This project contains an Angular JS application to create a GUI for PTAnywhere.
This project uses Bower. Simply add the following dependency:
"dependencies": {
"pt-anywhere": "git://",
Simply set one of these variables as constants:
angular.module('ptAnywhere.locale').constant('use', 'locale_en');
angular.module('ptAnywhere.api').constant('url', '');
.constant('imagesUrl', '')
.constant('fileToOpen', '');
First, load the locale file:
<script src="path/ptanywhere_es.js"></script>
Then, make sure that you set the locale that you added.
angular.module('ptAnywhere.locale').constant('use', 'locale_es');
To create your locale file, I recommend you to copy and edit locale/en.js.
Install via npm:
$ npm install
Install via bower:
$ bower install # Or bower update
Use one of the following alternatives:
$ npm test
$ gulp test
Version-type can be "major", "minor", "patch" or "prerelease".
$ npm run release [version-type]
(Do not forget to tag the version after committing it)
$ git tag "v0.0.1" -m "Description of the new version"
$ git push --tags