We use face recognition for customer detection at entry, customer sentiment analysis and capture cutomer feedback gestures across your entire retail store and give you the best possible analysis of your customer.
Salesmigo is your key to multiplying your sales you make! Elevate your workforce to bring out the best in them, productivity and accuracy! In short a salesperson's best amigo!
Note: The hosted apps are very slow due to free tier limitations, it would work best if you used the local server instances instead!
I've hosted the front-end app at: https://vercel.com/palanikannan1437/salesmigo
I've hosted the backend-end app at: https://salesmigo-backend.herokuapp.com/
Client: ReactJS(NextJS framework),face-api.js, tfjs-core, Styled Components, ReactDnD
Server: NodeJS(ExpressJS framework), face-api.js, tfjs-node, AWS,Recombee
To increase the face decriptor matching downtime for face recognition, I've implemented multithreading in nodejs using node worker threads!
As the size of the database increases,I noticed that just plainly iterating through the list of databases and comparing the euclidean distance between the input descriptor and list of descriptors from the dataase increased by 10ms with every customer record I inserted in the database. So to reduce the downtime implemented comparing using worker threads by using shared buffer memory!
Face database with 10k records:
iterative approach: 1 => ~100000ms / match
my approach: threadPoolSize: 12 => ~1000 ms / match
Face database with 300k records:
threadPoolSize: 1 => ~43 mins / match
my approach: threadPoolSize: 12 => ~24 s / match
These results are based on my test run with loading the records from a json file instead of a database due to free tier limitations on the number of request made!
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Palanikannan1437/Salesmigo-backend.git
Go to the project directory
cd Salesmigo-backend
Install dependencies
npm install
To start the server it in development mode,
node server.js
Checkout my application's API Documentation at: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/17862825/Uz5FKGd4
Note: The hosted apps are very slow due to free tier limitations and limits, it would work best if you used the local server instances instead!
I've hosted the front-end app at: https://vercel.com/palanikannan1437/salesmigo
I've hosted the backend-end app at: https://salesmigo-backend.herokuapp.com/
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
From the start of this project,
I have learnt about security aspects of our application like cors, jwt access tokens, refresh tokens,rotation of tokens,etc
Proper architecture of your application's code for maintaining it in the long run
Working properly with git branches...i.e. a new branch for each feature and then merging to the main branch if everything is working after deployment.
Properly commenting stuff not only for others to read but even for you to understand the code later
Recently I learnt about the production aspects as well..i.e. deploying my backend to aws and restart it on a crash automatically!
AND the importance of proper error/exception handling, rejection handling and debugging the code!
And specific to this project, I learnt to work with ML face recognition libraries and I read some research papers about which model is to be used with which use case, both at the frontend and backend!