Documentation for ReadingIsGood application.
Project use Spring Boot and H2 Database.Project runtime is java 11.
Project design based on Controller-Service-Repository pattern. In addition DTO pattern used for abstract Business Relation Models to Clients. Project structured as follows;
- component: Holds Helpers and DTO mappers objects.
- config: Holds Spring configuration classes which configure security, web and global exception handlers.
- controller: Holds request handler controllers for process incoming calls from Clients.
- misc: Holds DBPrePopulator class that fill database with mock data in order to use in demo purposes.
- model: Holds Relational and DTO models which provide process Business data.
- repository: Holds ORM abstraction layer between app runtime and database.
- service: Holds Service classes that implement of Business logic.
- test/integration: Holds integration tests for validate app functionality with mock data.
Application process request that provide functionality required by Business Logic. Every request follow below steps:
- Request guide to appropriate REST endpoint in controller package via Spring Boot Web.
- Request payload validate and deserialize as DTO model argument for controller method. If endpoint require Client authorization control, Request Authorization header JWT token used.
- Controllers use appropriate service package class and methods to handle Business logic.
- Services use appropriate repository package class and methods to process request as transaction with defined Business Relation Models in database.
- Finally, controller return response as DTO model to Client.
- Validations: Every request validated with javax validation system. Validation done through using javax annotation in DTO model fields.
- Authentication: Endpoint authentication done through config/security package. In this package I added Spring Web Configuration that check Authorization header JWT with using spring RequestFilter. User passwords stored in database with BCrypt algorithm to prevent password leak when database breach.
- Responses: DTO models inherit from BaseRespDTO model to provide same response structure for every REST controller endpoints.
- Postman: Sample Postman requests added in src/main/resources as api.postman_collection.json and auth-user.postman_collection.json.
- Spring JPA transaction isolation system use for to prevent race-condition between Client requests. (e.g. for new Order requests)
- Controller endpoints also have role based authentication. However, these feature disabled due Demo App not have administration features.
- Order feature immediately process transaction. However, add to basket feature could be added provide further application usage.
In order run project:
- Apache Maven 3.6.2 and JDK 11 must be installed.
- Docker 20.10.12 could be use for containerization.
Project could be started with 2 options:
- Standalone: Run command
mvn spring-boot:run
in project root folder. - Container: Run command
mvn spring-boot:build-image
in project root folder. Then run commanddocker run -p 8080:8080 readingisgood
command to bootstrap docker container. - Integration Test: Run command
mvn test
to test application against predefined scenarios in src/test.
After Standalone or Container commands run database prepopulated with sample data. Sample data can be queried from http://localhost:8080/h2-console
using credentials in Application system out line starting H2 console available at
. Database not have password can be login directly using h2-console page connect button.
Sample Postman requests in src/main/resources could be used to try Application Endpoints. Request features:
- auth/user/customer/register: Register new customer Client.
- auth/user/customer/login: Login existing customer Client.
- auth/user/customer/logout: Logout existing customer Client.
Note Before using Demo App register and login new customer user
-------------------------- - api/book/save: Add new book.
- api/book/addStock: Add new book stock.
- api/book/getAll: Get all book.
- api/book/getAllBookStock: Get all book stock.
-------------------------- - api/order/new: Order new books.
- api/order/get: Get book order by id.
- api/order/getWithInterval: Get book orders between start and end intervals.
-------------------------- - api/statistics/monthlyOrder: Return monthly order statistics.
Note For simplification endpoint not add year information
-------------------------- - api/customer/getOrders: Return customer specific orders.