Intermediate update 1.1.3 (OSS Release)
What's Changed
Updated Acknowledgments, with 2 new co-authors.
Translated various parts into Japanese.
A large restructuring of the general testing, platform specific testing and reverse-engineering chapters.
Updated description of many tools: Adb, Angr, APK axtractor, Apkx, Burp Suite, Drozer, ClassDump(Z/etc), Clutch, Drozer, Frida, Hopper, Ghidra, IDB, Ipa Installer, iFunBox, iOS-deploy, KeychainDumper, Mobile-Security-Framework, Nathan, Needle, Objection, Magisk, PassionFruit, Radare 2, Tableplus, SOcket CAT, Xposed, and others.
Updated most of the iOS hacking/verification techniques using iOS 12 or 11 as a base instead of iOS 9/10.
Removed tools which were no longer updated, such as introspy-Android and AndBug.
Added missing MASVS references from version 1.1.4: v1.X, V3.5, V5.6, V6.2-V6.5, V8.2-V8.6.
Rewrote device-binding explanation and testcases for Android.
Added parts on testing unmanaged code in Objective-C, Java, and C/C++.
Applied many spelling, punctuation and style-related fixes.
Updated many cryptography related parts.
Added testaces for upgrade-mechanism verification for apps.
Updated Readme, Code of Conduct, Contribution guidelines, verification, funding link, and generation scripts.
Added ISBN as the book is now available at Lulu.
Added various fixes for the .epub format.
Added testcases on Android and iOS backup verification.
Improved key-attestation related explanation for Android.
Restructured OWASP Mobile Wiki.
Removed Yahoo Weather app and simplified reference on using SQL injection.
Improve explanation for iOS app sideloading to include various available methods.
Added explanation on using ADB and device shell for Android.
Added explanation on using device shell for iOS.
Provided comparison for using emulators/simulators and real devices for iOS/Android.
Fixed Uncrackable Level 3 for Android.
Improved explanation on how to exfiltrate data and apps on iOS 12 and Android 8.
Improved/updated explanation on SSL-pinning.
Added list of adopters of the MASVS/MSTG.
Updated English, Japanese, French and Spanish checklists to be compatible with MSTG 1.1.2.
Added a small write-up on Adiantum for Google.
Added MSTG-ID to the paragraphs to create a link between MSTG paragraphs and MASVS requirements.
Added review criteria for Android instant apps and guidance for app-bundle evaluation.
Clarified the differences between various methods of dynamic analysis.
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