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My name is Paval Miatlitski.
(Slide - with family)
I'm Christian, Belarusian, father of three kids.
Before we talk about SCRUM methodology I'd like to make few preliminary notes.
First I'd like to give simple answer to the question how did Europe manage to make so much progress, so much success in the economic sense?
(Slide - Division of labor)
The simple answer is division of labor. Just a short review:
(Slide - Middle Ages)
As you know, craftsmen in the Middle Ages did everything by hands and performed all the actions, e.g. starting crude, production, trade, financial issues without delegating them to others.
(Slide - Venitian Arsenal)
During Renaissance period, they started manufactures, where workers were organized with such principles as:

  • Doing work mostly by hands, but such feature as division of labor was invented
  • All worries about starting crude, production, trade etc. were delegated to others.

(Slide - factories)
The 19th century faced huge changes. One of them was factories with machinery, automation, extreme division of labor and
(Slide - Karl Marx)
Karl Marx. He has bicentenary this year
(Slide - Happy Birthday)
As we see the division of the whole process into pieces and doing something in a repetitive way is the key to success in any business. However, this
(Slide - Charlie Chaplin)
extreme division of labor brought not only pluses and advantages. There were also alienation, exploiting, lack of communication and as a result lack of motivation. I suggest you to take a look how these issues might be resolved in IT through the SCRUM-methodology.
(Slide - Gantt-Chart)
At the begining of IT-business, they had already realized the crucial role which division of labor plays at production of goods, but they faced the issue of division in management and processes. They started to use model called Gantt chart, also known as "waterfall".
(Slide - Waterfall Pearl in nature)
They used to think about product and its development in terms of waterfall.
(Slide - development steps in IT)
It means that they thought about the product-development as integral whole, which consists of several consecutive steps which can hardly be reordered.
(Slide - step back in IT)
It involves some problems:
In case of corrections, you have to go back to the previous step, while other members of the team have to wait.
(Slide - one works, other watch)
Or even worse, you have to do all the work over and over again, which takes a lot of time and efforts, night and overtime work,
(Slide - guy with whip on a galley)
Project Manager looks like a guy with a whip in the center of the pic and you still don't meet deadline. It can be exhausting, overwhelming and hard.
(Slide - House MD)
As House MD said:

work smart, not hard.

(Slide - scrum-inventors)
Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber invented SCRUM at the late eighties in the early nineties of the twentieth century.
(Slide - Agile is umbrella term)
Scrum is one of the Agile approached methodologies. Agile itself is an umbrella term for a bunch of agile-frameworks
(Slide - Agile mindset)
The main principles and values of Agile developing are

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools,
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation and so on.

For more details, see Agile Manifesto page.
So scrum works in the following way.
(Slide - Roles(performers))
The roles or the main performers of the process are:

  • Product owner - is a person with brilliant idea which need to be developed or a person who is delegated from the business to the team. This person knows what business or users need from the product.
  • Scrum master. His job is to make sure that the project is progressing smoothly and every member of the team has the tools they need to get their job done.
  • Team - those people who make all the work such as design, programming, testing and so on.

(Slide - user story)
Product owner collects user stories, which look like “As a (position), I need (feature), so that (benefit)” and forms the
(Slide - product backlog)
product backlog. Product owner, Scrum Master and Team
(Slide - sprint backlog)
prioritize the stories and form the Sprint (or Release) Backlog during Sprint Planning meeting.
(Slide - sprint)
What is sprint? Sprint is a regular, repeatable work cycle during which work is completed and made ready for review. You end up with potentially shippable product every sprint.
(Slide - sprints)
Terms are essential for Scrum and every sprint lasts from 2 till 6 weeks. Sprint consists of tasks. Each of them ideally lasts one day. (Slide - 4 mandatory ceremonies
During the sprint, we have 4 mandatory ceremonies. They are:

  • Sprint planning at the beginning of each Sprint PO SM and team meet and decide which features with high priority should be done during this particular sprint;
  • Daily Scrum. It’s a 15 minutes everyday meeting where everybody says what he/she have done yesterday and is going to do this day. Team members should be precise and brief.
  • Sprint Review. Every Sprint ends up with Sprint Review where team shows the results of work, which i remind you is a potentially shipable product.
  • Sprint Retrospective. Special meeting at the end of sprint where entire team discusses what was done good and what can be impoved during next sprint.

Also we need to focus on crucial artefact or in other words tool - Burndown Chart.
(Slide - burndown chart)
Burndown Chart is a chart where we have amount of work to be done during the sprint on the y-axis, and on the x-axis we have duration of work in days. You mark the amount of work left every day.
(Slide - burndown chart-prediction)
After a certain period you can predict when all the work will be done.
(Slide - conclusions)
After this brief overview of scrum-methodology, we should notice that such achievement as division of labor or division of processes has been preserved, but at the same time, it has overcome some disadvantages of waterfall-methodology such as lack of communication, interaction and collaboration. In addition, we can produce shippable product in a short period of time using scrum methodology thereby ensuring so called continuous delivery.
(Slide - Software Craftsmanship)
By the way, after Agile manifesto was presented to the public other team of developers published their own Software Craftsmanship Manifesto, which bring us back to this slide.
(Slide - Middle Ages)
And shortly after that DevOps
(Slide - Dev-ops)
approach has emerged.
That means that management isn’t freezed or we have found THE one methodology. They still looking for it. And it’s interesting stuff to study and implement. That’s it. (Slide - Thank you)
Thank you.


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