k, j + k) ; sz = j - i + 1 }]

(* extract i..j from a composition of size size
an element of size [sz] at the head of the composition contains the bits
[size - 1 .. size - sz] inclusive *)
let rec extract size i j = function
| [] ->
(* We can't extract a bv of length 0! *)
assert false
| [ st ] ->
assert ( = size);
extract_st i j st
| { sz; _ } :: sts when j < size - sz ->
extract (size - sz) i j sts
| ({ sz; _ } as st) :: _ when i >= size - sz ->
extract_st (i - (size - sz)) (j - (size - sz)) st
| ({ sz; _ } as st) :: sts ->
extract_st 0 (j - (size - sz)) st @
extract (size - sz) i (size - sz - 1) sts

let normalize_st st =
match with
| Ext (o, sz, i, j) when sz = j - i + 1 ->
assert (sz = && i = 0);
{ st with bv = Other o }
| _ -> st

let rec normalize = function
| [] -> []
| [s] -> [normalize_st s]
| s :: (t :: ts as tts) ->
begin match, with
| Cte bs, Cte bt when Bool.equal bs bt ->
normalize ({ bv = Cte bs; sz = + } :: ts)
| Ext (d1, ds, i, j), Ext (d2, _, k, l)
when X.equal d1 d2 && l = i - 1 ->
let d = { bv = Ext (d1, ds, k, j); sz = + } in
if k = 0 then normalize_st d :: normalize ts
else normalize (d :: ts)
| _ -> normalize_st s :: normalize tts

(** **)
let rec beta lt =
let simple_t st = match with
|I_Cte b -> {bv = Cte b ; sz =}
|I_Other x -> {bv = Other x ; sz =}
|I_Ext(t',i,j) ->
match t'.bv with
|I_Other v ->
let siz = j-i+1
in {sz=siz ;
bv =if siz=t'.sz then Other v else Ext(v,t'.sz,i,j)}
|I_Comp _ |I_Ext _ |I_Cte _ -> assert false
|I_Comp(_,_) -> assert false

in match lt with
|[] -> [] (*on peut passer de 2 elts a 0 elts*)
|[s] -> [simple_t s]
|s::t::tl' ->
match, with
| I_Cte true, I_Cte true | I_Cte false, I_Cte false ->
beta({s with}::tl')
| I_Ext(d1,i,j), I_Ext(d2,k,l) when compare_term d1 d2 = 0 && l=i-1 ->
let tmp = {sz = + ; bv = I_Ext(d1,k,j)}
in if k=0 then (simple_t tmp)::(beta tl') else beta (tmp::tl')
| _ -> (simple_t s)::(beta (t::tl'))

(** **)
let sigma term = beta (alpha term)

let bitv_to_icomp =
List.fold_left (fun ac bt ->{ bv = I_Comp (ac,bt) ; sz = + })

let string_to_bitv s =
let tmp = ref[] in
String.iter(fun car -> tmp := (not @@ Char.equal car '0', 1)::(!tmp)) s;
let rec f_aux l acc = match l with
| [] -> assert false
| [(b,n)] -> { sz = n ; bv = I_Cte b }::acc
| (true as b1, n)::(true, m)::r | (false as b1, n)::(false, m)::r ->
f_aux ((b1,n+m)::r) acc
| (b1,n)::(b2,m)::r ->
(f_aux ((b2,m)::r)) ({ sz = n ; bv = I_Cte b1 }::acc)
let res = f_aux (!tmp) [] in
bitv_to_icomp (List.hd res) ( res)
let rec make t = vmake (view t)
and vextract i j tv =
let size = j - i + 1 in
match tv.descr with
| Vcte z ->
vmake { descr = Vcte (String.sub z (tv.size - j - 1) size); size }
| Vother t ->
let+ o = other t tv.size in
extract tv.size i j o
| Vextract (t'', k, _) ->
vmake { descr = Vextract (t'', i + k, j + k); size }
| Vconcat (u, v) ->
let vu = view u and vv = view v in
if j < vv.size then
vextract i j vv
else if i >= vv.size then
vextract (i - vv.size) (j - vv.size) vu
let+ u = vextract 0 (j - vv.size) vu
and+ v = vextract i (vv.size - 1) vv
in u @ v
and vmake tv ctx =
match tv.descr with
| Vcte z ->
let acc = ref [] in
for i = String.length z - 1 downto 0 do
let c = z.[i] in
match c, !acc with
| '0', { bv = Cte false; sz } :: rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte false; sz = sz + 1 } :: rst
| '0', rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte false; sz = 1 } :: rst
| _, { bv = Cte true; sz } :: rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte true; sz = sz + 1 } :: rst
| _, rst ->
acc := { bv = Cte true; sz = 1 } :: rst
!acc, ctx
| Vother t -> other t tv.size ctx
| Vextract (t', i, j) ->
run ctx @@ vextract i j (view t')
| Vconcat (t1, t2) ->
run ctx @@
let+ t1 = make t1 and+ t2 = make t2 in t1 @ t2

let make t =
let rec make_rec t' ctx = match E.term_view t' with
| { E.f = Sy.Bitv s; _ } -> string_to_bitv s, ctx
| { E.f = Sy.Op Sy.Concat ;
xs = [t1;t2] ; ty = Ty.Tbitv n; _ } ->
let r1, ctx = make_rec t1 ctx in
let r2, ctx = make_rec t2 ctx in
{ bv = I_Comp (r1, r2) ; sz = n }, ctx
| { E.f = Sy.Op Sy.Extract (i, j); xs = [t1] ; ty = Ty.Tbitv _; _ } ->
let r1, ctx = make_rec t1 ctx in
{ sz = j - i + 1 ; bv = I_Ext (r1,i,j)}, ctx

| { E.ty = Ty.Tbitv n; _ } ->
let r', ctx' = X.make t' in
let ctx = ctx' @ ctx in
{bv = I_Other r' ; sz = n}, ctx
| _ -> assert false
let r, ctx = make_rec t [] in
sigma r, ctx
let r, ctx = make t [] in
normalize r, ctx

Expand All @@ -341,15 +348,6 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" X.print t sz;
fprintf fmt "<%d,%d>" i j

let[@warning "-32"] rec print_I_ast fmt ast =
let open Canonizer in
let open Format in
match with
| I_Cte b -> fprintf fmt "%d[%d]" (if b then 1 else 0)
| I_Other t -> fprintf fmt "%a[%d]" X.print t
| I_Ext (u,i,j) -> fprintf fmt "%a[%d]<%d,%d>" print_I_ast u i j
| I_Comp(u,v) -> fprintf fmt "@[(%a * %a)@]" print_I_ast u print_I_ast v

let print_C_ast fmt = function
[] -> assert false
| x::l -> print fmt x; List.iter (Format.fprintf fmt " @@ %a" print) l
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1130,7 +1128,7 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let print = Debug.print_C_ast

let make t =
let r, ctx = Canonizer.make t in
let r, ctx = Canon.make t in
is_mine r, ctx

let color _ = assert false
Expand All @@ -1139,28 +1137,6 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
let sz = List.fold_left (fun acc bv -> + acc) 0 bv in
Ty.Tbitv sz

let to_i_ast biv =
let f_aux st =
{sz =;
bv = match with
| Cte b -> Canonizer.I_Cte b
| Other tt -> Canonizer.I_Other tt
| Ext(tt,siz,i,j) ->
let tt' = { sz = siz ; bv = Canonizer.I_Other tt }
in Canonizer.I_Ext(tt',i,j)
} in
(fun acc st ->
let tmp = f_aux st
in { bv = Canonizer.I_Comp(acc,tmp) ; sz = + }
) (f_aux (List.hd biv)) ( biv)

let extract r ty =
match X.extract r with
Some (_::_ as bv) -> to_i_ast bv
| None -> {bv = Canonizer.I_Other r; sz = ty}
| Some [] -> assert false

let var_or_term x =
match with
| Other r -> r
Expand All @@ -1185,20 +1161,27 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
(Solver.solve u t)
with Solver.Valid -> []

let rec subst_rec x subs biv =
match with
| Canonizer.I_Cte _ -> biv
| Canonizer.I_Other tt ->
if X.equal x tt then
extract subs
else extract (X.subst x subs tt)
| Canonizer.I_Ext (t,i,j) ->
{ biv with bv = Canonizer.I_Ext(subst_rec x subs t,i,j) }
| Canonizer.I_Comp (u,v) ->
{ biv with
bv = Canonizer.I_Comp(subst_rec x subs u ,subst_rec x subs v)}
let rec subst_rec (x : X.r) (subs : X.r) (biv : X.r abstract) : X.r abstract =
match biv with
| [] -> []
| { bv = Cte _; _ } as y :: biv ->
y :: subst_rec x subs biv
| { bv = Other y; _ } :: biv ->
let y' =
if X.equal x y then
embed subs
embed (X.subst x subs y)
y' @ subst_rec x subs biv
| { bv = Ext (y, y_sz, i, j); _ } :: biv ->
let y' =
if X.equal x y then
embed subs
embed (X.subst x subs y)
Canon.extract y_sz i j y' @ subst_rec x subs biv

let subst x subs biv =
if Options.get_debug_bitv () then
Expand All @@ -1207,7 +1190,7 @@ module Shostak(X : ALIEN) = struct
"subst %a |-> %a in %a" X.print x X.print subs print biv;
if Lists.is_empty biv then is_mine biv
let r = Canonizer.sigma (subst_rec x subs (to_i_ast biv)) in
let r = Canon.normalize (subst_rec x subs biv) in
is_mine r
module M = Map.Make
Expand Down

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