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Philip Prager Urbina edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

Dogeray 2.0 fittingly uses GLTF 2.0 for scene files.

Buggy glb_

GLTF variants

GLTF or graphics language transmission format is developed by the Khronos group. GLTF 2.0 also has GLB which is the binary version of GLTF that does not require any other files. All forms of GLTF(gltf ,gltf binary, glb) are supported by Dogeray2.


To open a file just right-click open with Dogeray2.

Note about render artifacts

If you are experiencing rendering artifacts such as dark triangles on your model it is probably on a too large scale. This is caused by floating-point errors in the code that happens when your model is called too large. The render engine has no problem with most modes, but if your model is in the thousands of units in scale, try resizing to a more reasonable size such as hundreds or tens.

scene gltf__


GLTF was chosen mainly chosen for the amount of data it has. It not only carries model data(like obj) but it also contains PBR material data and textures too! It also can contain huge amount of geometry that can be parsed very fast. GLTF is also a very popular and widespread file format. There are many places to download models in this format such as Sketchfab. Most 3d packages such as Blender also have support for GLTF. Dogeray2 uses the library Tinygltf for file parsing. GLTF files also normally are triangulated on export which is optimal for this engine. GLTF also has a node-based layout, which can be useful for potential future features such as GPU instancing or top-level BVH.

GLTF supported specifications

Dogeray2 supports most necessary features of GLTF 2.0. Most models should work just fine. The GLTF spec can be found here.


  • coordinate system
  • cameras
  • both matrix and TRS transforms
  • nodes
  • Vertex normals and UVs
  • textures
  • PBR materials
  • Both buffer byte strides(16 and 32 bit)
  • emissive materials

Current limitations:

  • uses default scene
  • will only utilize one camera
  • No mixing metal and non-metal materials.
  • No normal mapping or AO
  • no GLTF extensions
  • no animations These are just the current limitations, there will most likely be support added in future updates. These limitations don't affect most models.


Dogeray no longer uses the old custom RTS file format in favor of GLTF so that it does not require users to convert all files through Blender. RTS support may be added in the future as a legacy option.

Other file formats

Support for other file formats may be added in the future. Obj and Ply are likely candidates.