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This repository contains three small projects: image gallery created with SimpleLightbox, video playback created with Vimeo player, lodash.throttle and local storage and feedback form created with lodash.throttle and local storage.

Table of contents

General info

On image gallery page user can click on a picture to enlarge it and start swiping between results by clicking arrows. On video playback site user can pause a player anytime and even after refreshing the page the video will be paused at that exact moment. Likewise to video, on feedback form page user will not loose his/her message, even after closing the browser. Working on this repository helped me to learn about throttle, debounce and local storage.


Project is created with:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML 5
  • CSS3
  • Simple Lightbox 2.10.4
  • @vimeo/player 2.18.0
  • lodash.throttle 4.1.1

JavaScript  HTML  CSS 


This website has been performed as a homework result of Fullstack Developer Course by GoIT.