Based on: This repo
To run the image with docker use the following command:
docker run -d \
-e NOIP_USER=<Your No-IP username or email>
-e NOIP_PASSWORD=<Your No-IP password> \
-e NOIP_HOST=<Your No-IP host-name you want to update> \
-e NOIP_INTERVAL=<The update interval (default: 60 minutes)> \
To be able to use the image on an armx64 processor, use the image: papela/noip-updater:armx64latest
For logging purposes you would want to set the correct time in the container. We link both timezone and localtime to the docker container as such:
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
You can also download the script file and modify it yourself then run outside of Docker. The only dependencies required are: curl and sleep (most Linux distros have these preinstalled)
What this does is:
- Check if you variables are set except for NOIP_INTERVAL since this has been set at 60 minutes by default (If the time is equal to or less than 0, it will only be executed once and then exit).
- It uses curl to update the given No-IP host-name.
- It sleeps for the given interval (as long as it is not 0) and then starts at step 2 again.