Pin Save is a decentralized image and content aggregation platform where users can not only control the content but also the platform itself.
- The decentralized feed reinforces the discovery of content and feedback.
- Decentralized Identity, which provides anonymity and data protection.
- Upgradeable, resilient, and open decentralized storage.
- Smart contracts to securely serve web experiences directly to users.
Mina, first zk-blockhain, smart contracts.
- NFTContract to mint and transfer nfts.
- SwapContract to buy, sell and swap nfts.
Mina Merkle Trees.
NextJS API to obtain adminSignatures.
NextJS API routes save requested data to Vercel Redis Database.
- Main schema that stores data for a MerkleMap with the same root as on-chain contract.
- Pending schema that tracks submitted transactions and promotes the data to main schema.
- Admin Signed schema that tracks admin signed data.
Decentralized feed of NFTs:
- Image posting:
- Decentralized post comments verified with Auro Wallet:
To run this project and start the project in development mode, install it locally using yarn
and run yarn dev
yarn dev