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Minor editions, and document Cobol_parser.Parser_engine
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nberth committed Oct 4, 2023
1 parent c4ae60a commit e420514
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 111 deletions.
243 changes: 137 additions & 106 deletions src/lsp/cobol_parser/
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Expand Up @@ -102,10 +102,7 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
show: [`Pending] list;

(* TODO: reset/restore text lexer's state w.r.t reserved/alias and
context-stack will be needed when we want a persistent parser state. Best
place for this is probaly in the tokenizer.*)

(** Initializes a parser state, given a preprocessor. *)
let make_parser
(type m) Parser_options.{ verbose; show; recovery }
?(show_if_verbose = [`Tks; `Ctx]) ~(tokenizer_memory: m memory) pp =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,6 +153,8 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
let all_diags { preproc = { pp; tokzr; _ }; _ } =
DIAGS.Set.union (Cobol_preproc.diags pp) @@ Tokzr.diagnostics tokzr

(* --- *)

let rec produce_tokens (ps: _ state as 's) : 's * Text_tokenizer.tokens =
let text, pp = Cobol_preproc.next_sentence ps.preproc.pp in
let { preproc = { pp; tokzr; _ }; _ } as ps = update_pp ps pp in
Expand All @@ -172,28 +171,28 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
Pretty.error "Tks: %a@." Text_tokenizer.pp_tokens tokens;
update_tokzr ps tokzr, tokens

let update_context_stack ~stack_update ~tokenizer_update
({ preproc; _ } as ps) tokens : Context.t list -> 's * 'a =
| [] ->
ps, tokens
| contexts ->
let context_stack, tokens_set =
List.fold_left begin fun (context_stack, set) ctx ->
let context_stack, set' = stack_update context_stack ctx in
context_stack, Text_lexer.TokenHandles.union set set'
end (preproc.context_stack, Text_lexer.TokenHandles.empty) contexts
let rec next_token ({ preproc = { tokzr; _ }; _ } as ps) tokens =
match Tokzr.next_token tokzr tokens with
| Some (tokzr, token, tokens) ->
(update_tokzr ps tokzr, token, tokens)
| None ->
let ps, tokens = produce_tokens ps in
next_token ps tokens

(* Update tokenizer state *)
let tokzr, tokens = tokenizer_update preproc.tokzr tokens tokens_set in
if show `Tks ps then
Pretty.error "Tks': %a@." Text_tokenizer.pp_tokens tokens;
let token_n_srcloc_limits ?prev_limit token =
let s, e = Overlay_manager.limits ~@token in
Option.iter (fun e -> Overlay_manager.link_limits e s) prev_limit;
~&token, s, e

(if context_stack == preproc.context_stack && tokzr == preproc.tokzr
then ps
else { ps with preproc = { preproc with tokzr; context_stack }}),
let put_token_back ({ preproc; _ } as ps) token tokens =
let tokzr, tokens = Tokzr.put_token_back preproc.tokzr token tokens in
(* The limits of the re-submitted token will be re-constructed in
`token_n_srcloc_limits`, so `prev_limit` needs to be re-adjusted to the
second-to-last right-limit. *)
{ ps with prev_limit = ps.prev_limit';
preproc = { ps.preproc with tokzr } }, tokens

(* --- *)

(** Use recovery trace (assumptions on missing tokens) to generate syntax
hints and report on an invalid syntax error. *)
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(* --- *)

let rec next_token ({ preproc = { tokzr; _ }; _ } as ps) tokens =
match Tokzr.next_token tokzr tokens with
| Some (tokzr, token, tokens) ->
(update_tokzr ps tokzr, token, tokens)
| None ->
let ps, tokens = produce_tokens ps in
next_token ps tokens
let update_context_stack ~stack_update ~tokenizer_update
({ preproc; _ } as ps) tokens : Context.t list -> 's * 'a = function
| [] ->
ps, tokens
| contexts ->
let context_stack, tokens_set =
List.fold_left begin fun (context_stack, set) ctx ->
let context_stack, set' = stack_update context_stack ctx in
context_stack, Text_lexer.TokenHandles.union set set'
end (preproc.context_stack, Text_lexer.TokenHandles.empty) contexts

let token_n_srcloc_limits ?prev_limit token =
let s, e = Overlay_manager.limits ~@token in
Option.iter (fun e -> Overlay_manager.link_limits e s) prev_limit;
~&token, s, e
(* Update tokenizer state *)
let tokzr, tokens = tokenizer_update preproc.tokzr tokens tokens_set in
if show `Tks ps then
Pretty.error "Tks': %a@." Text_tokenizer.pp_tokens tokens;

let put_token_back ({ preproc; _ } as ps) token tokens =
let tokzr, tokens = Tokzr.put_token_back preproc.tokzr token tokens in
{ ps with prev_limit = ps.prev_limit';
preproc = { ps.preproc with tokzr } }, tokens
(if context_stack == preproc.context_stack && tokzr == preproc.tokzr
then ps
else { ps with preproc = { preproc with tokzr; context_stack }}),

let leaving_context ps prod =
match ps.preproc.context_stack with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,6 +317,8 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
| Grammar_recovery.Prod p -> pop_outgoing_context ps tokens p
end (ps, tokens) operations

(* --- *)

let env_loc env =
match env with
| None -> None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,6 +354,7 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
| NoPost ->
ps, token, tokens

(** To be called {e after} a reduction of production [prod]. *)
let on_reduction ps token tokens prod = function
| Grammar_interpr.HandlingError env
| AboutToReduce (env, _)
Expand All @@ -359,16 +365,21 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct

(* Main code for driving the parser with recovery and lexical contexts: *)

type ('a, 'm) step =
| OnTok of ('a, 'm) new_token_step
(** We call "stage" a high(er)-level parsing state (than {!type:state}). *)
type ('a, 'm) stage =
| Trans of ('a, 'm) interim_stage
| Final of ('a option * 'm state)
and ('a, 'm) new_token_step =
(('m state * Text_tokenizer.token * Text_tokenizer.tokens) *
'a Grammar_interpr.env) (* Always valid input_needed env. *)

(** Interim stage, at which the parser may be stopped, restarted or
rewound. *)
and ('a, 'm) interim_stage =
'm state *
Text_tokenizer.tokens *
'a Grammar_interpr.env (* Always valid input_needed env. *)

let rec normal ps tokens = function
| Grammar_interpr.InputNeeded env ->
OnTok (next_token ps tokens, env)
Trans (ps, tokens, env)
| Shifting (_e1, e2, _) as c ->
let ps, tokens = push_incoming_contexts ps tokens e2 in
normal ps tokens @@ Grammar_interpr.resume c
Expand All @@ -378,8 +389,9 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
| Rejected | HandlingError _ ->
assert false (* should never happen *)

and on_new_token (({ prev_limit; _ } as ps, token, tokens), env) =
and on_interim_stage ({ prev_limit; _ } as ps, tokens, env) =
let c = Grammar_interpr.input_needed env in
let ps, token, tokens = next_token ps tokens in
let _t, _, e as tok = token_n_srcloc_limits ?prev_limit token in
let ps = { ps with prev_limit = Some e; prev_limit' = prev_limit } in
check ps token tokens env @@ Grammar_interpr.offer c tok
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,9 +425,6 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
match ps.preproc.persist.recovery with
| EnableRecovery recovery_options ->
(* The limits of the re-submitted token will be re-constructed in
`token_n_srcloc_limits`, so `prev_limit` needs to be re-adjusted to
the second-to-last right-limit. *)
let ps, tokens = put_token_back ps token tokens in
recover ps tokens (Grammar_recovery.generate env)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -450,99 +459,119 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct

(* --- *)

let init_parse ps ~make_checkpoint =
(** [first_stage ps ~make_checkpoint] is the first stage for parsing a ['a] out
of a parser in state [ps]. *)
let first_stage (ps: 'm state) ~make_checkpoint : ('a, 'm) stage =
let ps, tokens = produce_tokens ps in
let first_pos = match tokens with
| [] -> Cobol_preproc.position ps.preproc.pp
| t :: _ -> Cobol_common.Srcloc.start_pos ~@t
normal ps tokens (make_checkpoint first_pos)

let rec full_parse = function
(** [full_parse stage] completes parsing from the given stage [stage]. *)
let rec full_parse: ('a, 'm) stage -> 'a option * 'm state = function
| Final (res, ps) ->
res, ps
| OnTok (((ps, _, _), _) as state) ->
full_parse @@ try on_new_token state with e -> on_exn ps e
| Trans ((ps, _, _) as state) ->
full_parse @@ try on_interim_stage state with e -> on_exn ps e

(* --- *)

(** Gathers outputs that depend on the memorization behavior of the parser. *)
let aggregate_output (type m) (ps: m state) res
: ('a option, m) output =
match ps.preproc.persist.tokenizer_memory with
| Amnesic ->
Only res
| Eidetic ->
let artifacts =
{ tokens = Tokzr.parsed_tokens ps.preproc.tokzr;
pplog = Cobol_preproc.log ps.preproc.pp;
comments = Cobol_preproc.comments ps.preproc.pp } in
WithArtifacts (res, artifacts)

(** Simple parsing *)
let parse_once
~options (type m) ~(memory: m memory) ~make_checkpoint pp
: (('a option, m) output) with_diags =
let ps = make_parser options ~tokenizer_memory:memory pp in
let res, ps = full_parse @@ first_stage ~make_checkpoint ps in
DIAGS.with_diags (aggregate_output ps res) (all_diags ps)

(* --- *)

(* Rewindable parsing *)

(** The state of a rewindable parser combines a current stage [stage], and a
store [store] that represent a rewindable history. The initial state is
kept in case parsing needs to restart at the very beginning of the
input. *)
type ('a, 'm) rewindable_parsing_state =
init: 'm state;
step: ('a, 'm) step;
stage: ('a, 'm) stage;
store: ('a, 'm) rewindable_history;

(** The rewindable history is a list of events... *)
and ('a, 'm) rewindable_history = ('a, 'm) rewindable_history_event list

(** ... that associate pre-processor lexing positions ([preproc_position])
with intermediate parsing stages [event_stage]. *)
and ('a, 'm) rewindable_history_event =
preproc_position: Lexing.position;
event_step: ('a, 'm) new_token_step;
event_stage: ('a, 'm) interim_stage;

let save_history_event
(((ps, _, _), _) as state) (store: _ rewindable_history) =
let init_rewindable_parse ps ~make_checkpoint =
init = ps;
stage = first_stage ps ~make_checkpoint;
store = [];

(** Stores a stage as part of the memorized rewindable history events. *)
let save_history_event ((ps, _, _) as stage) (store: _ rewindable_history) =
let preproc_position = Cobol_preproc.position ps.preproc.pp in
match store with
| { preproc_position = prev_pos; _ } :: store'
when prev_pos.pos_cnum = preproc_position.pos_cnum &&
prev_pos.pos_fname = preproc_position.pos_fname ->
(* Preprocessor did not advance further since last save: replace event
with new parser state: *)
{ preproc_position; event_step = state } :: store'
{ preproc_position; event_stage = stage } :: store'
| store' ->
{ preproc_position; event_step = state } :: store'

let init_rewindable_parse ps ~make_checkpoint =
init = ps;
step = init_parse ps ~make_checkpoint;
store = [];
{ preproc_position; event_stage = stage } :: store'

let rewindable_parser_state = function
| { step = Final (_, ps) | OnTok ((ps, _, _), _); _ } -> ps

let with_context_sensitive_tokens ~f = function
| { step = Final (_, ps) | OnTok ((ps, _, _), _); _ } ->
f (Context.all_tokens ps.preproc.context_stack)

let parse_with_trace ?(save_step = 10) rwps =
let rec loop count ({ store; step; _ } as rwps) = match step with
| Final (res, _ps) ->
| { stage = Final (_, ps) | Trans (ps, _, _); _ } -> ps

(** Applies [f] on the set of all context-sensitive tokens that belong to the
context stack of the given parsing state. *)
let with_context_sensitive_tokens ~f rwps =
f (Context.all_tokens (rewindable_parser_state rwps).preproc.context_stack)

(** Parses all the input, saving some rewindable history along the way. *)
(* TODO: configurable [save_stage] *)
let parse_with_history ?(save_stage = 10) rwps =
let rec loop count ({ store; stage; _ } as rwps) = match stage with
| Final (res, _) ->
with_context_sensitive_tokens rwps ~f:Text_lexer.disable_tokens;
res, rwps
| OnTok (((ps, _, _), _) as state) ->
| Trans ((ps, _, _) as state) ->
let store, count =
if count = save_step then store, succ count
if count = save_stage then store, succ count
else save_history_event state store, 0
and step =
try on_new_token state with e -> on_exn ps e
and stage =
try on_interim_stage state with e -> on_exn ps e
loop count { rwps with store; step }
loop count { rwps with store; stage }
with_context_sensitive_tokens rwps ~f:Text_lexer.enable_tokens;
loop 0 rwps

(* --- *)

let aggregate_output (type m) res (ps: m state) : ('a option, m) output =
match ps.preproc.persist.tokenizer_memory with
| Amnesic ->
Only res
| Eidetic ->
let artifacts =
{ tokens = Tokzr.parsed_tokens ps.preproc.tokzr;
pplog = Cobol_preproc.log ps.preproc.pp;
comments = Cobol_preproc.comments ps.preproc.pp } in
WithArtifacts (res, artifacts)

let parse_once
~options (type m) ~(memory: m memory) ~make_checkpoint pp
: (('a option, m) output) with_diags =
let ps = make_parser options ~tokenizer_memory:memory pp in
let res, ps = full_parse @@ init_parse ~make_checkpoint ps in
DIAGS.with_diags (aggregate_output res ps) (all_diags ps)

let lexing_postion_of ~position rwps = match position with
| Lexing pos ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -572,6 +601,8 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
aux store

(* --- *)

let rec rewind_n_parse
: type m. ('a, m) rewindable_parsing_state -> make_checkpoint:_
-> preprocessor_rewind -> position: position
Expand All @@ -580,19 +611,19 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
let rwps =
let event, store = find_history_event_preceding ~position rwps in
let (ps, token, tokens), env = event.event_step in
let ps, tokens, env = event.event_stage in
let pp = ps.preproc.pp in
let pp = pp_rewind ?new_position:(Some event.preproc_position) pp in
let ps = { ps with preproc = { ps.preproc with pp } } in
{ rwps with step = OnTok ((ps, token, tokens), env); store }
{ rwps with stage = Trans (ps, tokens, env); store }
with Not_found -> (* rewinding before first checkpoint *)
let pp = pp_rewind rwps.init.preproc.pp in
let ps = { rwps.init with preproc = { rwps.init.preproc with pp } } in
init_rewindable_parse ~make_checkpoint ps
let res, rwps = parse_with_trace rwps in
let res, rwps = parse_with_history rwps in
let ps = rewindable_parser_state rwps in
let output = aggregate_output res ps in
let output = aggregate_output ps res in
let rewind_n_parse = rewind_n_parse rwps ~make_checkpoint in
DIAGS.with_diags (output, { rewind_n_parse }) (all_diags ps)

Expand All @@ -604,10 +635,10 @@ module Make (Config: Cobol_config.T) = struct
let res, rwps =
make_parser options ~tokenizer_memory:memory pp |>
init_rewindable_parse ~make_checkpoint |>
let ps = rewindable_parser_state rwps in
let output = aggregate_output res ps in
let output = aggregate_output ps res in
let rewind_n_parse = rewind_n_parse rwps ~make_checkpoint in
DIAGS.with_diags (output, { rewind_n_parse }) (all_diags ps)

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