Pbrtcraftdrv Provide Operate GUI for PbrtCraft.
$ cd build
$ ./build ../../pbrtcraftdrv-build
- Dashboard: Main function: using mc2pbrt and pbrt
- Result: Show last rendering result
- Files: Show
file tree - Logs: Show logging files
- Example Config File: configs/appconfig.yaml
- mcw_driver:
- workdir: Working diretcory.
- mc2pbrt_main: mc2pbrt execute file. It can ba an exe file or
- pbrt_bin: Compiled pbrt-v3-minecraft binary.
- log_dir: Directory for log file.
- python_file:
- camera: Path tp mc2pbrt camera's file.
- phenomenon: Path tp mc2pbrt phenomenon's file.
- method: Path tp mc2pbrt method's file.
- minecraft:
- directory: Path to minecraft world directory. Leave empty for auto detection.
- srv:
- port: Server Port.