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Fix links in PDF files, rewrite links, extract text annotations, remove pages


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apdfhelper: Annotated PDF Helper

This tool is originally meant to customize a PDF planner, and enhance its usage. With PDF files, it can:

  • remove pages

    If you don't use certain pages (anymore), you can remove them.

  • display or add table of contents

    Would you like to have a table of contents (bookmarks, or an outline in PDF-parlance)? Title each page? With this tool you can view , edit and rewrite page titles with a table of contents.

  • extract notes

    Extract notes (text annotations) in text format, ordered per page. If there is a table of contents title defined for that page, it will show the title of the page on which the note(s) appear(s).

  • rewrite (broken) internal links

    Rewire named links in a document to specific pages.

  • fix link types

    Ensure that internal links show the correct page, fitted in a PDF viewer.

  • swap pages

    Not happy with the current page ordering? Swap them around. Cut a page, and insert it into another location.

  • split PDF into multiple single pages

    Extract all pages from a PDF file as single PDF files.

  • inject pages from a PDF file into another PDF file

    If you need some pages of another PDF file, you can copy and insert them into your PDF file.

Sorry, currently only a command-line version of this tool is supplied, no graphical interface exists (yet...).


Python 3 is required.

pip install -r requirements.txt


When wanting to 're-organize' a PDF file, say calendar.pdf, first ensure that the pages themselves are in order, using the cut, remove and swap commands. Then, create a text file with page titles, toc.txt, the table of contents. The format of the file is TITLE PAGENUMBER, for example:

Overview 2024-2025 3
January 14
November 28
 Week 44 29

This table of contents creates 4 table of content entries, for 'Overview 2024-2025' pointing to page 3, to 'January' on page 14, 'November' on page 28, with sub item 'Week 44' on page 29. Entries support nesting, where spaces are used as delimiter.

Then, if there are any named links in the document defined, extract them using python links calendar.pdf > links.txt. This outputs all named links to links.txt with the page numbers it's referring to.

Next, edit links.txt and use the correct page numbers or use any of the titles that are defined in the table of contents file toc.txt. When using titles, don't forget to use quotes around them, for example:

mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-03-2023&2024YC:244 "Overview 2024-2025"
mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-04-M-Jan:5 "January"
mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-04-WG-Week44:148 "Week 44"
mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-04-Note-02:183 6

Next, embed the table of contents in calendar.pdf and create or update the links using the rewrite command:

python rewrite calendar.pdf --tocfile toc.txt output.pdf links.txt

And voila, the file output.pdf will now contain the defined table of content entries, as well as links to the correct pages.

Remove one or more pages

Specify one page number, multiple page numbers (separated by a ','), or ranges of pages (separated by a '-') to be deleted.


Example to remove page 1, and page 189 up to and including 212:

python calendar.pdf output.pdf 1,189-212

View table of content entries

python toc INFILE

Add table of content entries

python toc --add --title "Title of my page" --page PAGENUMBER

Extract notes (annotations) from a PDF file

Extract all notes (text annotations) from a PDF file, and optionally show the title or page number where the annotation appears.


python notes --headers calendar.pdf

This will return a list of all text annotations in calendar.pdf, grouped per page. If there is a title defined for that page, it will show the title of the page instead.

Extract all named links from a PDF file

Instead of directly linking to page numbers, PDF links can be named. links extracts all named links that are defined in a PDF file, with the page number it's pointing to. This can be useful as input when rewriting links. If the link says broken, it's pointing to a non-existing page. Note that this can be fixed using rewrite.


python links calendar.pdf

Rewrite links in a PDF file

Sometimes named links are broken: They point to non-existing pages. Or, you'd like to rewire the location of a named link. Use as input a text file, containing the named link, followed by a space and a page number.

Example contents of a link file:

mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-02-Index:241 2
mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-03-YO-H1:3 29

This rewrites the link named mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-02-Index:241 to page 2, and the link named mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-03-YO-H1:3 to page 29.

Alternatively, you can supply a table of contents file, in order to map page numbers to page titles. This can be easier when for instance a lot of links point to the same page number, or when you often change the ordering of pages. The dictionary consists of a title, and a page number. Then, in the link file, use that title instead of the page number. Don't forget to put double quotes around the title in the link file, for example:

mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-04-M-Nov:147 "November"
mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-04-WG-Week43:144 27
mossery-dpln-2023_third-edition.indd:2023-04-WG-Week44:148 "Week 44"


  Rewrite links in a PDF file based on a configuration file.

  If fit is given, rewrite type of link to 'Fit to page'. If tocfile is given,
  parse page numbers from a table of contents file.

  INFILE    [required]
  OUTFILE   [required]
  LINKFILE  [required]

  --tocfile TEXT
  --fit / --no-fit          [default: no-fit]
  --verbose / --no-verbose  [default: no-verbose]


python rewrite calendar.pdf output.pdf --tocfile toc.txt links.txt

Note that existing table of content entries will be removed, prior to importing new ones when --tocfile is supplied.

Detailed link information

If you'd like to see which page contains links (clickable areas), and what the link points to, use page-links. The result is the page number on which the link occurs, with the coordinates of the link (left, top, right, bottom), the type of link (internal or external), and what the link points to.

Optionally you can see which page number a link points to, which can be useful for troubleshooting broken links on pages.

Usage page-links [OPTIONS] INFILE

Display links on a specific page, or all pages.

Output format is: pagenumber left top right bottom [internal | external] link.

When resolve is given, specify the page number of the link instead of the
named link. Otherwise links might show up as broken.

INFILE [required]

--page INTEGER [default: 0]
--resolve / --no-resolve [default: no-resolve]
--detailed / --no-detailed [default: no-detailed]

Split PDF

Say you want to extract each page of a PDF file as single PDF file. Use the split command to do exactly that. Naming of the extracted files can be set by specifying a prefix, which will be followed by the page number. split [OPTIONS] INFILE PREFIX

Split one PDF into multiple single pages. The name uses prefix and the page

INFILE [required]
PREFIX [required]

Advanced usage

As an advanced example, the PDF Mossery 2024 calendar that can be found on contains gridded, vertical and horizontal layouts. To remove the gridded and horizontal layouts in an original unmodified (!) calendar file, use the following commands:

./ remove calendar-2024.pdf output.pdf 38,40,41,43,44,46,47,49,51,53,54,56,57,59,60,62,63,65,67,69,70,72,73,75,76,78,80,82,83,85,86,88,89,91,93,95,96,98,99,101,102,104,105,107,109,111,112,114,115,117,118,120,122,124,125,127,128,130,131,133,135,137,138,140,141,143,144,146,147,149,151,153,154,156,157,159,160,162,164,166,167,169,170,172,173,175,176,178,180,182,183,185,186,188,189,191,193,195,196,198,199,201,202,204,205,207

Note that this removes the pages, which will result in broken links. Create a file with all named links:

./ links output.pdf > links.txt

Then use a text editor to fix the broken links in links.txt (replace them with valid page numbers), and apply the new links to the modified file:

./ rewrite output.pdf fixed.pdf links.txt --fit

Now the file fixed.pdf will contain the 2024 calendar, containing the vertical layout, with working links.


Fix links in PDF files, rewrite links, extract text annotations, remove pages








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