Tiny library that will help you to create references and keep them intact.
Don't use you're controller as a MODEL - Best Practice.
Controllers should bind references to Models only (and call methods returned from promises)
bower install angular-property-binder
npm install angular-property-binder
Simply add:
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/js/angular-property-binder.min.js">
to your HTML, load module ['PropertyBinder']
and then inject the binder service to your controller|service|factory|provider
angular.module('MyApp', ['PropertyBinder'])
.controller('MyController', [
function(bind) {
Angular Property Binder service provides easy to use and minimalistic chaining methods.
Here is the full list of accessible methods:
###binder( value )
- value: String or Array. property name to bind.
- Object; the binder
###from( scope, path )
Sets the source of the property to bind Mandatory
- scope: Object. The source object containing the property to bind.
- path: String or Array. The path to the targeted source.(optional)
Useful when you wan't to create a reference on a nested property
- Object; the binder
###to( scope )
Sets the target of the property to bind Mandatory
- scope: Object. The targeted object.
- Object; the binder
###apply( )
Applies the configured binding Mandatory
- Object; the binder
###as( alias )
Sets the alias to use for the binding Optional
- scope: Object or Array or String. The alias(es) to use.
- Object; the binder
###onchange( callback )
Sets a onchange event Optional
- callback: Function. The function called each time the property is updated from the created reference.
- Object; the binder
###seal( )
Seals the binding. The next assignations will not work after this.
- Object; the binder
###unseal( )
Unseals the binding. The next assignations will now work.
- Object; the binder
###destroy( )
Delete the created reference
Basic usage:
See the full documented example in example/modules/app/..
//cf example/modules/app/controllers/appTest.es6
//you can use $scope or controllerAs methods
.controller('App.controllers.appTest', [
function(bind, userFactory){
// old method - just create a reference with the factory property
// this.users = userFactory.users;
// issue : the reference can be broken by many things
bind('users'/*can take an array of properties*/)
.to(this /*or $scope*/)
console.log(this.users); //same as console.log(userFactory.users)
//avoid reference deleting
//sample : get the eye color of the first user in the userFactory array
.from(userFactory, 'users.0'/*path toward the nested property*/)
// the service can be used to create a reference on a primitive data type like integer or float
//bind an event triggered when the property is updated from this reference
.onchange((newVal, oldVal) => {
console.log('property updated', newVal, oldVal);
// bind(['users','fu', 'bar']).from(userFactory).to(this /*or $scope*/).apply();
// you can also give an alias to your property
// in this case the property will be accessible by this.userAlias
var binding = bind('users').as('usersAlias').from(userFactory).to(this /*or $scope*/).apply();
// var binding = bind(['users','fu', 'bar']).as({ 'users':'usersAlias','fu':'fub', 'bar':'bars'}).from(userFactory).to(this /*or $scope*/).apply();
// or
// var binding = bind(['users','fu', 'bar']).as(['usersAlias','fub','bars']).from(userFactory).to(this /*or $scope*/).apply();
// if you want to keep secure the factory data you can also seal the reference
// binding.destroy()
// you can even bind a function in order to keep the scope
// this.load = userFactory.load;
var app = angular.module('app', ['PropertyBinder']);
app.factory('app.factories.user', function() {
return {
authenticate: function() {/**/},
update: function() {/**/},
register: function() {/**/},
user: {
name: 'Jack',
firstname: 'Bar',
location: {
city: 'Fu',
country: 'FuBar'
app.controller('app.controllers.sample', [
function($scope, userFactory, bind) {
console.log($scope.user.firstname); // "Bar"
var binding = bind('firstname').as('userName').to($scope).from(userFactory, ['user']).apply();
console.log($scope.userName); // "Bar"
$scope.userName = 'FuFuBarBar';
console.log($scope.userName, userFactory.user.firstname, $scope.user.firstname); // "FuFuBarBar", "FuFuBarBar", "FuFuBarBar"
$scope.userName = 'Bar'; //it will not work
console.log($scope.userName, userFactory.user.firstname, $scope.user.firstname); // "FuFuBarBar", "FuFuBarBar", "FuFuBarBar"
$scope.user.firstname = 'Bar';
console.log($scope.userName, userFactory.user.firstname, $scope.user.firstname); // "Bar", "Bar", "Bar"
bind(['city', 'country']).to($scope).from(userFactory, 'user.location').apply();
bind('register').from(userFactory).to($scope).apply(); //similar to $scope.register = userFactory.bind(userFactory);
npm install
To build the dev version just type: grunt es6
It will create js files from the es6 sources.
To build the dist version just type: grunt build
It will generate and minify js files.