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lisajulia committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent 7ddc1e7 commit d666927
Showing 1 changed file with 58 additions and 0 deletions.
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions opm/simulators/wells/WellState.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,
// we need to know for each segment, how many perforation it has and how many segments using it as outlet_segment
// that is why I think we should use a well model to initialize the WellState here
std::vector<std::vector<int>> segment_perforations(well_nseg);
std::cout << "Will now loop over perforations, from 0 to " << completion_set.size() << std::endl;
std::unordered_map<int,int> active_perf_index_local_to_global = {};
for (std::size_t perf = 0; perf < completion_set.size(); ++perf) {
if (ws.parallel_info.get().globalToLocal(perf) == 0) {
Expand All @@ -692,6 +693,7 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,
const Connection& connection = completion_set.get(perf);
if (connection.state() == Connection::State::OPEN) {
std::cout << "activeperf_global = " << n_activeperf << ", activeperf_local = " << n_activeperf_local << ", perf_global = " << perf << ", perf_local = " << ws.parallel_info.get().globalToLocal(perf) << std::endl;
const int segment_index = segment_set.segmentNumberToIndex(connection.segment());
if (segment_index == -1) {
Expand All @@ -715,6 +717,7 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,
if (!this->enableDistributedWells_ && static_cast<int>(ws.perf_data.size()) != n_activeperf)
throw std::logic_error("Distributed multi-segment wells cannot be initialized properly yet.");

std::cout << "(should be the same?) n_activeperf: " << n_activeperf << std::endl;

std::vector<std::vector<int>> segment_inlets(well_nseg);
for (int seg = 0; seg < well_nseg; ++seg) {
Expand All @@ -727,10 +730,20 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,
std::cout << "Now: segment_inlets (of size " << well_nseg << "): " << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < segment_inlets.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << "segment_inlets[" << i << "]: ";
for (int inlet : segment_inlets[i]) {
std::cout << inlet << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;

auto& perf_data = ws.perf_data;
std::cout << "in the loop for gas" << std::endl;
// for the seg_rates_, now it becomes a recursive solution procedure.
if (pu.phase_used[Gas]) {
std::cout << "in the loop for gas" << std::endl;
auto& perf_rates = perf_data.phase_rates;
const int gaspos = pu.phase_pos[Gas];
// scale the phase rates for Gas to avoid too bad initial guess for gas fraction
Expand All @@ -742,11 +755,15 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,
perf_rates[perf*np + gaspos] *= 100;

std::cout << "perf_data.size() = " << perf_data.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "np = " << np << std::endl;
const auto& perf_rates = perf_data.phase_rates;
const auto& perf_press = perf_data.pressure;
// The function calculateSegmentRates as well as the loop filling the segment_pressure work
// with *global* containers. Now we create global vectors containing the phase_rates and
// pressures of all processes.
std::cout << "perf_rates.size() = " << perf_rates.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "perf_press.size() = " << perf_press.size() << std::endl;
size_t number_of_global_perfs = 0;

if (ws.parallel_info.get().communication().size() > 1) {
Expand All @@ -757,24 +774,44 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,

std::vector<Scalar> perforation_rates(number_of_global_perfs * np, 0.0);
std::vector<Scalar> perforation_pressures(number_of_global_perfs, 0.0);
std::cout << "After communication: perforation_rates.size() = " << perforation_rates.size() << std::endl;

assert(perf_data.size() == perf_press.size());
assert(perf_data.size() * np == perf_rates.size());
for (size_t perf = 0; perf < perf_data.size(); ++perf) {
std::cout << "looping over perf_data.size(), perf = " << perf;
if (active_perf_index_local_to_global.count(perf) > 0) {
const int global_active_perf_index =;
std::cout << ", global_active_perf_index = " << global_active_perf_index << std::endl;
perforation_pressures[global_active_perf_index] = perf_press[perf];
for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
perforation_rates[global_active_perf_index * np + i] = perf_rates[perf * np + i];
} else {
std::cout << std::endl;
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error,fmt::format("Error when initializing MS Well state, there is no active perforation index for the local index {}", perf));

std::cout << "Before communication: calculateSegmentRates: perforation_rates.size() " << perforation_rates.size() << ", and the content:" << std::endl;
std::for_each(perforation_rates.begin(), perforation_rates.end(), [](const auto& entry) {std::cout << entry << ", ";});
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Before communication: calculateSegmentRates: perforation_pressures.size() " << perforation_pressures.size() << ", and the content:" << std::endl;
std::for_each(perforation_pressures.begin(), perforation_pressures.end(), [](const auto& entry) {std::cout << entry << ", ";});
std::cout << std::endl;

if (ws.parallel_info.get().communication().size() > 1) {
ws.parallel_info.get().communication().sum(, perforation_rates.size());
ws.parallel_info.get().communication().sum(, perforation_pressures.size());

std::cout << "After communication: calculateSegmentRates: perforation_rates.size() " << perforation_rates.size() << ", and the content:" << std::endl;
std::for_each(perforation_rates.begin(), perforation_rates.end(), [](const auto& entry) {std::cout << entry << ", ";});
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "After communication: calculateSegmentRates: perforation_pressures.size() " << perforation_pressures.size() << ", and the content:" << std::endl;
std::for_each(perforation_pressures.begin(), perforation_pressures.end(), [](const auto& entry) {std::cout << entry << ", ";});
std::cout << std::endl;

calculateSegmentRates(ws.parallel_info, segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, 0 /* top segment */, ws.segments.rates);

// for the segment pressure, the segment pressure is the same with the first perforation belongs to the segment
Expand All @@ -786,11 +823,17 @@ void WellState<Scalar>::initWellStateMSWell(const std::vector<Well>& wells_ecl,
// top segment is always the first one, and its pressure is the well bhp
auto& segment_pressure = ws.segments.pressure;
segment_pressure[0] = ws.bhp;
std::cout << "segment_pressure.size() " << segment_pressure.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "perf_press.size() " << perforation_pressures.size() << ", perforation_pressures:" << std::endl;
std::for_each(perforation_pressures.begin(), perforation_pressures.end(), [](const auto& entry) {std::cout << entry << ", ";});
std::cout << std::endl;

// The segment_indices contain the indices of the segments, that are only available on one process.
std::vector<int> segment_indices;
for (int seg = 1; seg < well_nseg; ++seg) {
if (!segment_perforations[seg].empty()) {
const int first_perf_global_index = segment_perforations[seg][0];
std::cout << "first perf of segment " << seg << " seg: " << first_perf_global_index << std::endl;
segment_pressure[seg] = perforation_pressures[first_perf_global_index];
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -841,6 +884,7 @@ calculateSegmentRatesBeforeSum(const ParallelWellInfo<Scalar>& pw_info,
const int np, const int segment,
std::vector<Scalar>& segment_rates)
std::cout << "calculateSegmentRatesBeforeSum for the segment " << segment << std::endl;
// the rate of the segment equals to the sum of the contribution from the perforations and inlet segment rates.
// the first segment is always the top segment, its rates should be equal to the well rates.
assert(segment_inlets.size() == segment_perforations.size());
Expand All @@ -849,19 +893,30 @@ calculateSegmentRatesBeforeSum(const ParallelWellInfo<Scalar>& pw_info,
segment_rates.resize(np * well_nseg, 0.0);
// contributions from the perforations belong to this segment
std::cout << "Will now look at the perforations of segment " << segment << std::endl;
for (const int& perf : segment_perforations[segment]) {
auto local_perf = pw_info.globalToLocal(perf);
std::cout << "perf = " << perf << ", local_perf = " << local_perf << std::endl;
// If local_perf == -1, then the perforation is not on this process.
// The perforation of the other processes are added in calculateSegmentRates.
if (local_perf > -1) {
std::cout << "segment_rates.size() = " << segment_rates.size() << ", perforation_rates.size() = " << perforation_rates.size() << std::endl;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
std::cout << "will access segment_rates[" << np * segment + p << "] and perforation_rates[" << np * local_perf + p << "]" << std::endl;
segment_rates[np * segment + p] += perforation_rates[np * local_perf + p];
std::cout << "Will now loop over the inlet_segs of segment " << segment << std::endl;
std::cout << "The inlet segs are: ";
std::for_each(segment_inlets[segment].begin(), segment_inlets[segment].end(), [](const auto& entry) {std::cout << entry << ", ";});
std::cout << std::endl;
for (const int& inlet_seg : segment_inlets[segment]) {
std::cout << "Now call calculateSegmentRatesBeforeSum for the inlet_seg " << inlet_seg << std::endl;
calculateSegmentRatesBeforeSum(pw_info, segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, inlet_seg, segment_rates);
std::cout << "segment_rates.size() = " << segment_rates.size() << std::endl;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
std::cout << "will access segment_rates[" << np * segment + p << "] and segment_rates[" << np * inlet_seg + p << "]" << std::endl;
segment_rates[np * segment + p] += segment_rates[np * inlet_seg + p];
Expand All @@ -875,6 +930,9 @@ calculateSegmentRates(const ParallelWellInfo<Scalar>& pw_info,
const int np, const int segment,
std::vector<Scalar>& segment_rates)
std::cout << "calculateSegmentRates called, segment = " << segment << std::endl;
std::cout << "segment_perforations.size() = " << segment_perforations.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "(should be the same across all proceses:) segment_rates.size() = " << segment_rates.size() << std::endl;
calculateSegmentRatesBeforeSum(pw_info, segment_inlets, segment_perforations, perforation_rates, np, segment, segment_rates);
pw_info.communication().sum(, segment_rates.size());
Expand Down

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