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OctoPerf Maven Plugin

The OctoPerf Maven Plugin let's you run JMeter JMX scripts at scale on OctoPerf Saas or On-Premise platform.

OctoPerf Maven plugin has multiple advantages:

  • CI Integration: most Continuous Integration servers (like Jenkins, Bamboo or TravisCI just to name a few) fully support Maven,
  • Versioning: version your JMeter scripts (like Github), and run them directly from your CI server.

The maven plugin is distributed via OctoPerf Maven Repository hosted on GitHub.

Current version: 2.5.1


Maven Plugin version compatibility:

2.5.0+ is compatible with OctoPerf 15.2.0+.

Plugin Version OctoPerf Version
2.5.0+ 15.2.0+
up to 2.4.0 up to 15.1.X

Goals Overview

The OctoPerf plugin has the following goals:

  • octoperf:wipe-project: Deletes all virtual users, files and scenarios within the project,
  • octoperf:import-jmx: Imports JMeter JMX Project along with resource files (like csvs etc.) on OctoPerf platform,
  • octoperf:import-scenario: Imports scenario.json on OctoPerf platform,
  • octoperf:execute-scenario: Executes the scenario with the specified name (or the previously imported scenario if no name specified).

System Requirements

The following specifies the minimum requirements to run this Maven plugin:

Name Description
Maven 3.8
Java 17
Memory No minimum requirement.
Disk Space No minimum requirement.

Mandatory Parameters

There are a number of things you need before getting started:

Name Description
OctoPerf API Key Login on OctoPerf Account > Profile, and copy the API key.
Workspace Name Name of the workspace where to run the test.
Project Name Name of an empty project where to run the test.

Depending on the goal you plan to use, additional parameters may be required.


You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
          <!-- See configuration below -->

  <!-- OctoPerf Maven Repository -->
      <name>OctoPerf Snapshots</name>
      <name>OctoPerf Releases</name>

Common configuration

The following parameters are shared by all the goals:

Name Type Since Description Required Default Value
apiKey String 1.0.0 Your OctoPerf Account API key is required so the plugin can connect to the platform and run tests on your behalf. true
workspaceName String 1.0.0 Name of the workspace where to run the script. Workspace name must be unique. false Default
projectName String 1.0.0 Name of the project where to run the script. Project name must be unique. false Maven
serverUrl String 1.0.0 URL of the OctoPerf API server. Can be changed to use an Enterprise OctoPerf server. false



Full Name: com.octoperf:octoperf-maven-plugin:wipe-project Description:

Wipes the entire project specified with name from property projectName, in workspace with name workspaceName. It removes in the following order:

  • Scenarios,
  • Virtual users,
  • Http servers,
  • variables,
  • and project files.

Additional Parameters

This goal has no additional parameters.


On OctoPerf platform, you must first:

  • Choose a workspace to work in. Example: Default,
  • Choose a project to work in. Example: Maven,
  • Provide a script.jmx and place it next to the maven pom.xml,
  • Provide resource files (like csv files) in

WARNING: the project scripts and scenarios are going to be wiped on each test.

Next, configure octoperf-maven-plugin in pom.xml with the following parameters:


Please replace the placeholders with the relevant parameters. Once done, run the following command:

mvn octoperf:wipe-project

The output should look like:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ---------------------< com.octoperf:octoperf-test >---------------------
[INFO] Building octoperf-test 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- octoperf-maven-plugin:2.5.1:wipe-project (default-cli) @ octoperf-test ---
[INFO] Workspace: Personal
[INFO] Project: Maven
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.865 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-06-06T16:12:05+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

All the project virtual users, resource files, http servers and scenarios are deleted.



Full Name: com.octoperf:octoperf-maven-plugin:import-jmx Description:

Uploads and imports a JMeter JMX along with its resource files on OctoPerf platform.

WARNING: First, wipe the project. Then import your JMX. That way, you won't have multiple virtual users with same name.

Additional Parameters

Name Type Since Description Required Default Value
jmxFile String 1.0.0 File path to the JMX script which is going to be uploaded to the platform true ${project.basedir}/script.jmx
resourcesFolder String 1.0.0 Path to the third party files required by your script (like CSV files). false ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources

Parameter Details


The JMeter script must comply the following rules:

  • It may contain one or several ThreadGroup: each thread group must have a unique name,
  • The name of each thread group will be used in the scenario.json to link the load policies to the thread groups.
  • CSV Dataset configurations are imported along with the thread groups. Prefer lowercase filenames with no special characters.


On OctoPerf platform, you must first:

  • Choose a workspace to work in. Example: Default,
  • Choose a project to work in. Example: Maven,
  • Provide a script.jmx and place it next to the maven pom.xml,
  • Provide resource files (like csv files) in src/main/resources folder.

Next, configure octoperf-maven-plugin in pom.xml with the following parameters:


Please replace the placeholders with the relevant parameters. Once done, run the following command:

mvn octoperf:import-jmx

The output should look like:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ---------------------< com.octoperf:octoperf-test >---------------------
[INFO] Building octoperf-test 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- octoperf-maven-plugin:2.5.1:import-jmx (default-cli) @ octoperf-test ---
[INFO] Workspace: Personal
[INFO] Project: Maven
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.865 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-06-06T16:12:05+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Browse to the OctoPerf in the relevant workspace and project. It should contain the imported JMX along with the resource files.



Full Name: com.octoperf:octoperf-maven-plugin:import-scenario Description:

Imports the scenario.json which contains the description of the scenario to execute. Make sure the project already contains the referenced virtual users, otherwise the import will fail.

WARNING: First, wipe the project. Then, import the scenario. That way, you won't have multiple scenarios with same name.

Additional Parameters

Name Type Since Description Required Default Value
scenarioFile String 1.0.0 File path to the scenario json definition. true ${project.basedir}/scenario.json

Parameter Details


Here is a sample scenario.json file.

  "description": "",
  "name": "HTTPBin",
  "userLoads": [{
    "providerId": "Amazon EC2",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "strategy": {
      "@type": "UserLoadOctoPerf",
      "iterations": null,
      "onSampleError": "CONTINUE",
      "points": [{
        "threadsCount": 1,
        "timeInMs": 0
      }, {
        "threadsCount": 10,
        "timeInMs": 300000
    "virtualUserId": "THREAD_GROUP_NAME"

This is a very simple scenario configured as following:

  • Run the test using Amazon EC2 provider, in region eu-west-1,
  • Run a 5min test (300sec), starting with 1 concurrent user and ramping up to 10 concurrent users after 5mins,
  • the played thread group is THREAD_GROUP_NAME.

How to Create Your Own scenario.json

  • Login on OctoPerf,
  • Upload your JMX Script to create the virtual user profiles,
  • Create a scenario with the configuration you want,
  • Click on the Export Scenario menu,
  • Click on the Copy JSON button,
  • Paste the JSON content in a text file named scenario.json.


On OctoPerf platform, you must first:

  • Choose a workspace to work in. Example: Default,
  • Choose a project to work in. Example: Maven,
  • Provide a scenario.json file next to the pom.xml.

Next, configure octoperf-maven-plugin in pom.xml with the following parameters:


Please replace the placeholders with the relevant parameters. Once done, run the following command:

mvn octoperf:import-scenario

The output should look like:

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ---------------------< com.octoperf:octoperf-test >---------------------
[INFO] Building octoperf-test 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- octoperf-maven-plugin:2.5.1:import-scenario (default-cli) @ octoperf-test ---
[INFO] Workspace: Personal
[INFO] Project: Maven
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.865 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-06-06T16:12:05+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Browse to OctoPerf Platform and check the relevant workspace / project contain the imported scenario.



Full Name: com.octoperf:octoperf-maven-plugin:execute-scenario Description:

Executes the scenario with name specified by scenarioName parameter (or the single scenario within the project if left empty).

IMPORTANT: Scenario name must be unique. If the project contains multiple scenarios with the same name, the execution will throw an error.

Additional Parameters

Name Type Since Description Required Default Value
scenarioName String 2.0.0 Scenario name. If empty, a single scenario within the project is expected to exist. false ``
reportTemplateName String 2.2.0 Name of the bench report template to use. Default template is used if none specified. `` ``
isDownloadJUnitReports boolean 1.0.0 Should the JUnit report be downloaded at the end of the test. Junit report is downloaded to ${project.basedir}/target/junit-report.xml. false true
isDownloadLogs boolean 1.0.0 Should the JMeter logs be downloaded at the end of the test. Logs are downloaded to ${project.basedir}/target/logs. false true
isDownloadJTLs boolean 1.0.0 Should the JMeter JTL result files be downloaded at the end of the test. JTLs are downloaded to ${project.basedir}/target/jtls. false false
stopTestIfThreshold String 2.0.0 Stops the tests if an alarm with this severity is raised. Set to WARNING or CRITICAL. false ``
testName String 2.4.0 Test name. If empty, scenario name is used. `` ``
isGeneratePdfReport boolean 2.4.0 Should the PDF report be generated and downloaded into ${project.basedir}/target/. false false
properties Map<String, String> 2.5.0 Map of properties to pass when executing the test false ``


On OctoPerf platform, you must first:

  • Choose a workspace to work in. Example: Default,
  • Choose a project to work in. Example: Maven,
  • Import a virtual user and create an associated scenario.

Next, configure octoperf-maven-plugin in pom.xml with the following parameters:

    <!-- These properties will override already existing properties (optional) -->

Please replace the placeholders with the relevant parameters. Once done, run the following command:

mvn octoperf:execute-scenario

Properties from Command-Line

Properties can be passed by command-line by defining variables in the pom.xml, like in this example:

    <!-- These properties will override already existing properties (optional) -->

And running command-line:

mvn octoperf:execute-scenario -DmyVariable=value

Maven will replace ${myVariable} by value in your pom.xml.

Example Output

The test should start within a few minutes. Here is an example console output of a test run using OctoPerf Maven Plugin:

[INFO] Preparing test.. (PREPARING)
[INFO] Preparing test.. (PREPARING)
[INFO] Preparing test.. (PREPARING)
[INFO] Preparing test.. (PREPARING)
[INFO] [1.13%] 17:19:24 - Hits: 0.00 Errors: 0.00 Avg Elapsed: NaNs Total Throughput: 0.00MB Duration: 0s
[INFO] [4.48%] 17:19:34 - Hits: 4.00 Errors: 0.00 Avg Elapsed: 0.51s Total Throughput: 0.04MB Duration: 10s
[INFO] [7.83%] 17:19:44 - Hits: 11.00 Errors: 0.00 Avg Elapsed: 0.46s Total Throughput: 0.11MB Duration: 20s
[INFO] [94.97%] 17:24:06 - Hits: 191.00 Errors: 0.00 Avg Elapsed: 0.45s Total Throughput: 1.89MB Duration: 281s
[INFO] [98.33%] 17:24:16 - Hits: 198.00 Errors: 0.00 Avg Elapsed: 0.45s Total Throughput: 1.96MB Duration: 291s
[INFO] [100.00%] 17:24:26 - Hits: 208.00 Errors: 0.00 Avg Elapsed: 0.45s Total Throughput: 2.06MB Duration: 301s
[INFO] Test finished with state: FINISHED
[INFO] Downloading '*..log' Files into '/home/ubuntu/octoperf-maven-plugin/target/logs'...
[INFO] Remote Files: [insufficient_cellar.log.gz]
[INFO] Cleaning folder: '/home/ubuntu/octoperf-maven-plugin/target/logs'
[INFO] Downloading file: insufficient_cellar.log.gz
[INFO] Saved File: /home/ubuntu/octoperf-maven-plugin/target/logs/insufficient_cellar.log
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 06:03 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-06-01T17:24:36+01:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Examples

Import and Execute JMX

To import and run a JMX script, you need to provide:

  • The JMX script,
  • The resource files,
  • The scenario.json containing the scenario to execute.

Then run the command:

mvn octoperf:wipe-project octoperf:import-jmx octoperf:import-scenario octoperf:execute-scenario

This will:

  • Wipe the project virtual users, resource files, http servers and scenarios,
  • Import the JMX and resource files which in turn creates the virtual user scripts on the platform,
  • Import the scenario JMX which defines the virtual user scripts to run,
  • Launch the scenario previously imported.