The AScore program can process first-hits or synopsis files created by Peptide Hit Results Processor (PHRP) to compute confidence scores for the position of modified residues, as identified by MS-GF+, MaxQuant, MSFragger, X!Tandem, etc. AScore is most commonly used to compute confidence scores for phosphorylated residues (phosphosites).
The output file includes the following columns
Column | Description |
Job | Analysis ID; 0 if no job number |
Scan | Scan number of the MS/MS spectrum |
OriginalSequence | Peptide sequence, as reported in the PSM results from the search engine |
BestSequence | Either the original sequence if the modified residue is unchanged, or an updated sequence if the modification site has been moved |
PeptideScore | Score of the top scoring peptide from the list of variants considered for a given scan |
AScore | Phosphosite localization score; higher scores are better (see below for more info) |
numSiteIonsPoss | Possible number of site determining ions in the theoretical fragmentation spectrum |
numSiteIonsMatched | Number of experimental ions that matched the theoretical ions |
SecondSequence | Second highest scoring sequence (the modified residue will be different than the BestSequence peptide) |
ModInfo | Modified residue and modification symbol |
For the AScore value:
- 0 means unable to localize (too ambiguous due to too many S, T, and Y residues)
- 19 or higher indicates 99% certainty of the phosphosite localization
- 1000 means the peptide only has one phosphosite
- -1 means the peptide has no modified residues
Use the following steps to analyze results from a set of DMS analysis jobs. When retrieving the PHRP data files, you can either run AScore on all of the identifications in the first-hits or synopsis file, or you can filter the data using an MSGF cutoff (which will result in a faster AScore runtime due to fewer peptides to process)
Use Mage File Processor to retrieve the required files
- Search datasets by dataset ID: 340332, 340360, 340380, 340369, 340366, 340356, 340336, 340354, 340359, 340371, 340372, 340363
- Find *
- Search jobs by dataset ID: 340332, 340360, 340380, 340369, 340366, 340356, 340336, 340354, 340359, 340371, 340372, 340363
- Find *_ModSummary.txt (just need one of them)
- Search jobs by dataset ID: 340332, 340360, 340380, 340369, 340366, 340356, 340336, 340354, 340359, 340371, 340372, 340363
- Find *_fht.txt Create a single, combined file using "Process files to local folder"
- Use the "Add Job Column" mapping to assure that the Job number is the first column
- Name the file Leishmania_TMT_NiNTA_msgfdb_fht.txt
Use Mage Extractor to filter the MS-GF+ results with MSGF_SpecProb < 1E-10
- Search jobs by dataset ID: 340332, 340360, 340380, 340369, 340366, 340356, 340336, 340354, 340359, 340371, 340372, 340363
- Select the MSGFPlus jobs
- Set the MSGF Cutoff to "1E-10" and Result Type to Extract to "MS-GF+ Synopsis First Protein"
- Define the output file: Leishmania_TMT_NiNTA_filtered_results.txt
- Click "Extract results from Selected Jobs"
Alternatively, manually create the PHRP data files using Peptide Hit Results Processor (PHRP)
Unzip the files
Copy the AScore parameter file from \\gigasax\DMS_Parameter_Files\AScore
to your local computer.
Use either of these files:
- AScore_CID_0.5Da_ETD_0.5Da_HCD_0.05Da.xml
- AScore_CID_0.5Da_ETD_0.5Da_HCD_0.05Da_MSGF1E-12.xml
This file is only required if the input file has results from multiple jobs. It is a tab-delimited file with two columns, Job and Dataset
Run AScore Console, using the switches described below.
Results files will be the input file, but with _AScore.txt
in the filename, for example:
- CPTAC_CompREF_00_iTRAQ_NiNTA_01b_22Mar12_Lynx_12-02-29_msgfplus_fht_AScore.txt
AScore_Console.exe is a console application, and must be run from the Windows command prompt.
Use -T
to specify the search engine type, for example -T:msgfplus
- Allowed values for search engine are: sequest, xtandem, inspect, msgfdb, or msgfplus
Use -F
to specify the input file:
- Supported formats: First hits file (_fht.txt), synopsis file (_syn.txt), .mzid, or .mzid.gz
- First hits files and synopsis files are tab-delimited files created by the Peptide Hit Results Processor (PHRP)
- Example synopsis file: QC_Shew_13_05b_HCD_500ng_24Mar14_Tiger_14-03-04_msgfplus_syn.txt
- Mzid files correspond to the mzIdentML Data Standard for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Results (PMID:22375074)
files are gzipped.mzid
- First hits files and synopsis files can optionally include results from multiple datasets
- In this case, the header for the first column must be
- Then, the first column of each row should be the job number for that row's PSM
- In this case, the header for the first column must be
Use -D
to specify the file with spectra data.
- This is typically a
file, or a.mzML.gz
file- The program also supports the legacy concatenated DTA file (_dta.txt) format
If the first hits file specified by -F
includes job numbers in the first column, use -JM
to specify a job to dataset map file.
- When using
, do not use-D
- Columns in the job to dataset map file are Job and Dataset (tab-separated)
- List the Dataset name in the second column
Use -P
for the AScore parameter file
- Example file: AScore_CID_0.5Da_ETD_0.5Da_HCD_0.05Da.xml
Optionally use -O
to specify the output directory
Optionally use -L
to create a log file
Use -noFM
to disable filtering on data in column MSGF_SpecProb.
- By default, data is filtered using the MSGFPreFilter score specified in the AScore parameter file
- For example, to filter on MSGF SpecProb 1E-12 use:
Use -U
to create an updated version of the input file, but with AScore columns appended to each row
Use -Skip
to not re-run AScore if an existing results file already exists
Optionally use -Fasta
to add Protein Data from Fasta_file to the output
When using -Fasta
, use -PD
to include Protein Descriptions in the output
AScore_Console.exe -T:sequest
AScore_Console.exe -T:msgfplus
AScore_Console.exe -T:msgfplus
AScore_Console.exe -T:msgfplus
Written by Josh Aldrich for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA)
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
Website: or
AScore Console is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at