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Sandy Dunn edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 13 revisions

We welcome commentary and feedback from the public on our team's work. If you'd like to provide feedback and suggestions about the OWASP Top 10 for Large Language Model Applications there are several ways:

  • Join the expert team's Slack Channel and engage in the discussion
    • Join our main channel #project-top10-for-llm for general project discussions on the LLM Top 10
    • Join our #team-llm-discuss channel to sharing relevant links & posts about LLM security (not necessarily Top-10 related)
    • Join the #team-llm-* channels for deeper discussions on individual Top-10 entries
  • File an issue on the GitHub site. See the issue tracking section below for further details.
  • If you're not comfortable with either option above, you can send an email

Issue Tracking

The LLM Top 10 project uses Github issues for formally tracking errata, updates and suggestions in a transparent way which encourages discussion by the community. Please ensure you tag your issue with one of the following labels when raising an item:

  • bug: For factual inaccuracies, broken links, typos, etc
  • enhancement: For a change or addition to the Top-10, such as clarifications/re-wordings, additional examples, links to external resources, etc
  • extension: For something that extends the Top-10 but is not part of the core project; for example cheat-sheets, guides, intentionally-vulnerable apps, etc.

You can optionally add additional labels if your issue relates to specific Top 10 entries or assets:

  • llm-01: Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #1
  • llm-02: Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #2
  • ...etc...
  • llm-10: Relates to LLM Top-10 entry #10
  • llm-other: Relates to a topic that is not (yet) covered by the Top-10
  • pdf: Indicates an issue specific to the PDF document
  • website: Indicates an issue specific to

As issues are managed by the project team, additional labels may be applied:

  • duplicate: Indicates this is a duplicate of an existing issue
  • discuss: Indicates that this issue requires a deeper discussion
  • wontfix: Indicates a deliberate decision has been made not to fix the issue

Issue Triage

Project contributors performing triage on newly-raised issues should:

  • Add/adjust relevant tags/labels (see above).
  • Perform a search to see if this is an obvious duplicate; if certain, label as duplicate, link to the original issue, and close the new issue.
  • Otherwise, assign the issue to the appropriate lead based on the defined project CODEOWNERS file which is deemed the single source of truth for current vulnerability leads
  • The below is a different visual aid to represent this
Topic Lead GitHub ID Slack Channel
LLM-01 Prompt Injection Leon leondz #team-llm-promptinjection
LLM-02 Insecure Output Handling Ken H kenguangus #team-llm-insecureoutput
LLM-03 Training Data Poisoning Ads GangGreenTemperTatum #team-llm-ads_data_poisoning
LLM-04 Model Denial of Service Ken H kenguangus #team-llm-denial
LLM-05 Supply Chain Vulnerabilities John S jsotiro #team-llm-suppy_chain
LLM-06 Sensitive Information Disclosure Ads GangGreenTemperTatum #team-llm_sensitive_information_disclosure
LLM-07 Insecure Plugin Design John S jsotiro #team-llm-insecure-plugins
LLM-08 Excessive Agency Andy S rot169 #team-llm-excessiveagency
LLM-09 Overreliance Steve W virtualsteve-star #team-llm-insecure-plugins
LLM-10 Model Theft Ads GangGreenTemperTatum #team-llm-ads_model_theft
OWASP Top 10 for LLM Applications Cybersecurity and Governance Checklist sdunn subzer0girl2 #team-llm_ai-secgov
PDF Mike F mkfnch NA
Website Mike F mkfnch NA