Full release for general use.
The following significant changes have been made in this release:
- you can now save and edit server configurations, and quickly switch your client between different servers.
- the navigation menu has shortcuts for switching between saved server configurations.
- you can now set a SMTP server in settings/advanced to send email messages when various events occur.
- if a listing can't be shipped to you, it is marked with an icon in the Discover and Store views.
- listings are marked whether they are a physical, digital, or service listing. This only applies to listings made since the server was updated with the code to show this data.
- basic information about your transactions can be exported to CSV from the transactions page
- follower data on your store page is now lazy loaded, which should dramatically improve performance for stores with many followers.
- chats with unread messages are positioned at the top of your chat list
- the local node is only started if the client is currently set to connect to it
- the shortcuts were changed to avoid colliding with common system shortcut keys. The reload the app shortcut is now 'f', and refresh the current view is 'r'.
- you can add and remove a user as a moderator for your store from their user page.
- Bitcoin prices are now formatted according to the language of the user.
- a bug in the link for a listing in the transaction modal was fixed.
- you can no longer attempt to purchase your own listings (the final step in the purchase flow is not clickable)
Special thanks to our contributors for code submissions to this release:
- Dekker3D
- dsmurrell
- mariodian
And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex (https://www.transifex.com/ob1/openbazaar).