This is the code repository for Real-World Projects with Flutter [Video], published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the video course from start to finish.
Flutter is quickly becoming a well-known framework for developing cross-platform apps for both Android and iOS devices. Apps made with Flutter are very fast because of their high rendering power. This course is for developers who have been studying Flutter but have hit some roadblocks in the next steps of their development. The course is designed to bridge any questions or issues that you may have while creating complete Android and iOS applications.
This course models real world problems and then teaches the steps and techniques for creating solutions in the form of complete Android and iOS applications. With Flutter, you will develop multiple apps for both stores with just one code base. You will be able to build app layouts, widget animation, pulling and pushing data to servers and compiling codes and release to both the Stores.
By the end of this course, you will have the skills and confidence to start creating Android & iOS apps straight away with Flutter.
- Implement material design widgets to create beautiful layouts
- Decode JSON with models to communicate with remote services
- Add Google maps, routes, and places to create comprehensive map applications
- Detect images to discover the powerful machine learning APIs with the Firebase ML Kit
- Manage state changes using the Scoped Model, Bloc and Redux architecture patterns
- Migrate content to the cloud with Firebase authentication, database, and storage solutions
- Build robust code with Unit, Widget, and Integration testing
- Build and release applications to publish to the Google Play Store and App Store
To fully benefit from the coverage included in this course, you will need:
To fully benefit from the coverage included in this course, you will need:
● Familiarity with the Flutter framework, widgets and the Dart programming language
● Familiarity with Git and GitHub for source control
● Comfortable with using either Android Studio, IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code editor
● Able to setup the Android Emulator and iOS simulator
● (Optional) Experience with Firebase storage and Firestore database
This course has the following software requirements:
This course has the following software requirements:
● An editor like Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA Community or Visual Studio Code
● Flutter SDK - then run flutter doctor and update your path
● Xcode
● Homebrew
● Android Studio
This course has been tested on the following system configuration:
● OS: macOS High Sierra
● Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
● Memory: 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
● Hard Disk Space: 250 GB
● Video Card: Intel Iris 1536 MB