- My Home is a real estate search website similar to (property finder), but it adds maps for more interactivity.
- It is a full stack app with authentication, role management ,db security in mind.
- Ads are searchable by location tags and filtered by variety of categories (price, area , rooms, ...)
- Ads are listed with pins on map which can be clicked to open a modal, and property cards clicking onw will open popup on the relative pin.
- The modal and cards have carousel, and action buttons (call, whatsapp)
- Users can have and manage favorites.
- Agencies and agents can be added throw list with us button for ease of testing.
- A full control panel is implemented to manage Agencies, Agents, Ads.
- Analytics for ads., agencies, users actions.
- Forms are validated using mantine forms.
- Preact as the framework.
- Mantine for components and styling.
- Parse as backend server.
- Preact signals for state managment.
- Mantine Forms, carousel, Notifications.
- Maptiler for maps.
- Vite as bundler.
- Admin and subadmin to manage agencies.
- Agency which can create "Admin, Moderator" to create ads and agents.
- Admin can create and manage all ads in the agency also can create "Moderator , SeniorAgent, Agent".
- Moderator can create agents and this role and its created agents have access only to its own ads.
- Senior agent have access to all prperties in the agency but can't create ads.
- Agent have access to ads created by his moderator.
- Arabic Localization (i18 next is already added and configured).
- Client side Protected routes, db is already protected.
- The project is still ongoing with pending ideas and testing components so it needs code cleanup.
- Preact has a code splitting issue so migration to Next js is planned if going to production.