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Library to publish and subscribe Vehicle Signal Specification signals via reliable multicast.


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Library to publish and subscribe Vehicle Signal Specification signals via reliable multicast.

VSD reads a signal specification CSV file, generated from the GENIVI Vehicle Signal Specification project, and provides API calls to set, publish, subscribe, and receive to these signals.

Please see Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS) project for details on branches, signal structures and attributes.

Below is an overview of how signals are structured. VSS Overview Fig. 1. Vehicle Signal Specification Overview

Branches host other branches and signals and form an overall signal structure.
Sensors contain signals read from actual sensors and signals calculated from multiple sensor sources.
Attributes are static values containing configuration-level data.

A signal's value is set and published as two separate operations.

Publishing can be done on an individual signal level, or on a branch level. If a branch is published, the branch and all its children are published in an atomic operation. This allows complex signal structures to be easily transmitted.

Subscriptions can also be done an signal or on a branch level. If a branch is subscribed to, a callback will be made for any signal that is updated under that branch.

Using Vehicle Signal Distribution:

Be sure that you have built and deployed libraries for both dstc and reliable_multicast (RMC), as they are dependencies of the vsd project.

The libraries can be found at:

Reliable Multicast v1.5
DSTC v1.8

Build and install RMC first, followed by DSTC, and ensure that Makefile has include and link paths setup to the install directories.

VSD currently will produce a shared object to link against, and also compiles two example programs to begin working with the project. Build and install these using:

make DESTDIR=/usr/local install
make examples
make DESTDIR=/usr/local install_examples


The programs vsd_pub_example and vsd_sub_examples are built and installed, providing an insight into how VSD works.

Running vsd_sub_example

The usage for vsd_sub_example, which subscribes to signals sent by vsd_pub_example is shown below.

 ./examples/vsd_sub_example /usr/local/share/vss_rel_2.0.0-alpha+005.csv Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine

The first argument, /usr/local/share/vss_rel_2.0-alpha+005.csv is a CSV variant of the vehicle signal specification generated by running make in a checked out VSS repo. It contains a tree structure of all signals, their type, allowed values, if they are actuators, sensors, or others, etc. VSD uses this as a global specification of all signals that can possibly be seen on the network, even if not all of them are supported in a given deployment.

All VSD nodes must load the same version of the file in order to have the definition of signals.

A sample VSS csv file is installed under the share directory of the VSD install directory.

The second argument, Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine, specifies the subtree that is to be subscribed to. If any signal in the given subtree is received, a callback will be made to the subscriber. This allows the subscriber to chose the granularity of the subscription, from individual signals to the whole vehicle state.

Running vsd_pub_example

The usage for vsd_pub_example, which publishes signals to zero or more vsd_sub_example instances network, is shown below.

./examples/vsd_pub_example -d /usr/local/share/vss_rel_2.0.0-alpha+005.csv \
                -s Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine.Engine.Power:230 \
                -s Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine.FuelType:gasoline \
                -p Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine

The -d /usr/local/share/vss_rel_2.0.0-alpha+005.csv argument specifies where to load the signal specification file from. This file must be the same as that used by vsd_sub_example.

The -s Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine.Engine.Power:230 argument sets the value of the Power signal for the engine to 230.

The -s Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine.FuelTyoe:gasoline argument sets the value of the FuelType signal for the engine to gasoline.

The -p Vehicle.Drivetrain.InternalCombustionEngine argument specifies that all signals under the InternalCombustionEngine should be published atomically.

Atomic signal publishing allows for the transmission of arbitrarily complex signals as a single, cohesive unit. The callback will receive a list of all the published signals, which represents a snapshot of the published tree at that exact moment in time.


The call flow for the publisher is illustrated below. Please note that the calls shown have slight name and argument variations in the implementation. Please see the sample code in examples/vsd_pub_example.c and examples/vsd_sub_example.c for further details.

The signals this example are simplified down to two sensors, RPM (engine speed), ECT (engine coolant temperature), and one attribute, FuelType. Publisher overview Fig. 2. Signal Publisher overview

Loading VSS signal descriptor file

The VSD system is hosted by a context variable that is setup by the library. In order to initialize VSD, a pointer to a vsd_context_t pointer is provided to vsd_context_create(). The pointer itself is then provided to vsd_load_from_file() together with the VSS file to load.

vsd_context_t* ctx = 0;
vsd_load_from_file(ctx, "vss_2.0.0.csv");

The vss_2.0.0.csv file is generated by the VSS project (link in introduction). Please note that the loaded CSV file needs to have signal IDs for branches, not only the signals themselves. To verify if this is the case, check that the second field in the CSV has a number (in quotes) for each line.

The provided ctx pointer will be set to an internal context. All subsequent signal operations will use this pointer as an argument.

Setting the first signal

The signal publisher starts the process of distributing updated signal values to subscribers by setting a signal through a VSD call:

Publisher step 1 Fig. 3. Setting the first signal

A signal value can be set by its name (slow), its unique signal ID integer (less slow), or by a signal descriptor retrieved by name or ID (fast). In the example above we set the signal by name, which is a complete VSS path to the signal.

The signal value is changed from its original 2350 to 2400.

Setting the second signal

Additional signals can subsequently be set by the publisher:

Publisher step 2 Fig. 4. Setting the second signal

In this case we change ECT from 89 to 94 degrees (Centigrade). We can set an arbitrary number of signals, and also set the same signal multiple times.

Publishing a signal subtree

Once all signals have been updated they can be published. Publishing is can be done on an individual signal level or on a branch level as shown below.

Publisher step 3 Fig. 5. Publishing signals

In this case all signals hosted by the Engine branch, ECT, RPM, and FuelType, will be published. Please note that FuelType is included although it has not been updated.

Future improvement: There will be an option to specify if unchanged signals should be published or not.

An individual signal can be published by simply specifying the full VSS path to it:


Multiple nodes in a network can publish the same signals.

Internally, the signals are published via the signal_transmit() DSTC RPC call. This call will be executed by all nodes that are using VSD, and thereby implements signal_transmit() as a DSTC server function.

Future improvement: Additions will be made to query initial state of signal, query which signals are currently being published, and default value in case a signal is not published by any node in the network.

Processing DSTC events to transmit data

VSD uses DSTC (and its underlying Reliable Multicast) for all network traffic, and DSTC event processing calls are used to receive and transmit signal-carrying UDP multicast packets over the network. In order to transmit the data, dstc_process_events() is called.

Publisher step 4 Fig. 6. Processing events

Please see the DSTC repo's examples directory for different variations of event processing, including moving the event loop out of DSTC to the calling program.

Transmitting published signals over the network.

The DSTC event processor will pick up the pending publish operation, create a network packet and transmit it via the UDP multicast socket.

Publisher step 5 Fig. 7. Transmitting signals

The signal paths in the Fig. 7 packet are for illustration purposes only. The actual packet uses a 32-bit numeric signal ID loaded from the VSS file to identify the updated signal. The data is transmitted as a little-endian-formatted binary scalar or a tagged-length string.


The call flow for the subscriber is illustrated below.

Loading VSS signal descriptor file

The subscriber loads the CSS CSV file in the same way as the publisher.

Subscribing to a subtree

Much like publishing, subscription can be done on a per-signal level or on whole subtrees hosted by a branch. Subscriptions works by setting up a callback to be invoked when one or more signals in the subscribed-to tree (or individual signals) are updated through a publish operation somewhere in the network.

Subscriber step 1 Fig. 8. Setting up a subscription

When one or more signals are received from an atomic publish of a branch or specific signal, all subscription callbacks registered for the published branch/signal will be invoked. Subscriptions for branches higher up in the tree will also be invoked.

As an effect. If the root branch is subscribed to, all published signals received by the VSD system will trigger a callback to that Process.

Signals can be subscribed to by the same process that publishes them. In these cases VSD will behave exactly as if the signals were received from the network. In other words, the behavior is identical for how locally and remotely published signals are processed.

Process events

In order to receive and process published signals from the network, the subscribing process must call dstc_process_events() in the same way that the publisher does.

Subscriber step 2 Fig. 9. Setting up a subscription

Receiving published signals

The DSTC event processor will read, unpack, and validate the published signals read from the network.

Subscriber step 3 Fig. 10. Setting up a subscription

Internally the signals are received as a DSTC call to signal_transmit() which is the C function that will get invoked by the subscriber process.

Updating signal values

The received signals are traversed and the internal signal tree (maintained by ctx described above) will have its ECT and RPM values updated in order to reflect the new signal state.

Subscriber step 2 Fig. 11. Setting up a subscription

FuelType will be marked as updated but have its value unchanged.

Invoke callbacks

The VSD system will use the signal or branch published as a starting point in the local tree in order to find subscribers where any subscription callbacks registered at that signal/branch will be invoked.

Subscriber step 2 *Fig. 12. Invoking callbacks.

Once the immediate subscriber callbacks have been invoked, the parents for the published signal/branch will be traversed upward toward the signal tree root. Any subscription callbacks registered to these parent branches will be invoked as well.


Library to publish and subscribe Vehicle Signal Specification signals via reliable multicast.







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