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This is Text Encryption tool which uses different types of algorithm to convert plain text to cipher text


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Text Encryption and Decryption


Text Encryption and Decryption is the process of converting the Plain text to the Cipher text which is unreadable normally for a human being. generally this technique used for end to end Encryption when any secure message transferring will happens. So, to ensure the security and for the concern of privacy this technique used. Here this tool will help you to encrypt your normal text into a random join of different literals [cipher text]. It provides different types of features and encryption technique by so that the user will customise him/herself accordingly.


MIT License GPLv3 License AGPL License


  • Encryption from File--->>

App Screenshot

Encryption from Text or Sentences--->>

App Screenshot

App Screenshot

App Screanshot

App Screanshot

App Screanshot

📒 Table of contents

🌟 About the Project


Here're some of the project's best features:

  1. Encryption the text using letter shuffle position of the string
  2. Encryption the text using the Cryptography Method
  3. Encryption the text using Caesar Cipher Method
  4. Encryption the text using Playfair Cipher
  5. Encryption the text using Hill Cipher
  6. Encryption the text using One_Time_Pad(OTP)
  7. Encryption the text using Columnar_transposition
  8. Encryption the text using AES
  9. Encryption the text using Blowfish

🧰 Getting Started

‼️ Prerequisites

🛠️ Installation Steps

Clone the URL using the command--->>

git clone

Install all the dependencies---->>

pip install colorama
pip install cryptography
pip install numpy
pip install fernet

Install all the file in a bunch---->>

pip install -r requirements.txt

🧪 Running Tests

Run the tool using the command---->>

Run for file--->


Run for Text or Sentence only---->>


👋 Contribution Guidelines:

Introduction and Purpose: Provide a brief overview of the project its goals and its significance in the open-source community. Explain the purpose of the contribution guidelines: to ensure smooth collaboration and maintain project quality. Code of Conduct: Outline the expected behavior within the project community. Emphasize respect inclusivity and professionalism in interactions. Provide contact information for reporting any code of conduct violations. Getting Started: Explain how to set up the development environment to start contributing. Include installation instructions for dependencies tools and any prerequisites. Provide steps for cloning the repository and running the project locally. Reporting Issues: Describe how to report bugs feature requests or other issues. Include guidelines on writing clear and reproducible issue reports. Specify the information needed such as environment details and steps to reproduce the problem. Contributing Code: Explain the process of contributing code changes using pull requests (PRs). Describe the branching strategy (e.g. feature branches pull request branches). Provide coding conventions and standards to follow including indentation variable naming and commenting. PR Submission Guidelines: Describe the steps for submitting a PR: forking the repository creating a branch and making changes. Explain the importance of a concise PR description that outlines the problem and solution. Mention linking PRs to related issues for better context. Code Review Process: Detail the review process including who reviews the code and the expected timeline. Emphasize the importance of addressing feedback and discussions professionally. Mention the possibility of multiple review cycles for substantial changes. Testing and Quality Assurance: Encourage contributors to write unit tests and ensure existing tests pass. Explain how to run tests locally and interpret test results. Address integration and regression testing as applicable. Documentation: Stress the significance of maintaining comprehensive and up-to-date documentation. Provide guidelines for documenting code APIs configuration and user guides. Explain how to contribute to both code and documentation improvements. Licensing and Copyright: Clarify the project's licensing model and how it affects contributions. Ensure contributors understand the license under which their contributions will be distributed. Acknowledgments: Recognize and appreciate contributors' efforts and contributions. Highlight a contributor's hall of fame or special recognition for outstanding contributions. Communication Channels: Provide links to communication platforms like mailing lists chat rooms or forums. Encourage open discussions questions and engagement within the community. Maintainer Contact: List contact information for project maintainers or community leaders. Explain when and how to seek help or guidance during the contribution process. Version Control and Releases: Describe how version control is managed (e.g. Git) and the branching strategy. Explain how releases are planned including version numbering and release notes. Security Concerns: Provide guidelines for responsibly reporting security vulnerabilities. Explain the process for addressing and disclosing security issues. These comprehensive contribution guidelines ensure that contributors understand the project's expectations workflows and values fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment. By following these guidelines contributors can contribute effectively and help maintain a high-quality open-source project.


  • Is this tool contains any type of malware?

    Absolutely not, this tool is totally based on the python language it doesn't contain any type of malware or script which will harm the system

  • Is it platform independent?

    yes, this tool can run on all Operating System (e.g. Linux, Mac, windows) just ensure that you installed the latest version of git

  • Is it necessary to install python to run this tool?

    yes, of curse this tool is made of python language

  • What is Text Encryption and Decryption?

    Text Encryption and Decryption is a process of converting plain text into a secure format (ciphertext) using encryption algorithms and then reverting it back to the original form through decryption.

  • Why should I use Text Encryption?

    Text Encryption ensures that sensitive information remains confidential during transmission and storage, providing an extra layer of security against unauthorized access.

  • Is this tool free to use?

    Yes, this tool is open-source and free to use under the specified license. You can find license details in the repository.

🛡️ License:

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public Licensed

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🚀 Creating an outstanding repository like this is within your grasp! Embrace your creativity and innovation to craft something truly amazing. Remember the journey of a thousand lines of code begins with a single commit. Don't hesitate to dive into new technologies collaborate with the community and share your knowledge. Your repository could inspire others spark collaboration and leave a lasting impact. Dream big code boldly and let your passion shine through your work. The developer community is here to support you every step of the way. Happy coding!" 🌟

🤝 Contact

Dayananda Bindhani - - [email protected]

Project Link:


This is Text Encryption tool which uses different types of algorithm to convert plain text to cipher text




Code of conduct





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