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Releases: OutSystems/outsystems-ui

Release of version 2.19.2 (2024-08-19)

14 Aug 23:46
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What's New

  • ROU-10821 - Now, Range Slider and Range Slider Interval components will be using the latest version of their library provider (noUISlider v15.8.1).

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-10847 - Fixed an issue where the DatePicker component opened its balloon and cleared the input value.
    This issue occurred when the DatePickerSetEditableInput client action was used, and the user pressed the Tab key.
  • ROU-10848 / RPM-5059 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component's input to appear out of place.
    This occurred when the DropdownServerSide was being used inside a Form.
  • ROU-10849 / RPM-5060 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component to scroll and hide the first item.
    This occurred when pressing Arrow Down with the balloon container focused.
  • ROU-10851 - Fixed an issue that caused the AnimatedLabel component not to appear active when it had a default value.
    This occurred when setting a default value on the AnimatedLabel's input variable.
  • ROU-10860 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component not to work as expected.
    This occurred when opening the DropdownServerSide component on an Android device.
  • ROU-10865 - Fixed an issue that caused the right border of the dropbox to disappear in the Dropdown Search/Tags components.
    This issue occurred when a search keyword caused the results to no longer display a scrollbar.
  • ROU-10909 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tooltip component not to appear open on screen load.
    This occurred when setting the StartsOpen parameter to True.
  • ROU-10913 - Fixed an issue that caused the TabsContent component to have display: block instead of display: contents.
    This occurred when using the DisableTabItem client action set to False.
  • ROU-10919 - Fixed an issue that caused the Video component not to play as expected.
    This occurred when using a URL from a resource within the app since the URL gets appended with a session hash, which prevented the video extension from being properly calculated.
  • ROU-10923 - Fixed an issue where the "Today's" button in the DatePicker/DatePickerRange components did not have a tab index -1 when the DatePicker was closed.
    This occurred when the ShowTodayButton option was set to True and the DatePicker/DatePickerRange instance was closed.
  • ROU-10927 - Fixed an issue causing misalignment in the DatePicker/DatePickerRange components when used inline.
    This occurred when the SetFlatpickrConfigs client action had the inline set to True.
  • ROU-10935 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePickers inputs not to render correctly.
    This occurred when using the extensibility client action SetFlatpickrConfigs to set the configuration inline = true.
  • ROU-10974 - Fixed an issue that prevented screen readers gets full context about the content and structure.
    This occurred when the user used the screen reader to get from the Overflow Menu and received feedback that was not provided correctly.
  • ROU-10982 - Fixed an issue causing a memory leak associated with the RTL observer.
    This occurred when using provider-based components and when navigating several times between screens.

Release of version 2.19.1 (2024-06-11)

09 Jun 22:15
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What's New

  • ROU-10768 - Now, Range Slider and Range Slider Interval components will be using the latest version of their library provider (noUISlider v15.7.2).

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-4248 - Fixed an issue where validation messages were incorrectly positioned when the IsRTL setting was enabled.
  • ROU-4825 - Improved the parameters change mechanism to prevent multiple redraws when using all the components relying on a provider library - Carousel, DatePicker, DatePickerRange, DropdownSearch, DropdownTags, TimePicker, MonthPicker, RangeSlider and RangeSliderInterval.
  • ROU-10687 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component not to apply the invalid styles. This occurred when the invalid status was set using the DropdownServerSideNotValid client action.
    Improved the application of A11Y outline styles, ensuring that focus on the options list content is more consistent and visible.
  • ROU-10751 / RPM-4988 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tabs' content to be hidden in design time (ServiceStudio).
    This occurred due to a CSS selector not considering the exception for the preview styling inside ServiceStudio.
  • ROU-10753 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags component's content to be blurry.
    This occurred when zoom-in or zoom-out was used on different zoom levels and Chromium-based browsers.


  • A new JavaScript API has been added, to allow changing the clickable area in accordion items between the whole header (current behavior) and the icon only.
    This update was inspired by a pull request submitted by @ElevenMou 🚀 and curated in #949:
OutSystems.OSUI.Patterns.AccordionItemAPI.ToggleClickableZone("ACCORDIONITEMID", true);

Release of version 2.19.0 (2024-05-20)

14 May 22:42
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What's New

  • ROU-3863 - Now, FlatpickrConfigs structure has the following new extensibility configurations that can be used through SetFlatpickrConfigs client action - enableSeconds, hourIncrement and minuteIncrement.
  • ROU-4738 / ROU-4770 - The Tooltip and DropdownServerSide components have been improved to reuse the internal Balloon element from the OutSystems UI framework (based on the FloatingUI library), previously used solely by the OverflowMenu component.
    This change introduces no platform-breaking changes.
    Nevertheless, slight variations in positional behavior may happen in runtime, particularly for Tooltip instances. These adjustments are inherited from the Balloon's integration of the FloatingUI library, which dynamically manages the positioning logic, ensuring adjustments as needed, particularly when the Tooltip boundaries appear outside the viewport.
    Furthermore, the classes osui-dropdown-serverside-is-opened and osui-tooltip-is-open are now exclusively applied to the Balloon element, mirroring their prior placement.
    These adjustments remove the need for these classes on the root element.
    Additionally, previously, DropdownServerSide and Tooltip instances lived outside the block context as direct children of the active-screen element, this restructuring maintains them within the original screen context, avoiding the need for class application at the root level.
  • ROU-4865 - Now, the client action DropdownClear has a new optional input parameter called SilentOnChangedEvent to control when to trigger the OnChange event of the DropdownSearch/Tags.
    This can cause a functional breaking change since the OnChange event was previously triggered by default. Still, based on feedback this was causing problems so, for consistency, we’ll offer out-of-the-box what we think is the best experience but still allow developers to change the behaviour if it fits their requirements.
  • ROU-4875 - Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags will be using the latest version of their library provider (VirtualSelect v1.0.44).
  • ROU-4882 - Now, OutSystems UI O11 supports a new feature that allows disabling calls to the ECT_Provider endpoint for Mobile and Reactive apps. You can turn on this feature on the App Feedback back office. For more information, please check the release notes of Platform Server 11.28.0 (RPM-866).

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-4704 - Firefox now supports the has() CSS selector.As such, all Firefox fallbacks on the OutSystems UI theme for the has() selector were removed.
  • ROU-4814 - Fixed an issue that caused the Deprecated Carousel to be unable to move elements on Firefox. This occurred only for Firefox and when a Carousel contained only images.
    The extended attribute draggable=false will be added to each image to prevent the image from dragging inside the Carousel (only applicable for new instances of the Carousel so for existing ones this attribute needs to be manually added).
  • ROU-4821 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker not to render correctly for multiple months.
    This occurred when the Flatpickr extensibility option “showMonths” was being used.
  • ROU-4863 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePickers not to appear rendered in Service Studio.
    This occurred when used inside an OverflowMenu or Submenu component.
  • ROU-4868 / RPM-4872 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePickers not to render the initial date.
    This occurred when the MinDate, MaxDate and InitialDate had the same value and the TimeFormat field was set to Disabled.
  • ROU-4872 / RPM-4873 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Search/Tags components to get their content blurry. This occurred when using Chromium-based browsers under specific window sizes/resolutions because of an issue with translate3D on these browsers when dealing with decimal pixels.
  • ROU-4881 - Fixed an issue that caused the Overflow Menu balloon to throw an error on the browser’s console. This occurred when the balloon was open and the end user navigated to the same page via the back button.
  • ROU-4890 / RPM-4912 - Fixed an issue that caused the SectionIndex to scroll to target locations using wrong offset values, not considering the Header height.
    This occurred when the screen composition contained multiple elements above the SectionIndex targets, like the Title Placeholder.
  • ROU-4898 / RPM-4898 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePickerClear client action not to work on DatePickers. This occurred when the DatePicker component was configured using only one variable for the initial and selected date.
  • ROU-4902 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker component to incorrectly disable some dates after selecting a first date.
    This occurred when the DatePicker had disabled dates (using DatePickerDisableWeekDays or DatePickerDisableDays client actions).
  • ROU-4903 / RPM-4946 - Fixed an issue that caused the Animated Label component to overlap the input content.
    This occurred when using an Animated Label alongside an input field with a type 'number'.It manifested when inputting numerical values followed by adding a '+', '-', or 'e', causing the label to descend and overlap the input field.
  • ROU-4908 - Fixed an issue that caused the MonthPicker keyboard navigation not to work properly when the first month was disabled.
  • ROU-4912 - Fixed an issue that caused the Date Picker component when in edit mode and with time enabled not to allow its inputted value to be deleted.
    This occurred when trying to delete the inputted value and close the DatePicker by clicking outside.

Release of version 2.18.4 (2024-04-01)

18 Mar 23:57
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What's New

  • ROU-4761 - Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags will be using the latest version of their library provider (VirtualSelect v1.0.42).
    This version also adds a new extensibility configuration to the VirtualSelectConfigs structure that contains the properties available on the SetVirtualSelectConfigs client action - ariaLabelClearButtonText.
  • ROU-4795 - Created two new client actions, RatingEnable and RatingDisable, to manage the enable/disable status.
  • ROU-4823 - Now, it's possible to disable the focus feature on the Alert component by using the class disable-alert-focus on the ExtendedClass parameter.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-3816 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker, DatePickerRange and MonthPicker components not to close when a screen scroll started in the picker’s input.
  • ROU-3898 - Fixed an issue on the DatepickerRange component that allows the selection of dates with disabled dates inside the range. This was caused by a missing validation on Flatpickr’s provider on each selected date that needed to check which dates were available and were allowed to be selected.
  • ROU-3937 - Fixed an issue in the PullToRefresh script that was throwing an error while scrolling.
    This occurred when a user was scrolling up the screen and after scrolling down to trigger the PullToRefresh, the browser ignored the cancel request of the touchmove event, throwing an error into the console.
  • ROU-3947 - Improved accessibility on the MonthPicker component keyboard navigation and accessibility compliance.
  • ROU-4578 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to show the “Select All” checkbox as checked wrongly. This occurred when searching for something that returns no results when at least one Item was already selected.
  • ROU-4642 / RPM-2816 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to have bottom pointy edge corners. This only occurred in iOS apps.
  • ROU-4671 - Improved accessibility on the Wizard component.
    Now, the aria-orientation is defined and the component is navigatable via Tab key and Enter Key.
  • ROU-4672 - Improved accessibility on the SectionIndex component keyboard navigation.
    Now, when pressing the Tab key, the focus cycles between the SectionIndexItems.
  • ROU-4676 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker component to update the initial date when a date was removed from the input. This occurred when we had two related DatePicker components on the screen and the selected date on the first DatePicker set the InitialDate and MinDate on the second one.
  • ROU-4683 - Improved accessibility on the Section component.
    The Screen Reader will now correctly read and identify the content added to its title and content.
  • ROU-4692 - Fixed an issue that caused the Sidebar component to stop opening after the first interaction.
    This occurred when using the SidebarClickOutsideToClose client action.
  • ROU-4697 - Now, by default, the Tooltip is triggered by ‘click’ on mobile devices, as the on-hover event is unavailable on mobile devices.
  • ROU-4699 / RPM-4631 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tabs component to have a visual issue when using the Page Up and Page Down keys on a text area inside the Tabs Content.
  • ROU-4712 / RPM-4641 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to close unexpectedly when used on a tablet. This occurred when the device was detected as a desktop on tablets and triggered the _eventOnWindowResize, closing the dropdown.
  • ROU-4715 / RPM-4648 - Fixed an issue that caused the accumulation of events listeners when using the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components.
    This occurred when navigating between screens containing these components.
  • ROU-4719 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tooltip component to cut some text content inside when running in Chrome and Edge. This occurred when using long texts inside the Tooltip.
  • ROU-4721 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide balloon to appear cut.
    This occurred when using the DropdownServerSide component inside a Popup widget, on certain window sizes.
  • ROU-4731 - Improved the DateFormat input parameter description from the DatePicker component to bring visibility to the fact that the time format must be set using the TimeFormat property.
  • ROU-4736 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to get focus when having preselected values and the popup mode was enabled.
    Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components when using the DropdownSetValue client action.
    This occurred when the user used the client action on an OnAfterFetch and updated the component parameters.
  • ROU-4771 - Fixed an issue that caused the Popover widget to have a misplacement of content when opened. This occurred when the screen was used with RTL.
    Based on the Platform Server and OutSystems UI versions this fix can have some impact on existing applications. For all applications using a Platform Server version higher than 11.20.x and using OutSystems UI version lower than v2.18.3 or using the latest version of OutSystems UI and a Platform Server version lower than 11.20.x, the Popover widget will continue to be misplaced when used with RTL.
  • ROU-4774 / RPM-4694 - Reviewed the Japanese translations of the Pagination component.
  • ROU-4790 / RPM-4790 - DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components search clear button is now “visible” for a11y and indexable when keyboard navigation is used.
  • ROU-4791 / RPM-4763 - Fixed an issue that caused the Rating component not to be narrated by NVDA when no star was selected.
    This occurred only when using the NVDA screen reader due to the usage of the display CSS property.
  • ROU-4794 - Fixed an issue that caused the FloatingActions component not to have the Layer System (z-index) properly defined.
    This occurred because the CSS variable used to set its value was being set in the context of a wrong selector.
  • ROU-4795 / RPM-4763 - Now, the Rating component IsEdit input is no longer managing the disabled state.
    This solves an a11y issue when IsEdit=False since the component was getting disabled.
  • ROU-4800 - Fixed an issue in the ScrollableArea that prevented the table from fitting into its container at full width.
    This occurred due to the CSS property display:inline-block that was being assigned to the table when inside a ScrollableArea.
  • ROU-4801 - Fixed an issue that caused the InlineSVG and Video components to run into an “OutSystems not found" error being thrown.
    This occurred only when used without any other OutSystems UI components on the screen since the OutSystemsUI.js script was not being loaded.
  • ROU-4807 - Fixed an issue that caused the scale-up animation CSS to compile incorrectly on the OutSystems UI theme. This occurred due to incorrect usage of the SCSS animation file and had no impact on runtime.
  • ROU-4817 / RPM-4814 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker, DatePickerRange, MonthPicker, and TimePicker components' popups not to update their position when scrolling.
    This occurred when the component was placed inside a Sidebar.

Release of version 2.18.2 (2023-12-26)

11 Dec 00:00
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Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • ROU-1628 - The phone value of the SetDeviceBreakpoints client action previously had a wrong default value of 700px.
    This would cause that when using the action, but not setting any new value on the Phone parameter, it would change the phone limit size to 700px, instead of the Platform’s default of 767px.
    Please note, that if you were already using this client action without setting any value Phone value, the phone breakpoint will now change to the new 767px as the maximum screen width.
  • ROU-4629 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker component not to work properly when changing the date format in the Service Center. This occurred when a date that was being applied on a platform’s input date, didn’t match the DatePicker component date and, the date format was different between the one set in the Service Center and in the DatePicker itself.
  • ROU-4644 - Fixed an issue that caused the TimePicker and DatePicker components to return an undefined console error.
    This occurred when the user used the Tab or Arrow Down keys to navigate from the picker’s input when in edit mode.
  • ROU-4649 - Fixed an issue that caused the TabsHeader component to be reached when disabled.
    This occurred when the TabsHeader component was disabled and the end user used the keyboard arrow’s navigation to change tabs.
  • ROU-4654 - Fixed an issue that caused the client action FocusFirstInvalidInput to never focus on the first invalid input.
    This occurred when validating a Form and calling the action FocusFirstInvalidInput to validate if there was any invalid input where the first invalid input was never focused.
  • ROU-4658 - Improved deployment performance by optimizing static entities.
  • Now, all non-translated static entities were set to have Use Translations = No.
    This update is intended to optimize performance and mitigate the limitations on the previous asset version for the Oracle databases, where the customer needed to ensure they are in at least Oracle 12.2. No adverse side effects are anticipated.
  • ROU-4663 - Changed the description of the parameter StartingSelection for both DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components to better reflect the fact that now it reacts to the OnParametersChange event.

Release of version 2.18.1 (2023-11-15)

14 Nov 17:41
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Fixed Issues and Improvements:

  • ROU-4521 - Now, Hindi (hi-IN) is available in Multilingual Locales.
  • ROU-4582 - Fixed an issue that caused a wrong device validation on a tablet when using the SetDeviceBreakpoint on the desktop.
    This occurred when the window width was bigger than the TabletWidth and the window height was smaller than the TabletWidth and bigger than the PhoneWidth.
    Now, some screen dimensions may result in a different device being identified compared to previous versions.
  • ROU-4598 - Fixed an issue that was causing the Tooltip component to stay open incorrectly. This occurred when used inside patterns positioned absolutely on the screen, and using a button or link to close them.
  • ROU-4633 / RPM-4477 - Fixed an issue that was blocking the configuration of a custom favicon. This occurred when the user was using a PWA application.
  • ROU-4635 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker, DatePickerRange, TimePicker, and MonthPicker components to show their hidden input in an invalid validation status.
    This occurred when the pickers were inside a Form widget that was submitted with an invalid validation status.
  • ROU-4641 - To mitigate a platform issue when dealing with the translation mechanisms for the validation messages that the ones in OutSystems UI were overriding, all of these literals were marked as not to be translated for all locales.
  • ROU-4647 / RPM-4507 - Fixed an issue where inactive Tab content was accessible through the Tab component when using the Tab key.
    This occurred when date time, time, or date inputs were used within the content of a Tab.

Release of version 2.18.0 (2023-10-30)

18 Oct 10:42
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What's New:

  • ROU-4196 - Deprecated the InputSearch and a new version was created and converted to the new architecture.

Fixed Issues and Improvements:

  • ROU-4338 - Improved accessibility on the Notification component.
    Now, the Notification’s role attribute value was changed from alert to alertdialog in order to improve accessibility in a way that the Screen Readers can report the information about it being shown as a dialogue instead of inline.
  • ROU-4369/RPM-4016 - Improved accessibility on the StackedCards component.
    Now, the user can hear the changes that were applied to the component using a Screen Reader, we also improve the information accessible and clean data that was duplicated.
  • ROU-4372 - Improved accessibility on the Tabs component.
    Now, Tabs have support for the Home and End keys, so it changes the tab for the first or last TabsHeaderItem, respectively. Support for Apple’s VoiceOver Screen Reader was also improved.
  • ROU-4418 - Improved accessibility on the Tooltip component.
    Now, you can close the Tooltip by using the Escape or Tab keys and, the Screen Reader will read the tooltip content when its trigger is focused.
  • ROU-4421 - Improved accessibility on the DropdownServerSide component.
    Now, it supports the ArrowUp and ArrowDown keys in order to open the dropdown balloon.
    An aria-hidden attribute was added to the search input (if exists) and managed in accordance with the dropdown being open or closed.
    Improved the outline style for the elements that are in focus mode.
  • ROU-4495 - Improved accessibility on the Date Picker and Date Picker Range components.
    Now, these patterns follow the best accessibility practices in terms of readability for assistive technologies and keyboard support, is possible to navigate between all interactive elements, inside the dialog, using the keyboard.
  • ROU-4503 - Improved accessibility on the Submenu component.
    Now, the Submenu has proper keyboard interactions to close, open and tab between items inside.
  • ROU-4504 - Improved accessibility on the BottomSheet component.
    Now, it has the correct role attribute and supports the Home and End keys, to focus on the first and last focusable items, respectively.
  • ROU-4512 - Improved accessibility on the Floating Actions component.Improved the Screen Reader support to correctly return information about each FloatingActionsItem.
  • ROU-4513 - Improved accessibility on the Action Sheet component.
    Now, it follows the best accessibility practices and the Screen Reader readability was improved when using the Action Sheet component.
  • ROU-4514 - Improved accessibility on the Chat Message component.
    Now, the Chat Message gives the proper feedback about its status when using a Screen Reader.
  • ROU-4515/RPM-4016 - Improved accessibility on the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components.
  • ROU-4518 - Improved accessibility on the Button Loading component by adding new HTML attributes.
  • ROU-4524 - Improved accessibility on the Pagination component.
    Now, it follows the best accessibility practices and the Screen Reader readability was improved when using the GoToPage feature.
  • ROU-4527 - Improved accessibility on the Rating component.
    Now, it follows the best accessibility practices and the Screen Reader readability was improved when using the Rating component.
  • ROU-4537 - Improved accessibility on the Overflow Menu component.
    Now, it is possible to open the Overflow Menu and navigate between the links using the Arrow Up and Down Keys.
  • ROU-4510 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags to remain open and visible when not supposed to
    .This occurred when using these components inside the Tabs component, and changing the active tab with a Dropdown still open.
  • ROU-4529 - Fixed an issue in the SkipContent link present on OutSystems UI layouts, that was throwing an error on some accessibility checkers.
    Now, the SkipContent anchor has the correct related content on the link.
  • ROU-4533 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Server Side component to open when disabled.
    This occurred when the end user used the keyboard to navigate and pressed Enter while focusing on the component.
  • ROU-4540 - Fixed an issue that caused all the time-related components to display the platform input widget in runtime. This occurred in runtime when the platform inputs were inside a container or an InputWithIcon.
  • ROU-4553 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component to not open.
    This occurred when clicking on the DropdownServerSide component on a Tablet device.
  • ROU-4559 - Fixed an issue that caused the OverflowMenu to always occupy 100% width.
    This occurred when placing elements side by side with an OverflowMenu component.
  • ROU-4570 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker and DatePickerRange components to never focus on their input when opened via API.
    This occurred when the DatePicker/DatePickerRange open was triggered and the focus was the button clicked. Now, the focus is the input, after the API is triggered.
  • ROU-4574 - Fixed an issue that caused the Overflow Menu to get cut.
    This occurred when used inside elements with overflow: hidden, like Tabs or Accordions.
  • ROU-4593 - Fixed an issue that caused the Overflow Menu to close. This occurred when clicking inside the component.

ODC release of version 2.18.0 (2023-11-14)

14 Nov 17:54
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What's New

  • Deprecated the InputSearch and a new version was created and converted to the new architecture.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

  • Improved accessibility on the Notification component.Now, the Notification’s role attribute value was changed from alert to alertdialog in order to improve accessibility in a way that the Screen Readers can report the information about it being shown as a dialogue instead of inline.
  • Improved accessibility on the StackedCards component.Now, the user can hear the changes that were applied to the component using a Screen Reader, we also improve the information accessible and clean data that was duplicated.
  • Improved accessibility on the Tabs component.Now, Tabs have support for the Home and End keys, so it changes the tab for the first or last TabsHeaderItem, respectively. Support for Apple’s VoiceOver Screen Reader was also improved.
  • Improved accessibility on the Tooltip component.Now, you can close the Tooltip by using the Escape or Tab keys and, the Screen Reader will read the tooltip content when its trigger is focused.
  • Improved accessibility on the DropdownServerSide component.Now, it supports the ArrowUp and ArrowDown keys in order to open the dropdown balloon.An aria-hidden attribute was added to the search input (if exists) and managed in accordance with the dropdown being open or closed.Improved the outline style for the elements that are in focus mode.
  • Improved accessibility on the DatePicker and DatePickerRange components.
    Now, these patterns follow the best accessibility practices in terms of readability for assistive technologies and keyboard support, is possible to navigate between all interactive elements, inside the dialog, using the keyboard.
  • Improved accessibility on the Submenu component.Now, the Submenu has proper keyboard interactions to close, open and tab between items inside.
  • Improved accessibility on the BottomSheet component.Now, it has the correct role attribute and supports the Home and End keys, to focus on the first and last focusable items, respectively.
  • Improved accessibility on the FloatingActions component.Improved the Screen Reader support to correctly return information about each FloatingActionsItem.
  • Improved accessibility on the ActionSheet component.Now, it follows the best accessibility practices and the Screen Reader readability was improved when using the ActionSheet component.
  • Improved accessibility on the ChatMessage component.Now, the ChatMessage gives the proper feedback about its status when using a Screen Reader.
  • Improved accessibility on the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags components.
  • Improved accessibility on the ButtonLoading component by adding new HTML attributes.
  • Improved accessibility on the Pagination component.Now, it follows the best accessibility practices and the Screen Reader readability was improved when using the GoToPage feature.
  • Improved accessibility on the Rating component.Now, it follows the best accessibility practices and the Screen Reader readability was improved when using the Rating component.
  • Improved accessibility on the OverflowMenu component.Now, it is possible to open the OverflowMenu and navigate between the links using the Arrow Up and Down Keys.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch and DropdownTags to remain open and visible when not supposed to.This occurred when using these components inside the Tabs component, and changing the active tab with a Dropdown still open.
  • Fixed an issue in the SkipContent link present on OutSystems UI layouts, that was throwing an error on some accessibility checkers. Now, the SkipContent anchor has the correct related content on the link.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component to open when disabled.This occurred when the end user used the keyboard to navigate and pressed Enter while focusing on the component.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all the time-related components to display the platform input widget in runtime. This occurred in runtime when the platform inputs were inside a container or an InputWithIcon.
  • Fixed an issue on the Header preview when using the LayoutBase block. Now, the Header elements appear correctly aligned inside the Service Studio.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component to not open.This occurred when clicking on the DropdownServerSide component on a Tablet device.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the OverflowMenu to always occupy 100% width. This occurred when placing elements side by side with an OverflowMenu component.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the OverflowMenu to get cut.This occurred when used inside elements with overflow: hidden, like Tabs or Accordions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the OverflowMenu to close.This occurred when clicking inside the component.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker and DatePickerRange components to never focus on their input when opened via API.This occurred when the DatePicker/DatePickerRange open was triggered and the focus was the button clicked. Now, the focus is the input, after the API is triggered.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker, DatePickerRange, TimePicker, and MonthPicker components to show their hidden input in an invalid validation status. This occurred when the pickers were inside a Form widget that was submitted with an invalid validation status.
  • Fixed an issue that was blocking the configuration of a custom favicon. This occurred when the user was using a PWA application.
  • Added missing translations to the PasswordPolicy component for the supported languages.Also reviewed Dutch (nl) translations.
  • To mitigate a platform issue when dealing with the translation mechanisms for the validation messages that the ones in OutSystems UI were overriding, all of these literals were marked as not to be translated for all locales.

Release of version 2.17.0 (2023-09-11)

29 Aug 11:10
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What's New:

  • ROU-4266 - Created a new component called OverflowMenu, under the Navigation category. This is a clickable element that displays hidden actions, settings, or secondary options. Use this pattern to show additional options when there is a space constraint (e.g. in toolbars or other places where a group of actions is required).
    Created a new client action called OverflowMenuClose to allow closing an OverflowMenu with a given identifier.Created a new client action called OverflowMenuOpen to allow closing an OverflowMenu with a given identifier.
  • ROU-4391 - Created two new client actions called OverflowMenuEnable and OverflowMenuDisable to allow enabling or disabling the OverflowMenu component.
  • ROU-4250 - The Video component was converted to the new architecture. Now, the Video component has an Initialized event to run actions when the component is initialized and has a StateChanged event to return the reproduction state of the video (Unstarted, Playing, Paused & Ended).
  • ROU-3280 - Created the new client actions VideoPlay and VideoPause, to play or pause a given video in runtime.
    Created the new client action VideoGetState, to return the state of the video (Unstarted, Playing, Paused or Ended).
  • ROU-4410 - Created a new client action called VideoJumpToTime to jump to a specific time of a Video component of a given video in runtime.
  • ROU-4440 - Created a new client action called ShowPassword (the previous one was deprecated) so that we can apply it to a specific input element on a screen.
    Now, a new optional input parameter called WidgetId will be available so that we can specify the input element to which we will toggle the password visibility.

Fixed Issues and Improvements:

  • ROU-4231 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tabs indicator not to adapt its width correctly, after changing the browser or system zoom.
    This occurred when using the Tabs UI Pattern and the zoom level was different than 100%.
  • ROU-4327 - Fixed an issue that caused the OrientationChange event not to be added on Mobile Apps. This occurred when navigating to another screen.ROU-4348 - Fixed an accessibility issue that caused the screen reader to not read the Progress Bar and Progress Circle contents.
  • ROU-4364/RPM-4016 - Improved the Accordion and AccordionItem accessibility:
    Now, interactive elements (buttons, links, inputs, etc.) placed inside the Accordion Header are not focusable using the keyboard or announced by screen readers when the AccordionItem is collapsed. This aims to mitigate an accessibility issue regarding nested interactive elements.
    Now, the Accordion Content is not focusable using the Tab key, since it is not a focusable element. Interactive elements placed in the Accordion Content remain focusable via the Tab key when the Accordion is expanded.
    Now, the Accordion and AccordionItem are not structured as a tablist and fit the best structure followed by accessibility standards.
  • ROU-4366/RPM-4016 - Improved accessibility on the RangeSlider and RangeSliderInterval components.
    Now, the screen readers will be able to properly read the content and, the sliders are now correctly unreachable with the keyboard when disabled.
  • ROU-4392 - Improved the AnimatedLabel TypeScript typification.
    This was having an impact when the data bound was already loaded and it was removed programmatically making the component not to be updated. Thank you João Franco for the contribution.
  • ROU-4412 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component to not close properly when clicking on the overlay.
    This occurred on Phone devices when opening the DropdownServerSide component.
  • ROU-4420 - Fixed an issue that caused the AnimatedLabel component to not show the text on top when having an input filled in or when focused. This occurred when the AnimatedLabel component was placed inside a list.
  • ROU-4422 - Fixed an issue that caused the Carousel component not to adapt its width correctly, after a window resize.
    This occurred when using the Carousel component inside the LayoutBaseSection block.
  • ROU-4443 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch component to show all options as pre-selected.This occurred when passing a list with a single empty option, on the StartingSelection parameter.
  • ROU-4446 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tooltip component to not close when clicking outside of it.
    This occurred when the Tooltip was being used inside a Notification component and with the optional configuration InteractToClose set as “True”.
  • ROU-4462 - Improved the Sidebar and Notification focus behavior to follow the best accessibility guidelines.
    Now, when these components close, the focus returns to the previously focused element if any, otherwise, the focus is set to the first focusable element in the page.
  • ROU-4482 - Fixed an issue that caused all the time-related components to not display the platform input widget in Service Studio.
    This occurred in design-time only and there was no impact on runtime.
  • ROU-4490 - Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags will be using the latest version of their library provider (VirtualSelect v1.0.40).
    • RPM-4279 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components to have a focus when entering a screen.
      This occurred when the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components had StartingOptions being set.
  • ROU-4493/RPM-4263 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker component to not set the correct InitialDate when MinDate or MaxDate was equal to the InitialDate.
  • ROU-4500 - Fixed an issue that caused the AccordionItem component not to return the AccordionItemId when the OnToggle event was triggered.
  • ROU-4505 - Now, Chinese (zh-Hant + zh-Hans), French (fr-FR) and Korean (ko-KR) are available in Multilingual Locales.
    The following locales were also translated/reviewed - Arabic (ar), Chinese (zh-CN), German (de-DE), Spanish (es), Japanese (ja-JP), Dutch (nl) and Portuguese (pt + pt-BR).

Release of version 2.16.0 (2023-07-10)

21 Jun 21:11
Choose a tag to compare

What's New:

  • ROU-3349 - The InlineSVG block was converted to the new architecture. Now, the InlineSVG component has an Initialized event to run actions when the component is initialized.
  • ROU-3417 - We created a new way to manage z-index values across all the UI Patterns - a Layer System - that offers better maintainability on our side, but also easier customization. This new system meant changing the values of all z-index across the UI Framework. Check the official documentation page for more details about the change and mitigation options for customers with custom CSS and z-index implementations.
  • ROU-4208 - Created a new client action called SubmenuClickOutsideToClose to disable the behaviour that closes the pattern when clicking on the body. This client action can be used on the Submenu’s Initialized event or the parent block/screen OnReady event.
  • ROU-4247 - Created a new client action called MonthPickerUpdateMonth to allow the update of the selected month shown in a given MonthPicker component.
  • ROU-4307 / RPM-3995 - Created the actions DatePickerUpdatePrompt, MonthPickerUpdatePrompt and TimePickerUpdatePrompt to allow updating the prompt message on the associated input, so that we can use it to match some business rules.

Fixed Issues and Improvements:

  • ROU-3656 / ROU-4265 - Now, the following components have the non-mandatory Initialized event: SectionIndex, SectionIndexItem, Accordion, AccordionItem, Tabs, TabsContentItem, TabsHeaderItem, DropdownServerSideItem, Gallery, FlipContent, BottomSheet, ProgressBar, ProgressCircle, Rating, ButtonLoading and AnimatedLabel.Also added the following input parameters:
    • Rating - RatingId input param to the OnSelect event.
    • Sidebar- SidebarId input param to the OnToggle event.
    • AccordionItem - AccordionItemId input param to the OnToggle event.
    • FlipContent - FlipContentId input param to the ToggleFlip event.
    • BottomSheet - BottomSheetId input param to the OnToggle event.
    • Carousel -CarouselId input param to the OnSlideMoved event.
    • RangeSlider - RangeSliderId input param to the OnValueChange event.
    • RangeSliderInterval - RangeSliderIntervalId input param to the OnValueChange event.
    • Tabs - TabsId input param to the OnTabChange event.
  • ROU-3970 - Improved accessibility on DatePiker, DatePickerRange, MonthPicker and MonthPicker components, mostly focusing on screen readers when translations are applied. Fixed an issue on the DropdpwnServerSideItem component that was causing the outline when focused to be lost. This occurred when the accessibility features were enabled.
  • ROU-4114 - Fixed an issue that caused some UI components to not adapt correctly with RTL. This occurred when switching to RTL in runtime. Now, the provider-based components will correctly adapt in runtime - DatePicker / DatePickerRange / TimePicker / MonthPicker / Carousel / DropdownSearch / DropdownTags / RangeSlider / RangeSliderInterval.
  • ROU-4126 - Fixed visual issues (margins and alignments) on LightBoxImage, ChatMessage, Popup, Upload and Table when using RTL.
  • ROU-4142 - Fixed an issue that caused difficulty to drag content inside Tab’s content in the Service Studio preview.
  • ROU-4154 - Fixed an issue that caused some misalignment of the error validation messages. This occurred when using inputs inside forms, without enclosing them in containers.
  • ROU-4202 - Now, the ScrollToElement client action was improved to check if the element exists after the ScrollDelay is applied. This will guarantee better control to the users for validations and showing elements on the page based on conditions.
  • ROU-4203 - Now, the Tooltip and DropdownServerSide can be used outside an OutSystems Layout. The detached elements are now moved to the active-screen element level on the DOM.
  • ROU-4217 - Fixed an issue that caused the OnScrollEnding list event not to be triggered. This occurred when lists were placed inside the Tabs component. Now, according to the Tab component Height input variable, the overflow will be applied accordingly.
  • ROU-4223 - Fixed an issue that caused the Sidebar to close on some unwanted scenarios. This occurred when any element placed inside Sidebar was detached and moved to the body level. Now, the Sidebar will only close if we click on the overlay or via client action.
  • ROU-4224 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownServerSide component not to properly be initialized in the disabled state. This occurred when the IsDisable configuration was initialized with True.
  • ROU-4225 - Fixed an issue that caused the Date Picker's balloon (DatePicker, DatePickerRange, MonthPicker and TimePicker) not to be properly positioned. This occurred when it was used on a LayoutSideMenu with RTL enabled.
  • ROU-4227 - Fixed an issue that caused the Tabs component active’s indicator to be misaligned when using Edge. This occurred when Tabs were on a screen running on Edge and using the browser’s zoom. For now, only Safari will not cover this use case, being a known issue.
  • ROU-4228 - Fixed an issue that caused the DropdownSearch, DropdownTags and DropdownServerSide to not behave properly when using the Open/Close client actions in runtime. This occurred due to an event conflict related to the Body OnClick event when the developer didn’t implement a setTimeout on their end.
  • ROU-4232 - Fixed an issue on the Pagination component that was causing the Keypress event not to be properly removed. Now, the Pagination will only have at maximum one Keypress event, when the ShowGoToPage option is used.
  • ROU-4241 - Fixed an accessibility issue that caused the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components to not allow Screen Readers to read the option selected using the keyboard. This occurred when using the keyboard key Tab with the dropdowns opened, which resulted in the focus being on the window itself and not on the right element.
  • ROU-4245 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker to return a Null Date. This occurred when setting the MaxDate to CurrDate() and clicking on the Today Button.
  • ROU-4259 - Fixed an issue that caused the Sidebar to close when a Popup was closed. This occurred when closing a Popup with an open Sidebar.
  • ROU-4263 - Fixed an issue that caused the date icon misalignment when input was used as a Date or a DateTime type. This issue was introduced with the latest versions of Chrome, pushing the icon to the left, and ignoring the flex properties.
  • ROU-4277 - Fixed an accessibility issue that caused the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components to not allow Screen Readers to read the option items properly while navigating through options using the keyboard. This occurred when navigating on the list using the keyboard keys Arrow Down and Arrow Up. Now, the use case works fine with Windows Narrator and Apple's VoiceOver and, using NVDA it will always say 'blank' first but then reads the option correctly.
  • ROU-4280 / RPM-4155 - Fixed an issue on the Tabs component that was causing rendering issues. This occurred when changing CSS properties on the screen, which would cause the Tab's width to readjust. The accessibility was also improved, as now the TabsContentItem itself will receive focus, as per W3C recommendations.
  • ROU-4317 / RPM-4004 - Fixed an issue on the Date Pickers that caused the date not to be properly updated in the provider’s input.
    This occurred when the input was set as editable and the end user pasted a date directly into that input or when typing the date and clicking outside. This issue was introduced by the Flatpickr provider’s library in version 4.6.13.
  • ROU-4328 - Improved the implementation of the client action AddFavicon in order to have a more explicit way to avoid adding multiple favicon tags to the DOM.
  • ROU-4333 - Fixed an issue on the TimePicker and MonthPicker components that were not updating properly the associated value. This occurred when these components had platform variables bound.
  • ROU-4343 - Fixed an issue that caused the DatePicker and DatePickerRange to not recognize the Norwegian Bokmål (nb-NO) language. Also, the ‘en' was set as a default language code so that, if a given language does not exist a console error will be shown without blocking screen rendering. This occurred when setting a non-existing language during the screen initialization.
  • ROU-4355 - Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags will be using the latest version of their library provider (VirtualSelect v1.0.39).
    This version also brings new extensibility configurations that were added to the VirtualSelectConfigs structure that contains the properties available on the SetVirtualSelectConfigs client action - ariaLabelText, emptyValue, search, searchFormLabel, searchGroup, searchNormalize, showDropboxAsPopup, textDirection. Now, Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components will allow a normalized search (ignoring diacritics).
  • ROU-4360 / RPM-3730 - Fixed an issue that caused the Dropdown Search and Dropdown Tags components not to close. This occurred when the end-user was fast enough to open the dropdown before all data was loaded.
  • ROU-4378 - Fixed an issue that caused a Button platform widget to have its text misaligned. This occurred when the Button was placed inside the Footer placeholder of the Layout Native and enclosed in a container. The fix can cause a potential visual breaking change in the button’s height.
  • ROU-4400 / RPM-4139 - Fixed an issue that caused the Sidebar component not to close when clicking on the Overlay. This occurred when using a Sidebar component inside another Sidebar.
  • ROU-4408 - Now, German (de-DE) is available in Multilingual Locales.