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React Template

This is a React boilerplate to create the decentralize renderer.


The easiest way to install the React template for the decentralized renderer is through GitHub:

Alternatively, you can also download or git clone this repository:

$ git clone my-module
$ cd my-module
$ rm -rf .git
$ npm install

Be sure to edit the following files according to your module information:

  • package.json (module name and version)
  • Add your own template (in the src/templates folder) and configure the template registry (in the src/templates/index.tsx file).


The following shows a list of commands for development tasks:

$ npm run storybook # open storybook and start editing your components
$ npm run storybook:build # generate docs
$ npm run test:watch # run tests with Jest
$ npm run test:coverage # run tests with coverage
$ npm run integration # run integration test with testcafe
$ npm run lint # lint code
$ npm run build # build component
$ npm run example:application # start embedded application

Code organization and development

  • The index.ts file contains the logic to communicate with the host embedding your renderer. You might not need to update this file.
  • The template registry configuration is located in the src/templates/index.tsx file.
  • Templates are located in the src/templates folder. You can add as many templates as required and structure the code accordingly.
  • Document samples contain fake data to test the templates you build. You can create a TypeScript interface to make sure that your template uses the correct expected document:
    • Create a type describing the kind of document you expect to render (For instance, check CustomTemplateCertificate in src/sample.tsx).
    • Create a template consuming that interface, using the TemplateProps helper from @govtechsg/decentralized-renderer-react-components (For instance, check the template in the src/templates/customTemplate/customTemplate.tsx file).
  • Shared components are located in the src/core folder. For instance, you can find a watermark example that will display while printing the document.
  • Examples for adding a watermark and QR code are located in the examples/template folder.
  • You can remove anything your project won't use.

Testing the templates in an integrated environment

This template provides a simple application that is able to render documents built for the current renderer.

To use it, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the application/index.tsx file and edit the documents property of the App component depending on your needs.

    Provide any document that is available locally, whether it's a JavaScript, JSON, or TypeScript document.

  2. Start your renderer using the command below:

npm run dev
  1. Start the local application using the command below:
npm run example:application
  1. Visit http://localhost:3010/ in browser.

    The configured documents in Step 1 should display.

Testing the templates in vanilla HTML

  1. Start your renderer using the command below:
npm run dev
  1. Start the local HTML using the command below:
npm run example:html
  1. Visit http://localhost:8080/ in browser.

    A button for rendering the document should display. Click the button to start rendering.

End-to-end and visualization test

This repository has been configured to run end-to-end tests using Testcafe. Visualization test is also configured through Percy and the tests run through Testcafe.

To set up Percy, you will need a token on Percy's dashboard. For local development, type export PERCY_TOKEN=<PERCY_TOKEN> before running npm run integration.


  • Babel - With this tool, you can write next-generation JavaScript.
  • Debug - A JS debugging utility that works in both node.js and browsers
  • Emotion - A library designed for writing CSS with JavaScript
  • ESLint - With this tool, you write quality code.
  • Jest - A JavaScript testing framework used by Facebook
  • Percy - A visualization testing tool
  • Prettier - It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it.
  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React testing library - Simple and complete testing utilities that encourage good testing practices
  • TestCafe - A node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing
  • TypeScript - A JavaScript superset that provides optional static typing
  • Storybook - A tool for developing UI components in isolation with documentation
  • Webpack - A component bundler


Removing emotion

To uninstall npm packages with emotions, use the command below:

$ npm uninstall @emotion/core @emotion/styled @emotion/babel-preset-css-prop
  • The uninstallation process will remove @emotion/babel-preset-css-prop from Babel presets (configuration is made in the package.json file).
  • It will remove @emotion/core from TypeScript configuration (in the tsconfig.json file).
  • It will also remove .storybook/webpack.config.js (a file created only for emotion CSS property support in storybook).

Removing examples

To uninstall npm packages with examples, use the command below:

$ npm uninstall qrcode.react @types/qrcode.react
  • The uninstallation process will remove the examples folder completely.
  • It will remove line 5 with the ../example context from .storybook/config.js, so that the storybook won't look for example files.


The React template for the decentralized renderer is under the Apache license, version 2.0.