- Currently contains config for my desktop and my homelab
- Modular config in progress
- Build around Hyprland
- Cosmic DE could be the future for me
- sudo fdisk /dev/xxx
- "g" for GPT
- "n" for new partition
- enter twice
- +1024M for 1Gb partition
- "n" and enter three time
- "w" to write changes
- result lsblk (-fp) should show two partitions 1Gb + the rest
- sudo mkfs.vfat -n BOOT /dev/xxx
- boot partition with BOOT labet
- sudo mkfs.btrfs -L BASE /dev/xxx
- btrfs partion with BASE label
- sudo mount /dev/xxx2 /mnt
- btrfs Subvolumes create /mnt/nix
- ... /etc /log /root /home
- sudo umount /mnt
- ...more TBD
- proton drive guide is here
- command used is
rclone mount proton: /home/ptc/ProtonDrive --vfs-cache-mode full
- just create the folder
mkdir /home/ptc/ProtonDrive
- to enable audio (Ubuntu) instal pipewire-pulse and wireplumber packages
- Arch wiki link - 2.4
- For multiple devices to be renamed, make multiple files
- name files as needed (51-XXX.lua; 52-YYY.lua; ...)
- aur package and manual download (.tar.gz package) both install fine
- To make it actually work change to .desktop file has to be made
- Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb /usr/lib/pentablet/pentablet.sh
- link
- turning off auto detection seems to do the trick