Releases: Offerel/roundcube_caldavzap
v1.5.2: Merge pull request #24 from Offerel/dev
- Fix deprecated caching mechanism
- Added caching Service Worker
- Added option to start in ToDo, fixes #22
v1.5.1: Merge pull request #17 from Offerel/dev
- Added option for using timezones ( fixes #16 )
- Disabled refresh, when plugin is active
Added Preferences for Plugin
There is now a page in Roundcube preferences where you can set some options for this plugin. Options set on this page have precedence over the default settings in Speaking about this file: Please be aware, that you should set the new options there also. But this are only default settings, which are set globally. If a user setup it's own settings from the settings page, this default options are saved and overwritten only for this user.
BTW: Since classic skin will be dropped in the near future, this new options are not supported in classic skin.
Fix for Roundcube 1.4 RC2
Fix for Roundcube 1.4 RC2
Elastic Skin
Added elastic skin to make it compatible with Roundcube 1.4
Fix for disabled taskbar button
v1.1.3 fix for disabled button in taskbar
Minor fixes
- a issue with caldav path is now fixed
- a minor fix for the classic skin
- since config.js isn't used anymore, all references to this file are removed
- updated readme
Using now new CalDAVZap-Auth-Plugin
- There is now a special auth plugin for CalDAVZap to use together with Roundcube. With this its not needed to fill in the loginform, we can now login via a existing Roundcube session.
- Added more config parameters in
- Tweaked the login process, so we can login faster
- Tweaked the styles, so that it matches more the Roundcube styles
added support for both standard skins
Since the initial release has only support for "larry", i have now added also support for the second standard skin "classic".