To create a Social Media platform for anime nerds, where they can rate and keeptrack of the anime, interact in discussion forums and post their thoughts as posts.
To add the necessary libraries run the following after the clonning is done. Please install pip module for downloading python packages.
pip install django-crispy-forms
pip install Pillow
To run the website first you need to configure the database with the following :
python3 migrate --run-syncdb
python3 migrate makemigrations
python3 migrate
Now to run the server : python3 runserver
Some additional commands
python3 createsuperuser
| To create an admin in Django
NOTE : Never add migrations files while commiting your changes
- Base mode : Basic Structure
- ✔️ Making an anime database
- Backend for user (User model + basic pages like login, homepage, logout)
- Bcakend for animelist (Animelist model + animepage, rating and comments)
- Wakeau (posts created by user)
- Search bar for searching users and animes
- SSJ : Basic Features
- Additional features of the user like his favourates
- Animedatabase handelling app in Django
- Adding disscussion forums for anime where people can discuss about the latest episode
- SSJ 2 : Visual Overhaul
- Finalising theme and visuals
- Finalising name and logo
- Fixing some unknown bugs
- SSJ 3 : Additional Features
- SSG : Hosting
- SSB : Expansion phase
- UI : Making an android app