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Kai edited this page Mar 11, 2025 · 41 revisions

PROCEED Project Internal Wiki for Development

PROCEED is an open-source process documentation, analysis and automation tool. It is designed as a fully comprehensive process management system and offers special features for internal Business Process organisation, Industry 4.0, Smart Home and Supply Chains.

The PROCEED system basically consists of two software packages: the Management System (MS) and the Engine. These systems in turn consist of several components.

This wiki documents important information about the internal structures and implementations that are necessary for the further development of the PROCEED software. For easy, immediate start of development, follow the instructions for local execution in the README and additionally our recommendations for setting up the development environment. Also, you should read the Contribution Guidelines page and must sign the Contributor Agreement before we can accept any pull request from you.

General Documentation

Documentation concerning MS and Engine

PROCEED Management System

MS Core and Components


Engine Modules:


This section is mainly for backup purposes. It usually links to descriptions of certain aspects of previous versions of the MS or the Engine.

This is the Dev Wiki

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