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Releases: OPM/ResInsight

ResInsight 2024.12.1

16 Dec 07:06
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Release description

Issues fixed

  • Fixed crash situation for surfaces with a specific data layout #11989
  • Improved plotting of scaled and unscaled relperms #11982

Release Info

ResInsight 2024.12

06 Dec 15:57
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!! NOTE !!

There was an error in the package that made the package invalid on some systems. Please use the updated installation package named

Release description

New features

  • ResInsight now offers the option to import geometry exclusively for active cells. This feature is particularly beneficial for large grids where active cells constitute only a small fraction of the total, significantly reducing memory usage. This optimization ensures efficient handling of large models while maintaining full functionality for active cells.
  • For large projects with numerous views and grid models, navigating to specific information can sometimes be time-consuming. To address this, we’ve introduced a dedicated dialog called Quick Access. This dialog displays selected information from a view, making it easier to find what you need efficiently.
  • Qt has been upgraded from version 5 to version 6, bringing significant changes that impact several aspects of ResInsight, particularly its application engine. Building with Qt 5 is no longer supported.

Other improvements

  • Summary Table: Add user option to set time range on x-axis #11803
  • When highlighting a curve, also highlight other curves for the same realization #11771
  • Add a vertical line indicating the selected time in Result Plot #11768
  • Plot scaled and unscaled relperm curves in the same plot #11684
  • Fix visibility control of curve legends #11966
  • Fixed issues with P10 and P90 curves for some wells #11941

Release Info

ResInsight 2024.09.2

25 Oct 06:11
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ResInsight 2024.09.2

The following issues have been fixed in this patch release

  • Multi-segment RFT plot: Reservoir Pressure is not plotted #11812
  • Investigate missing ensembles for summary data from SUMO #11783
  • Slower operation speed in new version #11806
  • Issues related to contour map visualization #11798
  • Improve handling of network summary vectors #11785

Release Info

ResInsight 2024.09.1

02 Oct 10:43
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ResInsight 2024.09.1

The following issues have been fixed in this patch release

  • RFT plot: Missing CONFAC data in some cases #11737
  • Crash when creating intersection on a simulation well if the well is not present at time step #11735
  • Items stuck on top of each other in Property Editor #11731

Release Info


27 Sep 10:12
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ResInsight 2024.09

  • Support for Cloud Services
    Ensemble summary data from SUMO and well path geometry from OSDU
  • Ensemble Grid Case
    An ensemble of grid cases can be imported into a grid case ensemble. Creating a view in this ensemble will allow the user to quickly switch between realizations using a drop down menu.
  • Import of faults from PFLOTRAN simulations
  • Improve handling of summary curve type Rate or Accumulated
  • Make sure summary ensemble statistics is calculated correctly if the first realization is partial
  • Fix issue with display of connection results in RFT Segment plots
  • Make sure regression curves works Observed Data
  • Fixed issue with the layout system causing very thin dialogs at left and right side of screen

Windows Firewall Notice
ResInsight can communicate with Python and other cloud services. When used on Windows, a Windows Firewall message might appear when you launch the application. Choose Allow to ensure correct behavior for these features.

Release Info

ResInsight 2024.03.3

25 Apr 07:51
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ResInsight 2024.03.3 contains additional patches for release 2024.03

  • Set a max limit for categories to avoid crash using the category legend mapper
  • RFT plot: Fix crash when creating a plot and no formations are present
  • Fix source stepping issue using keyboard shortcut causing the stepping to jump two items
  • Make sure polygon cell filter works in contour maps
  • Make sure an cell values from a previous grid calculation can be used in a grid calculation
  • Remove invalid display of KROG curve if no gas is present

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ResInsight 2024.03.2

22 Apr 08:36
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ResInsight 2024.03.2 contains a fix for a regression introduced in patch release 2024.03.1

A copy of release notes for patch release ResInsight 2024.03.1 is attached:

ResInsight 2024.03.1 contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fix crash for grid property calculator expressions
  • Check date and make sure h5 and ESMRY summary files are updated before importing data
  • Make sure restart history is included using ESMRY reader
  • Contour Map Eclipse: Clicking with left mouse button is not working
  • Make sure category labeling is used by default for property names starting with FIP*

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2024.04.22: Removed binary package for Windows, as a critical issue was introduced in this patch release. Please use

ResInsight 2024.03.1

19 Apr 12:57
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ResInsight 2024.03.1 contains the following bug fixes:

  • Fix crash for grid property calculator expressions
  • Check date and make sure h5 and ESMRY summary files are updated before importing data
  • Make sure restart history is included using ESMRY reader
  • Contour Map Eclipse: Clicking with left mouse button is not working
  • Make sure category labeling is used by default for property names starting with FIP*

More release info

2024.04.22: Removed binary package for Windows, as a critical issue was introduced in this patch release. Please use

ResInsight 2024.03

25 Mar 09:35
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ResInsight 2024.03 has the following new features and bug fixes:

  • Improved performance of grid property calculator.
  • Polygons are now available as project objects, and a can be displayed in 3D views. A polygon can also be used to define an intersection and polygon cell filters.

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ResInsight 2023.12

11 Dec 14:16
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ResInsight 2023.12 has the following new features and bug fixes:

  • Grid Calculations
    • support for multiple grids
    • expressions can be stored to a text file
    • support for aggregated grid calculations like sum
  • Summary Improvements
    • several improvements to plot titles, legend layout and user interaction
    • expressions can be stored to a text file
  • Create Multiple RFT Plots

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