C++ STM32 Hall CAN warper library
The library constitutes of:
, the main class responsible for receiving and interpreting frames- a set of header files containing the structs that are relayed as frames' payloads.
, a file handling the inner workings of the library
All files are automatically included once the can_interface.hpp
is included.
All classes, structs, enumeration types and constants are namespaced.
(1) Can interrupt RX0 and RX1 must be enabled
(2) In properties->c/c++>build->includes add relative path to the library
(3) Do git submodule add -b <branch> <url> <relative_path_4m_root>
to add the library as a submodule
To send a frame, first create a data structure that will be the frame's payload. All data structures are available once can_interface.hpp
is included:
Apps_main apps_test{
.pedal_position = 1200,
.counter = 0,
.position_diff = 0,
.device_state = Apps_states::Normal_operation,
Then, create a PUTM_CAN::Can_tx_message
object. Its constructor takes the payload struct and CAN_Tx_HeaderTypeDef
as arguments. Both are available in the CanHeaders and included with can_interface.hpp
auto apps_main_frame = PUTM_CAN::Can_tx_message<Apps_main>(apps_test, can_tx_header_APPS_MAIN);
Finally, you can invoke the send
method upon it. It takes the CAN_HandleTypeDef
as an argument and will return a Hal_StatusTypeDef
auto status = apps_main_frame.send(hcan1);
You can check if the frame was relayed correctly:
if (status != HAL_StatusTypeDef::HAL_OK) {}
The can_interface.hpp
creates a global PUTM_CAN::Can_interface can
object and registers a callback. The registered callback grants automatic frame interpretation into structs defined in the CanHeaders/
. If an error is detected, it invokes the Error_Handler()
Since the frames are automatically interpreted, one can just invoke the proper getter method on the global PUTM_Can::can
object to get one of the structs defined in CanHeaders/
//example for bms_hv_main
auto bms = PUTM_CAN::can.get_bms_hv_main();
If you'd like to verify that the frame accessed is new, you can call functions such as get_bms_hv_main_new_data()
that return a bool.
- all frames are zero-initialised
- a frame is not new until it has been received
- once a frame has been accessed, it is not new
Check what value RxFIFOx takes by default. Most often it has to be edited appropriately after generating the project. For example, using FDCAN1 we change the value from 0 to 1:
//in Drivers/STM32x_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32x_hal_fdcan.c
if (RxLocation == 1) /* Rx element is assigned to the Rx FIFO 0 */
/* Check that the Rx FIFO 0 is not empty */
if ((hfdcan->Instance->RXF0S & FDCAN_RXF0S_F0FL) == 0U)
/* Update error code */
hfdcan->ErrorCode |= HAL_FDCAN_ERROR_FIFO_EMPTY;
return HAL_ERROR;
// and
if (RxLocation == 1) /* Rx element is assigned to the Rx FIFO 0 */
/* Acknowledge the Rx FIFO 0 that the oldest element is read so that it increments the GetIndex */
hfdcan->Instance->RXF0A = GetIndex;
else /* Rx element is assigned to the Rx FIFO 1 */
/* Acknowledge the Rx FIFO 1 that the oldest element is read so that it increments the GetIndex */
hfdcan->Instance->RXF1A = GetIndex;
/* Return function status */
return HAL_OK;
To add the library as a submodule, open the terminal in the repo folder and do:
git submodule add [email protected]:PUT-Motorsport/PUTM_EV_CAN_LIBRARY.git path/to/library
Git tries to copy the files directly to the path/to/library
directory, so it's critical to end the path with a new folder name, preferably "PUTM_EV_CAN_LIBRARY".
git submodule add [email protected]:PUT-Motorsport/PUTM_EV_CAN_LIBRARY.git Project/Core/Inc/PUTM_EV_CAN_LIBRARY
The PUTM_EV_CAN_LIBRARY does not need to exist at that point.
To clone a project with submodules, do:
git clone --recursive <link-to-repo>
If a project wasn't cloned recursively:
git submodule init
git submodule update
will initialize and copy the submodule.
The HEAD should be set correctly by default.
Open the terminal in the library folder and invoke git status
- With the library HEAD correctly pointing to main, the result should be:
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
- With the detached HEAD, the output is:
HEAD detached at 1cce897
nothing to commit, working tree clean
In the detached HEAD mode, git pull
won't work.
If the library has been added and it points to a specific commit, do:
git checkout main