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Merge pull request #33 from nberth/more-formats
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Fix handling of text-word continuations
  • Loading branch information
nberth authored Oct 6, 2023
2 parents 3234c20 + f3585eb commit 4e4979a
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Showing 18 changed files with 386 additions and 1,479 deletions.
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions src/lsp/cobol_indent/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,14 +64,6 @@ let indenter ~source_format (str:string) (rdl:indent_record list) range =
(*indent a range of file, with the default indent_config*)
let indent_range' ~source_format ~range ~file =
let file_content = Ez_file.V1.EzFile.read_file file in
let check_indent = Indent_check.check_indentation in
let state = {
scope = BEGIN;
context = [];
acc = [];
Not satisfied with the `Cobol_preproc.fold_text_lines`,
this function has an argument which is the name of file,
Expand All @@ -80,8 +72,9 @@ let indent_range' ~source_format ~range ~file =
(* NB: not anymore. *)
let state =
Cobol_preproc.fold_text_lines ~source_format check_indent
(Filename file) state
Cobol_preproc.fold_source_lines ~source_format
~f:(fun _lnum line acc -> Indent_check.check_indentation line acc)
(Filename file) { scope = BEGIN; context = []; acc = []; range }
let ind_recds = state.acc in
indenter ~source_format file_content ind_recds state.range
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lsp/cobol_parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
(* --- *)

let rec produce_tokens (ps: _ state as 's) : 's * Text_tokenizer.tokens =
let text, pp = Cobol_preproc.next_sentence ps.preproc.pp in
let text, pp = Cobol_preproc.next_chunk ps.preproc.pp in
let { preproc = { pp; tokzr; _ }; _ } as ps = update_pp ps pp in
assert (text <> []);
(* Note: this is the source format in use at the end of the sentence. *)
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62 changes: 50 additions & 12 deletions src/lsp/cobol_preproc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ let srclex_newline_cnums (Plx (pl, _)) =
type 'k source_line =
| Line: 'k srclexer * text -> 'k source_line

let source_lines_reader lexer =
let source_chunks_reader lexer =
let rec next_source_line (state, lexbuf) =
let state, pseutoks = lexer state lexbuf in
match pseutoks with
Expand All @@ -53,32 +53,70 @@ let source_lines_reader lexer =

let fold_source_lines lexer f pl =
let next_source_line = source_lines_reader lexer in
let rec aux pl acc = match next_source_line pl with
let fold_source_chunks lexer f pl =
let next_source_chunk = source_chunks_reader lexer in
let rec aux pl acc = match next_source_chunk pl with
| Line (_, [{ payload = Eof; _}]) -> acc
| Line (pl, text) -> f text acc |> aux pl
aux pl

let print_source_lines lexer ppf pl =
fold_source_lines lexer (fun t () -> Pretty.print ppf "%a@." Text.pp_text t)
let print_source lexer ppf pl =
fold_source_chunks lexer (fun t () -> Pretty.print ppf "%a@." Text.pp_text t)
pl ()

let next_source_line (Plx pl) =
let Line (pl, text) = source_lines_reader Src_lexer.line pl in
let next_source_chunk (Plx pl) =
let Line (pl, text) = source_chunks_reader Src_lexer.line pl in
Plx pl, text

let print_source_lines ppf (Plx pl) =
print_source_lines Src_lexer.line ppf pl
let print_source ppf (Plx pl) =
print_source Src_lexer.line ppf pl

let fold_source_lines pl f acc =
let rec aux pl acc = match next_source_line pl with
let fold_source_chunks pl f acc =
let rec aux pl acc = match next_source_chunk pl with
| _, [{ payload = Eof; _}] -> acc
| pl, text -> aux pl (f text acc)
aux pl acc

(** [fold_source_lines pl ~f acc] applies [f line_number line acc] for each
successive line [line] of the input lexed by [pl]. [line_number] gives the
line number for [line] (starting at [1]). [line] is given empty to [f] if
it corresponds to empty line in the input, or was a line continuation. *)
let fold_source_lines pl ~f acc =
let tok_lnum tok =
(* On source text, which is NOT manipulated, we only have lexical locations,
so using [start_pos] is enough. *)
(Cobol_common.Srcloc.start_pos ~@tok).pos_lnum
let spit_empty_lines ~until_lnum cur_lnum acc =
let rec aux cur_lnum acc =
if cur_lnum < until_lnum
then aux (succ cur_lnum) (f cur_lnum [] acc)
else acc
aux cur_lnum acc
let rec spit_chunk chunk (acc, cur_lnum, cur_prefix) =
Cobol_common.Basics.LIST.split_at_first ~prefix:`Same ~where:`Before
(fun tok -> tok_lnum tok > cur_lnum) chunk
| Error () -> (* still on the same line *)
(acc, cur_lnum, cur_prefix @ chunk)
| Ok (prefix, []) -> (* should not happen (in case, just append) *)
(acc, cur_lnum, cur_prefix @ prefix)
| Ok (prefix, (tok :: _ as suffix)) -> (* terminating a line *)
let acc = f cur_lnum (cur_prefix @ prefix) acc in
let new_lnum = tok_lnum tok in
let acc = spit_empty_lines ~until_lnum:new_lnum (succ cur_lnum) acc in
spit_chunk suffix (acc, new_lnum, [])
let acc, last_lnum, tail = fold_source_chunks pl spit_chunk (acc, 1, []) in
match tail with (* fold on the last line upon exit... *)
| [] | { payload = Eof; _ } :: _ -> acc (* ... if non-empty *)
| _ -> f last_lnum tail acc

(* --- *)

let with_source_format
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/lsp/cobol_preproc/preproc.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,15 +87,20 @@ val srclex_comments
val srclex_newline_cnums
: any_srclexer
-> int list
val next_source_line
val next_source_chunk
: any_srclexer
-> any_srclexer * text
val fold_source_lines
val fold_source_chunks
: any_srclexer
-> (text -> 'a -> 'a)
-> 'a
-> 'a
val print_source_lines
val fold_source_lines
: any_srclexer
-> f:(int -> text -> 'a -> 'a)
-> 'a
-> 'a
val print_source
: Format.formatter
-> any_srclexer
-> unit
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112 changes: 64 additions & 48 deletions src/lsp/cobol_preproc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,53 +155,71 @@ let apply_active_replacing_full { pplog; persist; _ } = match persist with
| { replacing = r :: _; _ } -> Preproc.apply_replacing OnFullText r pplog
| _ -> fun text -> text, pplog

(** [next_sentence lp] reads the next sentence from [lp], handling lexical and
compiler directives along the way. It never returns an empty sentence: the
output text always terminates with a period or {!Eof}. *)
let rec next_sentence ({ srclex; buff; _ } as lp) =
match Preproc.next_source_line srclex with
(** [lookup_compiler_directive chunk] searches for a compiler-directive
text-word (that starts with either `{v >> v}' or `{v $ v}') in the given
chunk of source text.
Returns [Ok (prefix, cdir_text)] if a compiler directive is recognised,
where [cdir_text] is guaranteed to start with a compiler-directive word on a
line [l] and terminates at the end [l]. *)
(* Note: {!Preproc.next_source_chunk} never outputs compiler-directive
text-words in positions other than the first two. Such a chunk also
terminates at the end of the source line as it cannot be continued (contrary
to normal source lines). *)
let lookup_compiler_directive: Text.text -> _ = function
| t :: _ as text when Text.cdirp t -> Ok ([ ], text)
| p :: (t :: _ as text) when Text.cdirp t -> Ok ([p], text)
| _ -> Error `NotCDir

(* --- *)

(** [next_chunk lp] reads the next chunk from [lp], handling lexical and
compiler directives along the way. It never returns an empty result: the
output text always containts at least {!Eof}. *)
let rec next_chunk ({ srclex; buff; _ } as lp) =
match Preproc.next_source_chunk srclex with
| srclex, ([{ payload = Eof; _}] as eof) ->
let text, pplog = apply_active_replacing_full lp (buff @ eof) in
text, { lp with srclex; pplog; buff = [] }
| srclex, text ->
if show `Src lp then
Pretty.error "Src: %a@." Text.pp_text text;
match try_lexing_directive (with_srclex lp srclex) text with
| Ok lp ->
next_sentence lp
| Error `NotLexDir ->
match lookup_compiler_directive text with
| Error `NotCDir ->
preprocess_line { lp with srclex; buff = [] } (buff @ text)

and try_lexing_directive ({ persist = { pparser = (module Pp);
overlay_manager = om; _ };
srclex; _ } as lp) srctext =
match Text_supplier.supply_text_if_compiler_directive om srctext with
| Error `NotCDir ->
Error `NotLexDir
| Ok supplier ->
(* Here, [srctext] is never empty as it's known to start with a compiler
directive marker `>>` (or `$` for MF-style directives), so we should
always have a loc: *)
let loc = Option.get @@ Cobol_common.Srcloc.concat_locs srctext in
let parser = Pp.Incremental.lexing_directive (position lp) in
match ~&(Pp.MenhirInterpreter.loop supplier parser) with
| { result = Some Preproc_directives.LexDirSource sf as lexdir; diags } ->
let pplog = Preproc_trace.new_lexdir ~loc ?lexdir lp.pplog in
let lp = add_diags lp diags in
let lp = with_pplog lp pplog in
Ok (with_srclex lp (Preproc.with_source_format sf srclex))
| { result = None; diags } -> (* valid lexdir with erroneous semantics *)
let pplog = Preproc_trace.new_lexdir ~loc lp.pplog in
let lp = with_pplog lp pplog in
Ok (add_diags lp diags)
| exception Pp.Error ->
Ok (DIAGS.Cont.kerror (add_diag lp) ~loc
"Malformed@ or@ unknown@ compiler@ directive")
| Ok ([], lexdir_text) ->
next_chunk @@ on_lexing_directive { lp with srclex } lexdir_text
| Ok (text, lexdir_text) ->
let lp = { lp with srclex; buff = [] } in
preprocess_line (on_lexing_directive lp lexdir_text) (buff @ text)

and on_lexing_directive ({ persist = { pparser = (module Pp);
overlay_manager = om; _ };
srclex; _ } as lp) lexdir_text =
(* Here, [lexdir_text] is never empty as it's known to start with a compiler
directive marker `>>` (or `$` for MF-style directives), so we should always
have a loc: *)
let supplier = Text_supplier.pptoks_of_text_supplier om lexdir_text in
let loc = Option.get @@ Cobol_common.Srcloc.concat_locs lexdir_text in
let parser = Pp.Incremental.lexing_directive (position lp) in
match ~&(Pp.MenhirInterpreter.loop supplier parser) with
| { result = Some Preproc_directives.LexDirSource sf as lexdir; diags } ->
let pplog = Preproc_trace.new_lexdir ~loc ?lexdir lp.pplog in
let lp = add_diags lp diags in
let lp = with_pplog lp pplog in
with_srclex lp (Preproc.with_source_format sf srclex)
| { result = None; diags } -> (* valid lexdir with erroneous semantics *)
let pplog = Preproc_trace.new_lexdir ~loc lp.pplog in
let lp = with_pplog lp pplog in
add_diags lp diags
| exception Pp.Error ->
DIAGS.Cont.kerror (add_diag lp) ~loc
"Malformed@ or@ unknown@ compiler@ directive"

and preprocess_line lp srctext =
match try_preproc lp srctext with
| Ok (`CDirNone (lp, [])) -> (* Never return empty: skip to next sentence *)
next_sentence lp
next_chunk lp
| Ok (`CDirNone (lp, text)) ->
do_replacing lp text
| Ok (`CopyDone (lp, srctext))
Expand All @@ -210,16 +228,16 @@ and preprocess_line lp srctext =
be a compiler directive. *)
preprocess_line lp srctext
| Ok (`ReplaceDone (lp, text, srctext)) ->
text, with_buff lp srctext
text, with_buff lp @@ Text.strip_eof srctext
| Error (`MissingPeriod | `MissingText) ->
next_sentence (with_buff lp srctext)
next_chunk (with_buff lp srctext)

and do_replacing lp text =
match apply_active_replacing lp text with
| Ok (text, pplog) ->
text, with_pplog lp pplog
| Error (`MissingText ([], pplog, buff)) ->
next_sentence (with_buff_n_pplog lp buff pplog)
next_chunk (with_buff_n_pplog lp buff pplog)
| Error (`MissingText (text, pplog, buff)) ->
text, with_buff_n_pplog lp buff pplog

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +354,7 @@ and read_lib ({ persist = { libpath; copybooks; verbose; _ }; _ } as lp)
and full_text ?(item = "library") ?postproc lp : Text.text * preprocessor =
let eofp p = ~&p = Text.Eof in
let rec aux acc lp =
let text, lp = next_sentence lp in
let text, lp = next_chunk lp in
let text = match postproc with
| None -> text
| Some p -> List.(rev @@ rev_map p text)
Expand All @@ -351,8 +369,8 @@ and full_text ?(item = "library") ?postproc lp : Text.text * preprocessor =
aux [] lp

let next_sentence lp =
let text, lp = next_sentence lp in
let next_chunk lp =
let text, lp = next_chunk lp in
if show `Txt lp then
Pretty.error "Txt: %a@." Text.pp_text text;
text, lp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -417,8 +435,7 @@ let lex_file ~source_format ?(ppf = default_oppf) =
Cobol_common.do_unit begin fun (module DIAGS) input ->
let source_format =
DIAGS.grab_diags @@ decide_source_format input source_format in
let pl = make_srclex ~source_format input in
Preproc.print_source_lines ppf pl
Preproc.print_source ppf (make_srclex ~source_format input)

let lex_lib ~source_format ~libpath ?(ppf = default_oppf) =
Expand All @@ -429,17 +446,16 @@ let lex_lib ~source_format ~libpath ?(ppf = default_oppf) =
DIAGS.grab_diags @@
decide_source_format (Filename filename) source_format in
let pl = Preproc.srclex_from_file ~source_format filename in
Preproc.print_source_lines ppf pl
Preproc.print_source ppf pl
| Error lnf ->
Copybook.lib_not_found_error (DIAGS.error "%t") lnf

let fold_text_lines ~source_format ?epf f =
let fold_source_lines ~source_format ?epf ~f =
Cobol_common.do_any ?epf begin fun (module DIAGS) input ->
let source_format =
DIAGS.grab_diags @@ decide_source_format input source_format in
let pl = make_srclex ~source_format input in
Preproc.fold_source_lines pl f
Preproc.fold_source_lines (make_srclex ~source_format input) ~f

let pp_preprocessed ppf lp =
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/lsp/cobol_preproc/preproc_engine.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ val position: preprocessor -> Lexing.position
val source_format: preprocessor -> Src_format.any
val newline_cnums: preprocessor -> int list

val next_sentence: preprocessor -> Text.text * preprocessor
val next_chunk: preprocessor -> Text.text * preprocessor

(** {2 High-level commands} *)

Expand All @@ -61,14 +61,6 @@ val lex_file
-> input
-> unit

val fold_text_lines
: source_format: Cobol_config.source_format_spec
-> ?epf:Format.formatter
-> (Text.text -> 'a -> 'a)
-> input
-> 'a
-> 'a

val lex_lib
: source_format: Cobol_config.source_format_spec
-> libpath:string list
Expand All @@ -77,6 +69,14 @@ val lex_lib
-> [< `Alphanum | `Word ] * string
-> unit

val fold_source_lines
: source_format: Cobol_config.source_format_spec
-> ?epf:Format.formatter
-> f:(int -> Text.text -> 'a -> 'a)
-> input
-> 'a
-> 'a

val preprocess_file
: ?options: Preproc_options.preproc_options
-> ?ppf:Format.formatter
Expand Down

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