This is a version of iPerf 3.10 built to make deployment and usage easier!
All PTG builds have unit and dynamic tests as part of the build of their images, as well as during runtime to ensure the system keeps running as expected. If the system falls out of bounds of the test, the images have some self healing capabilities fix common minor problems.
All PTG images under go a 8 stage security check to ensure not only is the PTG portion of the code secure, but to also identify and help remediate the underlying libraries and software security.
All of our images are checked daily for updates from upstream sources.
All PTG images are designed to be ran inside of air gapped environments with no internet, allowing datacenters to use a local cache as well saving bandwidth.
PTG is a company with funding and full time contributors to ensure our images aren't stale.
ALl PTG images are designs to be micro-containers, ensuring easy verical and horizontal scaling is possible.
PTG actively uses it's own images for everything so we can identify bugs which our automation misses.
PTG relies on volunteer customers and community members to beta test images, ensuring our stable / production images are well baked and as bug free as possible solutions.
Maintainer: [email protected] General: [email protected]
- Insert list of community collaborators
Documentation: ./docs/ Premium Support: Community Bugs / Issues: -/issues