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Releases: OPM/ResInsight

ResInsight 2016.11

29 Nov 10:20
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ResInsight 2016.11 is a major release that follows the new release naming convention that has become common among the rest of the OPM modules. It could as well have been called ResInsight 2.0.

Main Features

  • Summary Data Plotting
  • Separate window for 2D plots
  • Commands to Snapshot 2D plots
  • Intersection Boxes and axis-aligned planes
  • Formation names can be imported and used for cell coloring and property filtering.
  • Property filters can now toggle sets of integer values or formations on/off
  • Category legend for Eclipse properties ending with "NUM"
  • Many new derived geomechanical results have been implemented

Other Improvements

  • Parallel projection
  • Copy Paste of both well log plots/tracks/curves and summary plots/curve filters/curves.
  • Use any property as a cell-edge color
  • Well log (and summary plot) tooltip showing the curve value at the closest sampling point.
  • Sum as an additional statistics output in the Info Box
  • 3D-label font size control
  • A new generated fault face group: Undefined Grid Faults With Inactive for better Fault QA
  • Support for the PATHS keyword on Eclipse input files when reading FAULTS
  • Command line improvements : Parse multiple entries of "replaceCase" and "replaceSourceCases"
  • Improved LAS-export

Complete list of Enhancement-issues closed since v1.6.0

#157 Include PATHS alias in search for FAULTS data
#168 Add 3D view projection type "Parallel"
#272 Edge-visualization of any property
#275 Split "Undefined grid faults" based on ACTNUM
#282 Property filter with multi selection for integer parameter
#476 Show orientation of geomech tensor components
#569 Enble user to change font size of well names
#611 WLP: Make snapshotting work as with 3D views
#719 Extended Grid Box axis to make sure a label coord is present both above max coord and below min coord
#722 Grid Case Group Statistics: Include in-active cells for ACTNUM statistics
#723 Grid Case Group Statistics: Include "sum" as statistical output
#724 Grid Case Group Statistics: Add option to include in-active cells as 0's in statistical calculations
#734 Use ERT as shared (external) library on Linux
#737 Summary: Create a tree view containing plot objects and corresponding property editor
#748 Info Box - Result Info: Add 'sum' of Cell Property to Statistics.
#755 Summary: Establish a sensible curve data GUI
#756 Summary: First version of Curve Filter item
#757 Summary: Specify solution for splitting 2D plots and 3D views into two or more windows
#758 Summary: Create 2D Plot Main Window
#764 Summary: Support for multiple cases in Curve Filter
#766 Summary: Make "*" count as any valid value in the filters
#771 Summary: Change names etc. in the Plot/Curve/Curve Filter stuff
#773 Summary Curve Filter: Needs Auto Apply toggle
#775 Summary: Summary cases needs a user editable "Short Name"
#776 Summary: Add Case name in curve names
#777 Summary: Create a Curve Filter by default when creating a Summary Plot
#778 Summary: Show unit on Y-Axis
#779 Summary: Y-Axis appearance controls: Log
#780 Summary: Auto apperance for curve filter curves
#781 Summary: New Icons for the different plot-parts
#783 Summary: Make legend show all aspects of the curve
#784 Summary: Use antialiased drawing
#785 Summary : Symbol skip distance to avoid symbol heaps along the curve
#786 Summary: Picking a curve should select it in the tree/property browser
#787 Summary: Delete Curve Filter Command
#788 OPM Parser: Read faults names using opm-parser
#789 OPM Parser: Add properties from standalone files to opm-parser Input Cases
#792 Summary: Window Zoom
#793 Summary: Zoom All
#802 Summary: Improve default docview and toolbar positions
#803 Use (new) default dock and toolbar layout for new versions
#805 Integer value legend for integer parameters
#806 Improved layout of items in preferences
#808 Formation Names: Command to import formation names and k-ranges from file
#809 Formation Names: Create Formation Name Project items
#810 Formation Names: Display the formation name of a Cell in result info when selected (Odb Cases)
#811 Formation Names: Color cells based on Formation Name grouping (Odb cases)
#812 Formation Names: Color cells based on Formation Name grouping (Eclipse cases)
#813 Formation Names: Display the formation name of a Cell in result info when selected (Eclipse Cases)
#814 Intersection Box: Project tree items
#815 Intersection Box: Create the visualization (Odb cases)
#816 Intersection Box: Create the visualization (Eclipse cases)
#817 Intersection Box: Commands (Odb Cases)
#818 Intersection Box: Commands (Eclipse Cases)
#819 Formation Names: Item Commands
#820 LAS: Export TVD along in the Well log export
#821 LAS: Export multiple curves in one go, to same or several LAS-files
#827 Formation Names: Upgrade category-legend to support text levels
#829 Formation Names: Show as colors. Polish and finalization
#831 Formation Names: Adjust legend height to accomodate many layers
#834 Tof-ST: Start to use the provided libraries and code
#837 Formation Names: Show layer names in property filter
#838 Turn the group "Undefined Grid Faults With Inactive" off by default
#839 Formation names: Reverse order of formation names in legend
#840 Summary: Time-Axis Appearance: Range
#842 Summary: Plot Title
#846 Summary: Improve Plot and 3D window management
#849 Summary: Import Summary Case command
#850 Summary: Single and Multi Plot image Export to file commands
#851 Summary: "Open 3D Window" tool button in 2D plot window
#852 Summary: Improve Default Settings
#853 Summary: Y-Axis appearance controls: Range
#855 Summary: Axis appearance: Font size
#856 Summary: Y-Axis appearance controls: Number Format
#857 Summary: Axis title: Auto / User defined
#859 Summary: Time-Axis Appearance: Date / Time from start of simulation
#860 Summary: Axis Title position
#862 Summary: Click on axis selects appropriate Plot( and Axis) in property view
#864 Summary: Curve Filter control of curve auto names
#865 Summary: Sumcase "Short Name" must be called "Display Name"
#866 Summary: Curve Filter Appearance options must be hidden when auto is on
#867 Summary: Copy command for Plots
#868 Summary: Copy Curve Filters and Curves
#869 Summary: Add a right Y-Axis. Curve filter option selects its Y-Axis
#870 Summary: Tooltips showing the closest curve point value
#871 Summary: Curve filter toggle
#873 Summary: Add standard toggle commands to summary plots, curve filters and curves
#876 LAS: Avoid empty lines
#878 Command Line: snapshotAllPlots
#880 LAS: Export of TVDRKB based on first diff between MD and TVD in a well path
#882 Las Export: Polish
#884 Intersection Box: Direct 3D manipulation of box extents and position
#885 Time lapse: Add Time lapse derived results
#886 LAS Export: Set the STEP if the data is resampled
#887 Category Legend: Limit legend height when having few categories
#888 Intersection Box: Enable picking on geometry
#889 Intersection Box: Icons
#890 Faults: "Export Faults ..." Command
#894 Intersection Box: Improve transition between different plane collapse settings.
#896 Intersection Box: Simple slider resolution improvement
#897 Intersection Box: Use Depth instead of Z
#898 Intersection Box: Include inactive cells in intersections
#900 Intersection Box: Move to Intersection folder
#901 WLP: copy/paste well log plots, tracks and curves
#902 Intersection Box: Add viewer context command to create a box at position
#912 Derived Results: More directly derived geomechanical results
#913 Derived Results: Additional results based on user controllable constants
#914 Derived Results: Transformed stress and strain onto intersections
#916 Summary: Autogeneration of plot on import
#917 Summary: Delete option for multiselected Summary Plots
#923 Intersections: Introduce a user defined direction for intersections
#926 Eclipse Input Data : Import custom keyword data
#932 Intersection Box: Improve sensitivity when moving the planes
#939 Derived Results: Finalization : Directly derived
#940 Derived Results: Finalization: Based on Case parameters
#941 Derived Result: Transformed Stress results
#942 Derived Results: Geometrical quantities
#943 Well log plot: Display curve value when pointing with cursor
#956 Documentation
#963 Batch : Parse multiple entries of "replaceCase" and "replaceSourceCases"
#968 Summary Plot: Add Axis folder
#970 Summary: Y-axis title from vector name
#983 Summary: Context command: Switch Axis: Make it multiselect sensitive
#984 Summary: Auto Curve name adjustments
#985 Summary: Auto Curve Name: Add missing items : "Block" and others ?
#988 Summary: Context command Copy/Paste icons should be generic
#1000 System : Add support for copy/paste keyboard shortcuts
#1002 System : Improve restore of main windows from minimized state

Fixed Bugs since v1.6.0

#225 Clear Result Info and Result Plot when closing a case
#254 Faults colors turn gray when Cell Edge is active
#273 "Undefined grid faults" includes faults defined by FAULTS
#279 Enable simultaneous batch mode sessions InProgress
#424 Resinsight refuses to start unless user has write access to scripts-folder.
#478 Missing keyword from INIT-file when LGR is present
#590 Fault labels are not shown outside filters when faults are
#649 Script folder not updating
#717 Octave script can not be executed for multiple case in Project Tree
#725 Grid Case Group: SOIL is not computed when loading multiple cases into a group
#726 File Import Eclipse Case slow search for *.EGRID files
#727 Missing Dynamic parameters not reported for initial time step
#731 Octave script fails first time on new Linux session (RHEL6)
#744 Error message for snapshots in Batch mode
#751 Well pipes for intersections based on Simulation Wells disappears when a Range Filter is applied
#752 Result Info reports "Grid cell" value to be Inf
#760 In...

Read more

Intermediate 1.6.7-gm-beta

02 Nov 16:18
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This is a pre-release used for special testing and evaluation.

ResInsight 1.6.0

11 Jan 12:12
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Release 1.6.0 is a major release, and adds quite a few enhancements to ResInsight in addition to bugfixes.

New Features and Enhancements

The main features of this release can be summarized as follows:

  • Intersections
  • UTM coordinate Grid Box
  • Time-history plot for selected cells
  • Improved statistics features in the Info Box
    • Visible cells only
    • Current time step only
  • General improvements to the Well Log Plots
    • Logarithmic X-axis option
    • Line thickness
    • Line and point style
    • Auto scale control
  • Additional ascii well trajectory import variations supported
  • Wells sorted by name
  • Cell Result property list sorted by name
  • Improved colors when using a Black viewer background
  • Picking legend and Info box enabled

This is the complete list of closed Enhancement issues on github since last release:

#163 Sort well list for "Simulation wells"
#164 Sort parameter lists in "Cell Result"
#166 Intersections : 2D intersections along well paths
#264 Show statistics on filtered parameters
#266 Show grid box with UTM coordinates and scale
#345 Well path import should accept well name alone on a line
#404 Display depth when clicking on a wellpath
#460 WLP: Option to have Logarithmic X-axis for Tracks.
#464 WLP: PERM should always be shown with Log axis as default.
#532 WLP: Curve appearance: Line thickness
#538 WLP: Be aware of Eclipse case unit set. If "field" use feet on depth axis
#606 Result Statistics: Calculate statistics (3D info) based on visible cells.
#607 3D-info box: Add option to show statistics based on visible cells only.
#612 Possibilities for plotting data from grid cells vs time (2D plot)
#625 Result Statistics: Guard against using dynamic property filter together with Visible Cells and All Time steps Statistics
#632 Highlight source Eclipse cell for time history curve in 3D view
#637 Result Plot: Same cell must be selectable several times with different result value
#638 Result Plot: Change title to "Result Plot"
#639 Axis cross: Show E (x, 1) etc. as axis label.
#641 Intersections : Create intersection by drawing polyline at cells
#642 3D-info box: Move date into animation progress bar, away from the statistics.
#643 3D-info box: Separate Grid info from Statistics
#645 Encode date in step names for ODB-files
#646 Result plot : Show selected cells in geo mech view
#647 3D-info box: Make the width more stable
#654 WLP: Keep X Axis Range fixed when set by user
#655 Sort list in "Wells" folder
#656 Improve performance by reusing a text effect
#657 Intersections : User interface for intersections of well Paths
#659 Sort wellpaths when downloading from SSI-hub
#660 Intersections : Use intersection to be aligned with concept naming in other tools
#662 Adjust Legend and axiscross text color to contrast the viewer background
#663 Intersections : Create intersection from simulation wells
#664 Intersections : Add support for picking on intersections
#665 Intersections : Icons for project tree
#667 Grid group under View in project tree to toggle cells on/off
#668 Intersections: Name them from well name dynamically
#669 Grid Box: Default On
#670 Grid Box: Do not use scientific notation on the UTM coordinates
#672 Show “Wells” and “Well log plot” folders in Project-tree also when empty.
#674 3D-info box: Clicking it should select the info box properties in the tree view and property panel
#675 Intersection: Extrapolate well path in the same directions as the well ends/starts
#676 Intersection: Start intersection at the entry point of the well into the reservoir
#678 Intersection: Add the relevant context menu commands
#679 Intersection: Option to show/hide inactive cells
#691 WLP: Option to keep the depth range fixed for a Well Log Plot
#696 Clicking on legend should select legend definition in project tree
#697 WLP: Add support for point and line style
#698 WLP: Add support for logarithmic x axis
#700 Initiate creation of bounding box tree when the first intersection is created

Bugfixes since 1.5.0

#277 Well import from file crash with unrecognized well name
#587 Strange layout in eclipse property filter editor
#597 Wrong date for large UNRST-file
#617 WLP: Wheelzoom at bottom of curve does not work properly
#629 Opening a project file referencing a Odb-file from ResInsight with no odb causes crash
#630 Saving a project file to an existing readonly project file does not give warning
#658 NNC TRANXYZ-value not given in Result Info
#685 Linked Views: Range filter mapping bug with inverted J
#708 Simulation well geometry and color mapping is not as good as in 1.4.0
#711 WLP: Active WLP window makes Octave-script run without progress
#712 Well head cell is shown as completed cell

System updates

#270 Include CRT files in installation package on Windows System

ResInsight 1.5.0

09 Nov 13:04
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Release 1.5.0 of ResInsight is a main release that adds features and improvements.

New Features and Enhancements

The main features of this release can be summarized as follows:

  • Linked views
  • Extract well log curves from grid results
  • Import, export and view LAS-files
  • Improved window management (Position and size is stored, Window tile command)
  • A few smaller improvements

This is the complete list of closed Enhancement issues on github since last release:

#85 synchronised visualisation
#395 Syncronized views with basic options
#396 Create initial Well Log Plot Viewer with setup Gui
#397 Create well log data extraction system
#398 Create Well log extraction from Eclipse data
#399 Create well log extraction from Abaqus data
#400 Syncronized views with filter syncronization (Not GeoMech-Eclipse)
#401 Linked Views: Syncronize Visible Cells between Eclipse-Geomech views
#405 Use Bar as unit for pressure and stress
#408 Store MDI window size and position in RimView
#409 Store/Restore WellLogPlot window geometry
#410 Reduce font-size for axis numbers in Well-Log Plots
#411 Add description to the Well Log plot and use it as Plot title
#412 Improve ctrl+wheel zoom
#413 Update camera with global coordinates if model bounding box overlap or are close
#415 Improve WellLogExtraction Performance
#416 Improve Linked views dialog
#417 Add togglebutton controls to Linked Views and View group
#418 Make a group around the on/off options in the Linked view property panel
#420 Use Case icon in tree view for linked views
#421 Place Linked Views first in Project tree, and only visible when there are linked views
#422 Move WellLog Plots before Scripts and after Wells in the tree view
#423 Hide well log plot collection in tree view when all well log plots have been deleted
#425 Reset X-axis range on well log trace plots when all curves have been deleted
#426 Make selection in tree view control activation of WellLogPlot View, and the other way around.
#427 Make well log plot viewer active when a well log plot is selected in the tree view
#428 Select well log plot inn tree view when selecting the corresponding viewer (MDI window)
#429 Add curve by default to newly created well log plot/plot trace
#430 Set name on geomech WellLog curve from the result value plotted
#435 LAS Support: Import LAS files, display the metadata in the ProjectTree.
#436 LAS Support: Create Well Log curves from LAS-file data.
#437 WLP: TVD as optional y-axis for Well Log Plots
#438 WLP: Show "TVD" or "MD" on the well log plot y-axis according to plot settings
#439 WLP: Set sensible minimum size for plots and tracks
#440 WLP: Set default WellLog plot size to something sensible
#441 WLP: Do not create a maximized WellLog Plot unless the MDI area already is maximized
#443 Linked Views: Cell result is not to be linked by default
#445 Linked Views: Modify the tree view to accomodate only One View Group
#446 Linked Views: Context menu in 3D view should have view link commands
#447 Linked Views: "Link all visible views" should just add unliked views and not complain.
#449 Linked Views: Toggle button for each linked view independently
#455 WLP: Better names for Curves.
#457 WLP: Curve timestep selection must be from dropdown with dates
#459 WLP: Inactive cell areas or empty space should not show a line in the Well Log plot
#466 WLP: Selecting plot items must select the item in the tree and show their properties
#467 WLP: Drag-drop in tree view to organize curves and tracks
#468 WLP: Context menu in 3D on Well Paths to create Log Plot.
#472 WLP: Context command to create LAS curves from a selection of LAS variable entries in the tree view
#480 Toolbutton for tiling of windows
#481 Restore window maximized state
#483 WLP: Gray out settings in the project tree that is overridden by LinkedViews
#485 Plots need to grow in size when adding tracks
#486 Rename Trace to Track everywhere
#488 WLP: Better curve colors needed
#490 WLP: THe Track property panel needs a heading: "Track N" and better names for X-range fields
#492 WLP : New feature "New Well Log LAS Curve"
#498 Display unit names for well log curves
#500 The curve property panel needs to improve
#502 WLP: Deleting a Track should reduce the size of the plot window
#505 Add menu item for LAS curve creation to well path in tree view
#514 "View Link" command features should be available in the project tree view
#521 WLP: Plot icon, Plots Icon, Track icon, Curve icon
#522 LAS Support: Las file icon
#528 WLP: Extraction curves created from context menu in 3D view on well path should use case and property data from context
#533 WLP: Auto curve names: Remove "|", use space or ", "
#534 WLP: Auto curve name: Sort options according to sequence in name.
#535 WLP: Curve name: Split timestep option in Date and Timestep.
#539 Linked Views: When unlinking a Range filter overridden view: Ask user: Keep master range filter ?
#540 Linked Views: Real range filter syncronization between Geomech-Eclipse views
#541 LAS Support: Export Curve/Track and Plot to LAS-file
#544 WLP: allow LAS depth curve to have the name depth and not only dept
#545 WLP: Ignore null/absent values when making the x-axis scale
#547 Don't add "New Well Log LAS Curve" to context menu unless well log files are available
#580 Display well name when clicking on a wellpath
#563 Result Info Text: Print local integration point number instead of node number when showing integration Point results
#570 WLP: vertical axes must be alligned in multi-track plots
#578 Linked Views : Make sure context menu commands are disabled when an override range filter collection is active
#582 WLP: When dropping curves into a track, they too often have the same appearance.
#598 Doc: LAS Support
#599 Doc: Linked Views
#600 Doc: Well log extraction
#601 Doc: Window management
#602 Doc: GeoMech result variable documentation improvements
#618 LAS : Make sure existing data is cleaned up when adding LAS file to a well path with existing LAS file

Fixed bugs

The following bugs that existed in ResInsight 1.4.0 are fixed

#309 IJK assignment fails on a particular model
#331 The POR value colors must not bleed into cells with undefined POR results
#392 Remove Ternary from list of available dynamic results in property filter
#407 3D view context menu "Add property filter" should be disabled for per-cell face color results
#512 Only one time step available for geomechanical case
#513 Total stress calculation must only use POR if all nodes in the element have POR
#542 Crash when opening projectfile when well path files is missing
#549 Property Filter: Adding a new Geomech POR property filter does not update the model
#605 Well path: Deleting and reloading a wellpath reuses old data.

System updates

#338 Upgrade to latest version of AppFwk InProgress
#402 Make Qwt available for usage in ReInsight development
#403 Establish the prefered method for reading Log ASCII Well log files
#434 LAS Support: Incorporate the NR LAS libraries in ResInsight
#613 Use 2015.10 version of ERT

ResInsight 1.4.0

23 Aug 19:13
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This release is a wrap-up of several small fixes, in addition to align the code base to ResInsight for Geomechanics.

One notable change is that the binary windows distribution now supports Octave 4.0.0, and not the old 3.6.1 version. If you want to use ResInsight on windows with Octave, you must install Octave 4.0.0

The GeoMechanical features are not available in the binary downloads, as they are dependent on the ODB-Api from Simulia.

Closed Issues

General Enhancements

#66 Property writing to and reading from Generate folder from Octave scripts
#80 Navigation mode improvements
#119 Improved naming of Property filters
#226 Cell Edge Result: Check-box in tree
#285 Range Filter Index spesification followed by Enter
#311 Option to turn the light model off
#317 Avoid stopping animation when switching results
#327 Added version number to the 3D view, to make it visible on screenshots
#328 Range Type: «Local/Global» must be renamed to "Current Timestep/ All Timesteps"
#342 Create new Property Filter from context menu

Fixed Bugs

#101 ResInsight does not accept command line parameters
#110 Copy view function resize/move grid
#115 Well survey data on other formats give ResInsight abort
#121 Snapshot All Views to Files set filenames with space
#200 Statistics cases: Regression test does not load correctly "manually"
#260 Segmentation fault when working with faults visualization
#271 Linux start-up script uses unrecognised option in branch "dev"
#278 None existing TRANNNC gives ERT abort which crashes ResInsight
#281 Crash while importing in Resinsight - cvfPlane.cpp: Aborted
#283 Resinsight fails to compile with GCC 4.9 on Ubuntu 14.04
#284 Abort using riSetGridProperty for grid imported on grdecl-format
#287 Case Group Import: Remove case(s) also remove next case in list
#300 ResInsight crashing when importing my Eclipse 300 models
#301 Missing riMULTXYZ for no NTG
#305 Include CRT files on Windows
#316 Do not load and show any results when requesting a none existing result
#321 Throw on riSetActiveCellProperty

System updates

#298 Update install on RH6 Linux, to accomodate the Geomech support if needed.
#325 Update the Octave support to octave 4.0.0
#334 Upgrade ERT to latest version
#390 Update build system to optionally compile against ODB-Api

Geomechanical features

This is the list of the closed GitHub Enhancement issues related to development of the Geomechanichs support. This is not a complete feature list as issues was not generated before we had the baseline in place, but gives some information regarding what we have achived.

#291 Geomech case information needed in the 3D-view-info-box
#292 View management commands for Geomechanical views
#293 Odb "Steps" must be used as primary animation timestep
#294 Remove internal/invisible faces in GeoMech models
#295 Range filter for Geomechanic cases
#296 Odb file reading: Identify and remove performance bottlenecks in basic operations.
#297 Handle project files with Geomech models gracefully in ResInsight without ODB support
#299 Add progress bars when loading Geomech cases
#306 IJK-slice context menu commands in 3DViewer for geomech models
#310 Element Result info when picking Geomechanical cases
#312 Visualize imported wellpaths in the Geomechanical views
#313 Calculate Stress path as a predefined derived result value for Geomechanical cases
#314 Property filters for Geomechanical cases
#318 Use Geomechanical sign on stress tensor
#319 Calculate total stress as a predefined resultvariable
#320 Calculate principal stresses from both the total and ordinary stress tensors as a result variable
#322 Add result field name to 3D-info box
#323 Use Geomechanical sign on strain tensor
#324 Add stress path calculations for the diagonal stress tensor components
#329 Copy View for Geomechanics
#331 The POR value colors must not bleed into cells with undefined POR results
#335 Progress bars when loading geomechanical results
#337 Some of the GeoMech result names must be renamed

Intermediate 1.3.2-dev

09 Jan 08:24
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Development release (non-production ready)

#263 Add support for fault face using plus to indicate face

Source code improvements

#269 Support for external ert source
#268 Make ResInsight build and run on Mac OS X

ResInsight 1.3.1

07 Nov 17:26
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Performance improvements

The main focus for this release has been performance improvements related to file reading and parsing. Significant improvements has been achieved on both Windows and Linux platforms.

Features and bugfixes

#233 Integrate and test performance improvements in ERT
#243 Invalid EGRID coordinates from ERT
#246 Disabling of grid fault detection causes crash when populating result info
#247 Reading FAULTS give "Assertion failed: (faceIndex < 6)"
#248 Octave Generated static property not shown for mulitple timesteps
#249 Octave fails to read data for some Grid Case Group cases
#250 Fault names including trailing space is not parsed correctly
#251 Invalid visualization of transparent well cells for ternary property
#252 Adding a range filter changes grid display mode
#253 Date for time steps pre 1970 are not handled correctly on Windows

The installation documentation can be found here: Installation documentation

ResInsight 1.3

24 Sep 15:28
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Features and bugfixes

#244 riTrans contains negative values for some cases
#242 Color mapping disappears when changing view mode for static results
#240 Context menu is not available when pointing to a NNC
#239 Fix usage of face center to cell center vectors for riTrans
#238 Move all derived results at bottom of Cell Result list
#237 Fault result color is displayed instead of scalar value colors when cell edge is activated
#236 Reorganize and improve NNC
#231 Performance profiling of ResInsight for large cases
#230 Unconnected NNCS are displayed in Faults->NNCs With No Common Area
#229 The MULTXYZ contains "inf" values (in TEST10K-case)
#223 Picking on faults does not produce correct text in Result Info
#222 Ternary result does not work for cell edge visualization
#221 Result statistics: Added cache and statistics calculation
#219 Cell edge : Support per-face results in combination with cell center results
#218 Consolidate ternary visualization with standard texture result visualization
#217 Ternary: Create result mapping using texture instead of direct colors
#210 Compute non-overlapping NNCs
#206 Recent file list
#204 Context option - Hide Fault
#199 Ternary results: Dynamic face selection does not work
#198 CellEdge visualization is missing on Faults
#190 Make all derived combined result properties have a CellEdge equivalent
#184 Make a Combined MULTXYZ property
#183 Make a Combined riMULTXYZ property
#181 Make a riTRANSXYZbyArea property: Area Normalized Combined TRANSXYZ
#177 Add ability to map a different result on faults than selected grid cell result
#176 Automatically switch to regular 3D mode if a range filter is defined
#175 Add ability to control visibility of individual faults in regular 3D mode

Known issues in ResInsigth 1.3.0

Disabling of automatic fault detection from Preferences ->Grid faults causes instabilities in ResInsight. Leave this option always on. See issue on GitHub (#246).

The installation documentation can be found here: Installation documentation

ResInsight 1.2

02 Jul 13:59
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#86 Ternary results
#169 Octave 64 bit support
#188 ResInsight 1.2 Octave support Wrapup


#159 Include Octave 64bit and Qt 64bit workaround enhancement
#192 Octave hangs after data is written to ResInsight for large datasets
#109 BUG for riGet/SetActiveCellProperty when used for .grdecl grid bug
#193 Missing wellcell transparency on faults bug
#182 Combined TRANS property is possibly not implemented correctly. This needs to be checked, and possible shortcomings discussed.
#179 Missing Fracture SOIL for dual porosity models bug
#162 Print the help message if we encounter a positional command-line parameter
#160 ResInsight abort for embedded gridding bug
#116 Build fails on Ubuntu 12.04 due to probed Qt dirs not used bug

Installation Documentation

The installation documentation can be found here: Installation documentation

ResInsight 1.1

24 Jan 06:04
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Installation documentation

  • NNC: Read NNC data from ERT
  • Toolbar - Gridlines - Faults only option
  • Faults: Read FAULTS from ECLIPSE .DATA file
  • Faults: Display named faults in project tree
  • Batch: Set size of main application window
  • Batch: Replace grid in case
  • Batch: Replace source cases in case group
  • Batch: Multi case snapshot
  • Batch: Save snapshots
  • Faults: Sort faults by name during import
  • Faults: Combine NNC transmissibility viz with fault transmissibility
  • Faults: Create a special result visualization based on tranx/y/z
  • NNC: Create geometry for NNC and add to fault geometry
  • NNC: Compute shared polygon for connection between two NNC cells
  • Faults: Create 3D visualization of faults
  • Geometry tools: Integration and unit tests
  • Faults: Color faults individually by user defined colors
  • Faults: Add labels in 3D view
  • Toolbar: New button show labels on/off
  • Picking: Improved display of NNC data in result info
  • Preferences: Control faults data reading
  • Doc: Added fault description page
  • Doc: Added description of batch with examples
  • NNC: Show IJK for cells connected to NNC
  • Faults: Read faults for Eclipse input case
  • Preferences: Control if faults are visible by default
  • Performance: Add flag to control if fault data should be imported
  • Fault collection: Show fault count in tooltip