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Access to National Instrument's NI-488.2 (GPIB) driver for OneLuaPro.


The following commands (mostly traditional NI-488.2 calls; listed in alphabetical order) are implemented.

Function Purpose
ibask Return information about software configuration parameters.
ibclr Clear a specific device.
ibconfig Change the software configuration input.
ibdev Open and initialize a GPIB device handle.
ibfind Open and initialize a board or a user-configured device descriptor.
ibonl Place the device or controller interface online or offline.
ibrd Read data from a device into a user buffer.
ibrsp Conduct a serial poll.
ibtrg Trigger selected device.
ibwait Wait for GPIB events.
ibwrt Write data to a device from a user buffer.

Access these functions by requiring the Lua module lua4882:

local gpib = require "lua4882"

Function Reference


Purpose: Return information about software configuration parameters on board-level or device-level. This functions is the complement to ibconfig(). Valid option identifiers are:

"IbcPAD", "IbcSAD", "IbcTMO", "IbcEOT", "IbcPPC", "IbcREADDR", "IbcAUTOPOLL",
"IbcSC", "IbcSRE", "IbcEOSrd", "IbcEOSwrt", "IbcEOScmp", "IbcEOSchar", "IbcPP2",
"IbcTIMING", "IbcDMA", "IbcSendLLO", "IbcSPollTime", "IbcPPollTime",
"IbcEndBitIsNormal", "IbcUnAddr", "IbcHSCableLength", "IbcIst", "IbcRsv",
"IbcLON", "IbcEOS"

The detailed documentation on these options is available at:

-- Example 1: Get Autopolling setting from controller board interface 0
local optval, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibask(0,"IbcAUTOPOLL")

-- Example 2: Get timeout setting from device with handle devHandle
local optval, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibask(devHandle,"IbcTMO")

-- On success:
optval = <OPTION_STATUS>	-- actual range of values dependent on option
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
optval = nil	-- no info available
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Clear a specific device.

-- Returns content of IBSTA as table and an error message
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibclr(devHandle)	-- clears device devHandle

-- On success:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see below
errmsg = nil
-- On failure:
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see below
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"

-- Example with no GPIO-adapter attached, therefore ERR = true and errmsg != nil
-- Individual table element access via normal Lua means, e.g. stat["RQS"] or 
-- stat.RQS
for i,v in pairs(stat) do print(i,v) end
RQS     false
LACS    false
END     false
CMPL    false
TIMO    false
ERR     true
DTAS    false
TACS    false
LOK     false
REM     false
CIC     false
SRQI    false
DCAS    false
ATN     false

EHDL:The input handle is invalid

For the meaning of the status bits see


Purpose: Change the software configuration input on board-level or device-level. This functions is the complement to ibask(). Valid option identifiers are:

"IbcPAD", "IbcSAD", "IbcTMO", "IbcEOT", "IbcPPC", "IbcREADDR", "IbcAUTOPOLL",
"IbcSC", "IbcSRE", "IbcEOSrd", "IbcEOSwrt", "IbcEOScmp", "IbcEOSchar", "IbcPP2",
"IbcTIMING", "IbcDMA", "IbcSendLLO", "IbcSPollTime", "IbcPPollTime",
"IbcEndBitIsNormal", "IbcUnAddr", "IbcHSCableLength", "IbcIst", "IbcRsv",
"IbcLON", "IbcEOS"

The detailed documentation on these options is available at:

-- Example 1: Disable Autopolling on controller interface 0
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibconfig(0,"IbcAUTOPOLL",0)

-- Example 2: Change timeout on device devHandle to 10s 
--            see timeout table in ibdev() below
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibconfig(devHandle,"IbcTMO",13)

-- On success:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Open and initialize a GPIB device handle. This command works only on board-level.

local boardIndex = 0    -- Commonly used index of bus controller
local primaryAddr = 1   -- Primary GPIB address of remote device
local secondaryAddr = 0 -- No secondary GPIB address of remote device
local timeout = 11      -- Timeout 1 s (see table below)
local eoiMode = 1       -- Asserts GPIB End-or-Identify (EOI) line at end of
                        -- transfer
local eosMode = 0       -- No end-of-string character

-- Returns device handle and error message
local handle, errmsg = gpib.ibdev(boardIndex, primaryAddr, secondaryAddr, timeout, eoiMode, eosMode)

-- On success:
handle = <DEVICE_HANDLE>
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
handle = nil	-- no device handle
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"

-- Interactive example (without an GPIB adapter installed)
Lua 5.4.7  Copyright (C) 1994-2024, PUC-Rio
> gpib=require "lua4882"
> gpib.ibdev(0,3,0,3,1,0)
nil     ENEB:Non-existent interface board

The following timeout index values may be used.

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Timeout none 10 µs 30 µs 100 µs 300 µs 1 ms 3 ms 10 ms 30 ms
Index 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Timeout 100 ms 300 ms 1 s 3 s 10 s 30 s 100 s 300 s 1000 s


Purpose: Open and initialize a board or a user-configured device descriptor. This command works on both board-level and device-level.

-- Returns device handle and error message
local handle, errmsg = gpib.ibfind("GPIB0")

-- On success:
handle = <DEVICE_HANDLE>
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
handle = nil	-- no device handle
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Place the device or controller interface online or offline.

-- Example 1: Enable device devHandle
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibonl(devHandle,true)

-- Example 2: Disable device devHandle
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibonl(devHandle,false)

-- On success:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Read data from a device into a user buffer (device-level only).

Data may be read as contiguous ASCII-string, as table of single ASCII-characters, or as table of raw binary data. Actual number of bytes read may be less than the specified value. This usually happens when the addressed device raises the END line during transmission, indicating that no more data is available for transmission.

-- Example 1: read 16 bytes from device devHandle as contiguous string
local data, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibrd(devHandle,16)
-- On success:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
data = nil
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"

-- Example 2: read 12 bytes from device devHandle as table of ASCII-characters
--            devData = "ABc" : data[1]="A" data[2]="B" data[3]="c"
local data, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibrd(devHandle,12,"charTable")
-- On success:
data = <TABLE_OF_CHARACTERS>	-- with Lua 1-based indexing
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
data = nil
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"

-- Example 3: read 8 bytes from device devHandle as table of numbers (raw data)
--            devData = "ABc" : data[1]=0x41 data[2]=0x42 data[3]=0x63
local data, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibrd(devHandle,8,"binTable")
-- On success:
data = <TABLE_OF_NUMBERS>	-- with Lua 1-based indexing
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
data = nil
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Conduct a serial poll (device-level only).

The Serial Poll Response Byte (SPRB) is presented as a Lua table with boolean values and descriptive keys for easy bitwise access.

-- Conduct serial poll on device devHandle.
local sprByte, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibrsp(devHandle)

-- On success:
sprByte = <SPRB_TABLE>	-- see below
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
sprByte = nil	-- no SPRB data available
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"

-- Serial Poll Response Byte bitwise access (<VARNAME>.bit0 ... <VARNAME>.bit7)
if sprByte.bit6 == true then
    -- If bit 6 (hex 40) of the response is set, the device is requesting service.
    -- Usage of bit6 defined in IEEE 488 standard.
    -- No service requested by device.


Purpose: Trigger selected device (device-level only).

-- Trigger device devHandle
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibtrg(devHandle)

-- On success:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Wait for GPIB events on board-level or device-level. Valid wait mask identifiers are:

"DCAS", "DTAS", "LACS", "TACS", "ATN", "CIC", "REM", "LOK", "CMPL", "RQS",

ibwait() accepts wait mask identifiers given as a single string value, as a table of string values, or as an integer value. The latter is useful for providing no wait mask at all by specifying 0 as argument. In this case ibwait() returns immediately with the updated IBSTA status info.

For GPIB devices the only valid wait masks are TIMO, END, RQS, and CMPL. GPIB controllers accept all wait masks except for RQS. Detailed wait mask information is available at

-- Example 1: Wait for device devHandle requesting service
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibwait(devHandle,"RQS")

-- Example 2: Wait for device devHandle requesting service or for timeout
-- Notice that more than one wait mask may be handed over when put into a Lua table.
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibwait(devHandle,{"RQS","TIMO"})

-- Example 3: Returns immediately with the updated IBSTA status table.
local stat, errmsg = gpib.ibwait(devHandle,0)

-- On success:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"


Purpose: Write data to a device from a user buffer (device-level only).

-- Write SCPI reset command to device devHandle
local bytes, stat, errmsg = gpib.ibwrt(devHandle,"*RST\n")
-- assumes \n message terminator

-- On success:
bytes = 5	-- 5 bytes written
stat = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = nil	-- no error message
-- On failure:
bytes = nil
handle = <STATUS_TABLE>	-- see description for ibclr()
errmsg = "Error code and detailed description"

